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17:49 Fri 14 Jul 06 (BST)
nah space 4 1 more small 1 welcom krauser m8, tht makes the team partially final now like, maz was sayin he might b leaving
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02:08 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
if u were on about me when u sed "sorry jon_boy but ur in a clan rememba" then u r wrong, im not jon_boy, get an admin/mod to check out the ip addresses if u want...
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04:59 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
I thought clans died out about 6 months ago?
I know that this time last year they were starting to die out, players were leaving and the big changeover started.
I know that this time last year they were starting to die out, players were leaving and the big changeover started.
06:06 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
Its amazing how much this site has developed since this time last year aint it?
Deleted User
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07:39 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
indeed, sorry jonny_boy my bad. jst glanced nd thort yaz were the same. team is final guys maz91 has officialy left so we hav 5 players. capeesh
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08:27 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
team is final guys
need a name and also a wud lyk u all 2 nominate hu u wud lyk as vice captain. ur nt allowed 2 nominte yourself and obviously dnt nominate me lol lil team game 2 get 2 know each utha a lil betta
need a name and also a wud lyk u all 2 nominate hu u wud lyk as vice captain. ur nt allowed 2 nominte yourself and obviously dnt nominate me lol lil team game 2 get 2 know each utha a lil betta
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08:54 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
thnx 4 including me guys but i still havent got a clue what ive signed up 4
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10:17 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
ill nominate im cheeky dont know why just picked any one
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11:16 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
could someone look me up and explain what this is all about
16:27 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
Its a clan dugganno. You play as a team against other teams.
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19:09 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)
dnno yet we will find out
cheeky gets my vote inall coz she a star
cheeky gets my vote inall coz she a star
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14:23 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
as u can c duggano has deleted his account. therefore we r bringing in robdut, a gd friend of krauser and a talented pro player
14:38 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
ill vote cheeky as well becuz shes a brilliant player
Deleted User
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19:44 Sun 30 Jul 06 (BST)
aye luks lyk we gt an ace team ere lyk guys and gal
Deleted User
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19:48 Sun 30 Jul 06 (BST)
now we hav an ace team we need a catchy nme!?? any ideas welcum
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