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Nick review the name creaiton rules

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Posts: 2,608
20:24 Wed 28 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I will do, and now i shall depart
Deleted User
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20:40 Wed 28 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Please remember they are there for your benefit, and help the site run smoothly and remain family friendly

This is on the home page on the moderators link, maybe you should bear that last bit in mind.

But chip_fork shouldn't have made that name, if you just explained yourself and then left it for nick to reply too then all would have been fine!
Deleted User
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20:51 Wed 28 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
reply to what?!

hes just askin if there can be more clafication to help people who want to create new usernames
Deleted User
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20:54 Wed 28 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes and wait for nick to give the answer!

Just calm down and wait for nick to reply to it.
Posts: 3,764
23:54 Wed 28 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yet another offensive name from chip_fork! What a surprise…

This is not the first 'silly' name you have created, and it's blatantly obvious you just like to test the boundaries of people’s patience. Maybe one day you might have children of your own, and they might come running to you asking what this name means that the silly man on the Internet created. Maybe then you will realize you are acting like a moron.


There are few names you might want to consider next time, or you might surprise us all and pick something 'normal' for a change? I hope you don't find them offensive.

Oh, and emma_85. Instead of putting the boot in you might want to support the moderators around here once in a while. When somebody is made moderator they change, simply because they have a duty to try and keep the site clean etc. Is that so hard for you to understand?
Deleted User
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03:28 Thu 29 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The only reason you would want to create a such a name would be to cause a stir, making you an immature attention seeking little idiot.
Pool_Life has pretty much covered what i would have said, you're not stupid chip_fork, why do you feel the need to push the boundrys?
In saying that, perhaps the 'rules' on this could be better clarified, and they will be.
And Emma, dont let me see you saying that all mods change, otherwise i'll get very annoyed, and i'll go on, and on, and on, and no-one wants to see that.
Deleted User
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04:43 Thu 29 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ok pool life what do you mean support the mods just for the record i would usually support the mods as most of them are friends to me they would get my full support.
My main complaint on this is simple, people reading the thread wrong. As most of the mods arguement is dont make a thread requesting a username unbanned which to be fair is not what chip_fork is doing.

and playerx anything new then

(and just to clarify thats a joke before some1 else bites my head off.)
Posts: 4,751
07:30 Thu 29 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Really this is an enquiry into a moderating action, so should have been capped or deleted earlier. Yes, it was worded as a query into the rules, but the rules seem clear in this case that names that can be found to be offensive will be banned.

However, as the thread is going I'll add my 2 cents!

It is never an excuse to say "there is much bad behaviour anyway, so I might as well join in". This means you become part of the problem.

We attempt to keep this site family friendly, of course having 24/7 coverage of every chat room is not possible, but the ideal is there and we are thankful to the vast majority of users who are not offensive (but are not as noticeable as the loud few rule breakers).

Also multiple accounts are not allowed, banning a secondary account can also include a banning of all accounts including primary accounts.

If you're worried about whether something you are doing is breaking the rules or not - then don't do it (thanks to goo for that quote).
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Nick review the name creaiton rules

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