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Posts: 8,940
02:59 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Rangers, i know the ranking system very well, but please remember rank is only slightly related to skill. (and yes, iknow i've crept up to 730, but i'll be back down to a sensible level before the day is out hopefully!)

The idea of this subject is so people can play others of an equal skill level, what points are won and lost are just a sideline.

I know you loose more points the higher your rank is, but thats because, if your rank is genuine, you should rarely loose to a lower rank player.

Therefore, higher rank players actually gain more by playing lower rankers, because they may only win 1 point per frame, but will reasonobly be expected to win most of the time.

Nick explains this very well in the help section, and if i remember correctly, this very subject is a big part of the reson the new ranking system was introduced..
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03:55 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
and anyway spinner on about playin people with the same win percentage. a newbie cud av played 10 games and av a gd win percentage tht doesnt mean tht player is at the same level of playin as u beacuse they wont of played lots of games so u cant determine if they r the same ability as u
Posts: 8,940
08:23 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well, i thougt that would be so obvious it didnt bear mentioning, but yes, games played must be bourne in mind obviously.

Sheesh! LOL!

I think tis thread jst goes to prove that playing everyone is the best option! People of inequal skill rarely play more than a few frames with each other before moving on anyways..
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12:49 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
"Well, i thougt that would be so obvious it didnt bear mentioning"

LMFAO sure u did!!! the idea of this subject mate, this thread tht i created is to get across the idea that if you are a 800 + ranker and u ONLY want to play 800 + ranker then you should be able to do it, as it is extremely annoying when newbies or stubborn idiots come into ur room and don't leave.... my favourite remark "Why should I leave"

This thread was not suppose to be about "so people can play others of an equal skill level"

I think you mis-interpret the thread!! personally, when i play i only care about winning and the rank, i wana be best obviously - *perfectionist* and i was only wondering if it was possible to be able to create a game set by rank.

Edited at 17:50 Thu 22/06/06 (BST)
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14:07 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think spinner is a little childish for his age ( between 30 - 50 ) from what ive seen he starts most arguments off.

bdw great idea tread i think it should be done!


Edited at 19:09 Thu 22/06/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
18:33 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL okies. Maybe school aint what it used to be, and the old asumption that anyone sitting at a computer could multiply equally well be it in decimal, binary or hex is no longer valid...

But seriously. Since when did percentages and ratio in general have to be explained?!?

What a sad state of affairs!

However, apologies where apologies are due. I thought the only reason for making a game with "specifcations" like these would be to play someone of equal skill so as to enjoy a good game and a decent number of frames.

<post too long>
Posts: 8,940
18:33 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  

I was only tring to help before (by offering a different twist on a subject that is, as stated before, as old as these very forums), but i cant see a simple rank only option being introduced as it has been discussed so often before, and always with the same outcome, if you dont like em, beat em, and they will leave!

And 7_ball - dude - its impossible for one person to start an argument. Go on, go to your room and try it......
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18:56 Thu 22 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I have spinner, it is quite fun actually

I can just punch my punching bag if i annoy my self though
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10:34 Fri 23 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
"I thought the only reason for making a game with "specifcations" like these would be to play someone of equal skill"

i suggested this idea so that the only reason for making a game with "specifcations" like these would be to play someone of equal rank.

obviously u misunderstood this thread, now be quiet u old git
Posts: 8,940
09:28 Sat 24 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah, so you misunderstood you own thread! LOL Classic!

By the way, i've tried setting up a game called simply "OVER 800", and in 15 minutes, 23 people entered, and only one was under 800, and they had 799. Most were also happy to play me, but i explained it was an experiment so they left.

So it appears people pay attention anyway....
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09:48 Sat 24 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  

no u frickin idiot!!! YOU MISUNDERSTOOD THIS THREAD because u kept butting in tryin to explain other frickin parts to the idea that never existed and waffling on about sumthings.....

well that was a very good experiment..... it seemed it went very well.....

i also did my own experiment. i created a game sayin "ova 800 rank ONLY" in about 23 minutes, 30 ppl entered the game.... there were only 3 ppl ouuta the 30 who were actually ova 800 rank!! i had to create several games due to ignorant ppl not leaving!!

HOWEVER, and this is the best part, all 30 ppl who entered thought that you was a complete idiot and a ..... well trust me folks i could think of alot worse but am unable to type the words due to banning!
Posts: 8,940
11:31 Sat 24 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh dear.

You are seriously trying to say that all 30 people who entered your game all knew me well enough to pass judgement?

Naming the game simply would help, i suspect the name you used was pure troll bait, and your results seem to confirm this theory....

As for misunderstanding, as you saw, i wholeheartedly agreed with you that i misunderstood, but was simply pointing out that in another post you said that the point was to take as many point off people as possible, but then later said it was to play people of similar rank, thus proving you misunderstood it.


Edited at 16:34 Sat 24/06/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
11:34 Sat 24 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  

And before anyone says, that is a statement of fact bourn true by simply reading what tread has written, nothing to do with me, so i cant possbly be involved in that debate...

I was, as i said, only ever trying to help by suggesting an alternativeangle which may not be opposed so strongly as the rank based ideas have been all through time.

So i shall leave him to argue with himself and go and enjoy the games with the "OVER 800" rank people who are happy to play anyone....

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20:27 Sat 24 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
1stly =

NO im not tryin to seriously say all 30 people knew you well, it's called sarcasm and i was taking the michael - do i redally have to slow these things down especially for you spinner?? god u r thick!!

2dnly =

Again spinner u misunderstand me, as u are a simple retard!!!! i PERSONALLY like to make games up for the sole purpose of takin their points, if i can. this is present tense!!!

In the FUTURE i would like to think that it is possible to create a game so that you ar able to make a game ONLY TO TAKE RANK OF PEOPLE. At the minute you can but simple things that get in the way for example newbies continously entering your game or idiots who don't know what their doing eg you spinner, entering the game

got it dumba$$??

Edited at 01:54 Sun 25/06/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
19:33 Sun 25 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive got it all along, and now i understand what you just said as well. (because they are different)

I really dont see Nick bothering to add the facility to be able to create a game "ONLY TO TAKE RANK OF PEOPLE", which as you describe it clearly means a game where you always win.

I doubt anyone would bother entering them to be honest!

Its a shame you have to use all the name calling and degrade yourself in the process, since we are both asking for the same thing at the end of the day. As i have tried in vain to point out, i have, all along, only been trying to help the idea succeed this time by suggesting an alternative to the oldest idea on the site..

Sorry for trying to help dude!
Deleted User
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12:38 Mon 26 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lmao right ok mate sure..... to me it seems that you jus try to create a pointless arguement and try to twist everything that someone says.

im not asking nick to make the facility to "ONLY TAKE RANK OF PEOPLE"!!! I am asking him IF IT IS POSSIBLE to create a game where only the required rank are able to enter the game THUS getting rid of the annoyance that comes with creatin a game sayin "only ...... rank" and newbies and/or idiots entering the game and noit leaving!!

im sorry if i offended you by name calling, i resorted to this, because you make things hard work. it seems like this is your website and that you have to interveen every single idea and make your own judgement about everything!! please don't because it is highly annoyin as others will agree with me im sure
Posts: 8,940
16:39 Mon 26 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Dude.. its called a debate, where you enjoy seeing others opinions on various ideas.

After all, if people didnt have differing opinions and viewpoints on things life would be pretty boring!

Sorry for being picky, i know programming makes your mind work in pure logic mode a little too often! (and dont worry, i dont "do" offended or annoyed etc, grew out of that a looong time ago! LOL!)
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