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make it the same table

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Deleted User
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20:04 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hello all, sorry to bring it up again.

i think the arcade snooker table over in funkysnooker should be the uk 8ball table here...

i know a few people would actually like this, but tell me what you think.
im sick of those bloody middle pockets
Deleted User
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20:06 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree it would be good, however the original table with the big sticky out pockets is what makes this game unique. it means newer players can pot easier and makes more experianced ones try harder shots, making the game more even and all round more fun for everyone

Deleted User
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20:11 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well, what if they made 2 tables....the one that we have now, AND a more realistic uk table?
Deleted User
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20:23 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i truely agree wiv what squeezy said this game is a fun site not to make it dead realistic i come on this site to have fun and with the UK table that is in place at the moment makes it fun...i personaly dont take this site very seriously with the ranks ect. i agree i wouldn't mine being at the top of rankings or tournament wins ect. but i prefer this site as a fun site not as much as a realistic site
keep up the good work nick
Deleted User
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01:09 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I haven't spoken about anything since my unneccesary demotion. This however, is a topic upon which an opinion is needed. I agree with Squeezy. DO NOT rid of the current 8 ball UK table.
Posts: 4,347
04:09 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Unneccesary? Are you kidding?

You completely abused your power, right down to booting ppl cos they were beating you!

I aint gonna go into too many details soz, but you even apologised afterwards to everybody cos of your behaviour, which I thought was decent of you. Seems now you've now changed your mind and decided everyone else was at fault except you. You obviously aint changed at all, so that makes your demotion all the more spot on! Sorry to mention this in this thread - but soz shouldn't have brought it up here either, and I think biased views like that need answering.
Posts: 4,347
04:13 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
On the subject of tables - I like both tables, but I think that squeezy is right - the old table is fun and unique.

I'd rather they replaced the US 8ball table with the arcade snooker table, or also have an arcade US 8ball. I might be able to pot something then
Posts: 8,940
06:04 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I HAVE to voice an objection to most of the posters here. I can no longer stand to play UK pool now. Th table is tiny and, just , well, UGH!

I say replace the UK table with the US one. Much more fun to play on, cleaner, simpler, just better in every way!!!

Thats my honest opinion, not an argument starter, there must be many more like me...
Deleted User
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07:06 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Which brings the question.. why do we have 2 different table types.. why not just a universal one and just change the colour of the felt and the balls, i never really got that.
Deleted User
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07:07 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
the table is tiny !!! what you talking about it got made bigger few months ago ..then it was tiny
Posts: 8,940
07:49 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The UK table is tiny, sits up in the left corner of the window. The US table scales to fit, just one of the many ways it is easier to play on.

However, size isnt everything! I just find the UK table so awkward to play on now after having played on the US one..

(I just dont get the step back with arcade snooker, the origional snooker table is fantastic!)
Deleted User
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08:23 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
your comp is playing up then coz my UK table fits the whole screen
Posts: 8,940
08:43 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Nope, is the same on every comp ive seen! (and there are a lot here who play believe me!)

You must have a tiny screen
Deleted User
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08:47 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
what u have done is gone to the help centre and clicked old size screen ...all u do is drag your pool table until the tables bigger and the balls are rounded
Posts: 4,347
08:58 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
There are vastly differing opinions on this Spinner, and I gotta admit I h8 your idea.

I'd be really disappointed if the UK table was replaced by the US8 table and probably wouldn't play the game. I could handle it being played on the arcade snooker table, which was the original idea of this thread, but not the US8, which is a good simulation, but not nearly as much fun.

Point is tho, 99% of people love this site and are happy with the choices available now, so why change and reduce them?
Deleted User
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09:19 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
What Squuezy and co fail to realise is that the Arcade snooker pockets are just as easy to pot in.
Although they look more realistic, i think they are the same size, with the only difference being the 'stick in pockets' realism.

I think they should be changed, as things are, uk 8 ball is like the 'odd one out', the change would not be big. If some of you had actually played the arcade snooker table, you would realise this.
Posts: 4,347
09:44 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I HAVE used the arcade snooker table x, and I like it.

But, like I said, I think it would be better replacing the US8 table, not the UK.

But...some ppl like US8 as it is, so the main point is - why reduce ppl's options at all, cos we all like different things.

Extend em over time, ye, but no need to scrap anything.
Deleted User
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09:54 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
its obvious there are LOOOOADs more people who prefer the arcade style table (just look at the popularity difference between the games), so it would be unfair to remove the arcade table.

For people who prefer the simulation table... you have a game (actually you got two games!)

and for those who prefer the arcade table.... you have a game too.

surely having the option to play either game is better than having to play just one??!!
Deleted User
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09:56 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  

The original used the arcade table... reason enough to keep it!!

Deleted User
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10:27 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
If you think the table is too small then maximise the screen.
I still use the old table, as in the one before it got enlarged.

Help > Table size is incorrect > 'here'

It's the original table and still my favourite one to play on.

Arcade snooker pockets are just as easy to pot in as the current UK table unless the ball is on a cushion in line with the pocket. This is unrealistic and some say makes the game too easy, I feel it just benefits people for go to clear and makes it harder to snooker, either way it benefits both sides. Offensive players get more 7 ballings, defensive get better at protecting pockets.

Don't get me wrong I think the arcade snooker table is great, it is the best table, but with that extra realism the game becomes slightly less fun and it's this little extra bit of fun that keeps me coming back.
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make it the same table

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