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ECW - calling all fans!

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Posts: 8,940
13:26 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Any other ECW fans here?

I've been an obsessed fan since the early 90's, buying tapes of the TV shows via usenet contacts (havent forums gone downhill since the golden days of RSPW!)

I'm so looking forward to the concept of ECW circa 1997 with the Titan finance behind it...
Posts: 121
14:33 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
yh i cant wait it willl be good cena vs RVD ecw is so good all the weapons they use it so extreme lolz
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14:40 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Cant say ive watched much of it, but when i see the odd clips i have to say it takes it to the extreme!!! he he he, noone beats the hardy boyz though what ever happened to jeff? i stopped watching it when he left and never found out why
Posts: 121
14:49 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
tommy freamer is one of the most extreme, he will do anything lolz
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14:50 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
rich, jeff was found to be a drug addict, wwe fired him, once he got help for his addiction, he moved to a company called TNA. where he was very successful. but he left TNA, god knows what he is doing now....
Posts: 8,940
16:59 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Jeff just recently signed a developmental deal with WWE, so the Hardy's should be back together on TV soon. Dunno what they have to do with ECW tho!

(Check out TNA's Enigma DVD, that will fill you in on Jeff's wrestling activities since he left WWE..)

Its a shame Benoit isnt gonna be 100% for the Eddie tribute match, i was so looking forward to that.

Have to admit that hearing Foley saying "your hardcore" was awesome, i loved that angle before and it fits perfectly now.

Personal fave has always been Sabu, watching him tape his arm back together whist getting a neckbreaker through a chair at born to be wired will always stick in my mind! Cant think who will face him though, hopefully Sandman..

They seem to be keeping WWE people well out of it this year thank god! Just waiting to hear if Sci-Fi UK is picking it up full time..
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18:39 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry spinner... i used to be addicted to the hardy boyz, as in inspired to them, jeff was always my fave, i missed it when he left and never found out what happened, great to no he may be coming back will the dudley boyz, raven and rhyno be in this ECW one nighter???
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18:41 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
YEA rich...dudleys will be there, along with all avalible ECW stars
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18:49 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
should be fun, i never liked the dudleys to be fair, but i thought they were cool and extreme and also had great games with the hardys for my entertainment
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20:14 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
yer they were good, but i dont think jeff is coming bk to chance
Posts: 8,940
06:09 Sat 27 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry boys, the dudleys, Raven and Rhino are TNA mainstays now and fully under contract (though Rhino is trying to get out, and is worth a mint as the current ECW champ, however thats why TNA want to keep him..)

Doesnt anyone watch TNA?

Jeff has already been in Smackdown dark matches McQ!
Posts: 8,940
15:47 Sun 28 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  

Sci Fi UK isnt picking up the ECW shows, its unlikely the Wrestling Channel can afford it, so looks like we have to rally Sky again!

It worked getting RAW live so come on, start emailing them!
Posts: 8,940
11:59 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Reply from TWC - thier TNA contract means they cant pick up any WWE shows..

So its Sky or back to usenet!

On a more cheery note, AWESOME to see Angle back on the ECW roster...
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14:05 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  

are you sure?
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17:02 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
angle..... ecw ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

rvd vs cena will rock

im defo watching one night stand
Posts: 8,940
17:28 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Er, am i the only one here who ever watched ECW?

Why do you think Angles first WWF feud was with Tazz? I'm starting to feel kinda lonely as an ECW fan!

The only thing that will rock about RVD/Cena is the dumping of that stupid belt!

Kinda worrying for Angle though, he needs a rest, not an increased schedule!

(most of you will probably remember Angle's rant following Ravens crucifiction of the Sandman, thats when he first kinda shot to the headlines in ECW)

Edited at 22:34 Tue 30/05/06 (BST)
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22:10 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
What the hell is gonna happen to smackdown now?!
There missing loads of main eventers.

I was a bit young back in ECW days but wasn't kurt there for one night, saw the crucifixion thing and wanted nothing to do with ECW? thats why he went to WWE?
Posts: 8,940
10:57 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats how it plays on the Fall and Rise of ECW DVD, but it wasnt that clan cut. Kurt wrestled a lot of dark matches and house shows against Taz (I got all the cam tapes too) But yeah, he was only on TV the one night and left, but that was just an angle if i remember correctly, building the clean goody goody image for WWE.

But more important than angle :

REY v SABU! What an f'n DREAM ECW matchup!

Looks like Smackdown is gonna be about Lashley, Batista, and Orton....

Edited at 16:02 Wed 31/05/06 (BST)
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11:51 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
and Kennedy hopefully.

Sabu v Rey should be good I really like Sabu and Rey is a decent enough peformer although I'm not really into him. Still it should be better than
RVD v Cena
Posts: 8,940
13:28 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Forgot Kennedy!

Will be nice to see Smackdown have the re-set it so badly needs...

I know Reys WWE matches generally suck (though this week against Angle should rock!), but did you follow much of his ECW or indeed AAA days?

Mysterio/Psycosis from the ECW DVD is a great pointer for the less familiar....
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ECW - calling all fans!

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