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Technical Problem-please help!

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Deleted User
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09:02 Sun 21 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
HI everyone,
This is a fairly tricky one:
I use windows and linux Ubuntu as dual boot, In windows everything runs fine. In Ubuntu funkypool is really slow, you can't really play it at all, The rest of the net isn't noticeably slow. Im using mozilla browser but i've tryed 4 of them and all the same. Ive disabled IPV6 in etc/modprobe.1 and it made a difference-but not enough of one.

thanks in advance,
Posts: 8,940
09:10 Sun 21 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I would suggest another browser, assuming you were talking about different versions of Mozilla. Opera is the best linux based browser i have used. Also worth running a system check on a flash enabled site to see if its the ad processing thats killing it.

And m8, thanks for giving me the idea to setup Linux on this thing to see if i can play at home!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:22 Sun 21 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol ye it's tricky though! Ive tryed four completely different internet browsers but not opera, its on the list. as for the ad processing..thats another thread altogether but I expect that it shouldn't be weaker than windows and windows can handle the ad's so im stickin with them!
anyone else?
Posts: 4,751
09:50 Sun 21 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Magicblack, I've not tested on Linux but I believe the speed might be increased by modifying your Java version and graphics setup.

1. Each browser could be using the same Java version. Test which version you are using on this page:
Links to download later versions of Java are provided on that page.

2. Check to see if you can get the correct graphic driver for your graphics card. Often Linux gives you a very basic graphic driver rather than the correct one. If it's incorrect you should check to see if your Graphic card came with a Linux driver, else use Google.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:06 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Just incase anyone was having sleepless nights or needs this as a reference!
The problem was that my ATI drivers were not up-to-date, this is why the game played fine small but stopped when enlarged, the drivers are downloadable for linux on the ATI web-site, New linux packages are not normally up-to-date.
Posts: 8,940
03:16 Fri 26 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmm, thats interesting. One of my friends at work suggested i try "anything but an ATI" in my comp at home, as he had had problems with Java applets untill he upgraded.

Since i dont do anything very demanding GFX wise ive just stuck to the same old ATI, will be trying a geforce tonight and see if that cures the lag..

Thanks Magic!
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Technical Problem-please help!

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