(Name removed) attempting Golden Breaks And The Leaving
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Deleted User
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11:33 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
he abuses you in games too and gets his m8's to start going on in tournies etc. Yes you can put them on ignore but you can only put 20 on ignore. the amount of morons on here its imppossible to cover them all.
Edited at 16:59 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 16:59 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
11:37 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
instead of moaning about this in the forums use the send complaint button or contact us and something might be done about it
Edited at 16:39 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 16:39 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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11:37 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
great i get my own personal thread, as for my mates i dont get them to do anything. If they come into the game thats nothing to do with me. And if i really did that golden break thing you are going on about dont you think i would have more than 3 by now??????
11:38 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
Let's leave it now, cool_dude gave some good advice there!
Edited at 16:39 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 16:39 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:39 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
Nutta not fair to single people out on here....theres plenty of people worth giving out about but theres better ways
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:40 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
and phillippe stop being such a hyprocrite, i apparently abuse people when you are the one sat there swearing at people
Edited at 16:42 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 16:42 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:40 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
dont you think the reason i am swearing is because its frustrating pool_life? Instead of saying dont swear it should be hang on ok maybe we can increase the number of ppl you can put on ignore?
Something constructive?
Sorry for swearing as i said its frustrating.
Something constructive?
Sorry for swearing as i said its frustrating.
Deleted User
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11:42 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
personally i feel that posting on the forums is the most effective way of deeling wiv losers such as benni. this is as on the forums ne1 can read it and be warned to steer clear of such players, complaints dont get broadcast so if the admins dont do anything about it as they sometimes choose to do, the offending user goes unpunished. for example last month there was the most racist ignorant berk, spewing abuse and hatred about ethnic cleansing for about an hour i sent a complaint and nothing happened so for something that the user should have been permenantly banned for he got of scott free, if i was allowed to give his name and offence in the forums ppl would know to avoid him like the plague and this would be due punishment.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:42 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
I aint sweraing at no-one benni, i was stating something. I think you need to look up the meaning of the word hypocrite too benni before you use it.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:45 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
i know the meaning of it. you complain about me "abusing" you and you sit there swearing at people. Ison what exactly do you know some people say some stuff about me and you just believe them.I've never played you in my life
11:51 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
'phillippe124', you post abusive language then proceed to tell me what action I should have taken…
Lot's of people get frustrated, but we don’t feel the need to resort to bad language!
May I also remind you that this is a child friendly site, so maybe try not to swear for that reason?
And please, let's not drag this thread into another meaningless argument. I’m sure people don’t appreciate having to read it.
EDIT: It would be appreciated if you could edit your previous post.
Edited at 16:57 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Lot's of people get frustrated, but we don’t feel the need to resort to bad language!
May I also remind you that this is a child friendly site, so maybe try not to swear for that reason?
And please, let's not drag this thread into another meaningless argument. I’m sure people don’t appreciate having to read it.
EDIT: It would be appreciated if you could edit your previous post.
Edited at 16:57 Fri 19/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:04 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
And pool_life, just because you are a moderator doesnt mean you ALWAYS make the right decisions or take the correct course of action. But i aint arguing.
I dont need reminding its child friendly either but thanks
Also i think you will find EVERY person on this planet swears now, and children are probably the worst culprits lol. Still what do i know.
End of discussion.
And pool_life, just because you are a moderator doesnt mean you ALWAYS make the right decisions or take the correct course of action. But i aint arguing.
I dont need reminding its child friendly either but thanks
Also i think you will find EVERY person on this planet swears now, and children are probably the worst culprits lol. Still what do i know.
End of discussion.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:26 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
Theres far to many threads that go on and on and on and on and on and on
with some meaningless argument that goes round in circles and achieves nothing!
Ison most people don't use the forums, wont see the post and hence can't defend themselves. Obviously auld benny did and its one thing posting on someone but an entire thread?!
with some meaningless argument that goes round in circles and achieves nothing!
Ison most people don't use the forums, wont see the post and hence can't defend themselves. Obviously auld benny did and its one thing posting on someone but an entire thread?!
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:36 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
I have a swearing dissorder so ban me now
but seriously ... i do
but seriously ... i do
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:43 Fri 19 May 06 (BST)
Well done babe...
You have your own thread. you are special.
and of course I dont agree with any of this.
Love you
You have your own thread. you are special.
and of course I dont agree with any of this.
Love you
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(Name removed) attempting Golden Breaks And The Leaving
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