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Stupidist thing you've done in a pool game

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Posts: 4,347
07:29 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
What's the worst moment you've had in a pool game - caused by your own error.

In real pool - I lost the final of a pub pool tournament when I carefully potted black without noticing I still had a ball in the lip of a pocket. I wondered why there was a gasp all around me when I lined up for the black. And then I punched the air thinking I'd won £200 and noticed that lots of people were holding their hands over their mouths and shaking their heads.
Posts: 4,347
07:30 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
And in Funkypool, during a semi-final, I flicked 'play online games' key to see who was in the other semi. In a moment of curiosity, I clicked on my opponents name on that screen, to see if would give me a shortcut to his ranking. I immediately found myself WATCHING the game I was already playing, instead of playing in it. The screen went to practice table and my oppo was saying 'wtf happened'. Then system dq'd me for non-attendance. He was saying 'that's not fair m8 - ul' and I just said 'oh well' and sat thinking MORON.
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07:53 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The first one is heartbraking... lol.
On numerous occasions i have potted the black in semi-finals or finals thinking I had won.. Really is a bummer when that happens!
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10:48 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
'and noticed that lots of people were holding their hands over their mouths and shaking their heads.'

Absolutely classic!!

Still, never mind. Just think of all the amusement you provided for the friends and families of the regulars when they heard about it later that night. I think you may have a strong case for reclaiming some of that money, for being the entertainment!!
Posts: 4,347
14:30 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol true - got bought a lot of drinks afterwards. But probably not £200 worth
Posts: 117
16:44 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Declined tournament finals accidentally on purpose.

Given 950 ish rank away within a week again accidentally on purpose just to see what people would say with an account with 50+ tournament wins and 500 rank (novice)
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19:41 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
shoved 50p in the slot (real pool) when it was 40p (2 x 20p's) and jammed it up oh well off to next pub with a pool table and leave the regulars fuming
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20:11 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ive lost to my mum hehe
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09:25 Sun 14 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i wer stopping at a youth hostel in york, and cos theres nothing to do in york me and my brother just spent all our time playing pool in the little game room thing all youth hostles have, to save money we stuck 6 cups in the pockets to catch the balls, unfortunatly the two cups in the middle pocket got jammed,and forall i know they could still be there.

there realy were some angry hippies there that day
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09:33 Sun 14 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Cups in the pockets!

Now why didn’t i think of that?
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09:45 Sun 14 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i did the same as martin_blank but was for a £80+ pool cue and cash prize of £125 i took about 2mins lining up for the black aswell that was probs one of my best shots in pool(real life) and it lost me the game lolbut becuase i got confused the guy who was playing me said here you can have them you deserved it
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10:23 Sun 14 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
silliest fing ive dun a?? well there are to many fings to mention- but the fings i do regulary are

- miss last ball for 7 balling and thn watch other guy clear up or snooker every ruddyshot

- miss an easy shot and watch other playa win

all gud fun tho..... right?
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07:15 Mon 15 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
right!!! lol
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07:46 Mon 15 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
my most stupid moment?
potting the black, white with backspin, rolls into the opposite middle pocket.

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09:27 Mon 15 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
erm!! lagged on black ina final ages ago and it was over the pocket and he lagged as well then i lagged and then he lagged again n then i potted it lol!
Posts: 117
09:52 Mon 15 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL! I was said "guy!". Yes great frames before hand though ronnie05 played very well
Was possiblly weirdest final ever.....
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11:11 Mon 15 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
the worst thing i've done cringe-wise was pot the white into a middle pocket while trying to pot a colour on the otherside of pocket. I think every1 does it once but its so embarrasing you wont do it again :)
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04:43 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Missing an easy black for a run out was pretty demoralising, but i'd say the stupidest thing i've done is missing the black altogether in the deciding frame of a tourney semi-final.
In the real world, playing snooker, I thought i'd try and be clever and swerve round the black to hit the red i wanted. But I just smashed straight into the black and left the red and lost after having a 25 point lead.
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18:17 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a while ago in US 8 ball. I sliced a black lengthways up the cushion....and the white just rolled over to the middle pocket and knocked some stupid stupid orange in

Posts: 117
08:55 Wed 17 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Errrm I was just in a tourn and oppo potted cue ball, had 2 shots on the black and put it over pocket with 1st one. Then just whacked in the cue ball coz I wondered wot he'd say

Just thought that was pretty damn stooopid upon reflection as he sed "gg" and left....
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Stupidist thing you've done in a pool game

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