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Interesting lag find..

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Posts: 8,939
10:48 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
As some of you might know, the reason for my occasional forum addiction is that due to lag, i cannot play when on my comp at home.

However, i have found that I can play arcade snooker with virtually zero lag whatsomever! This is using IE with flash ads enabled. Exactly the same configuration that renders all pool games completely unplayable.

Ironic, since its such a horrible game!

So, what is the different with this game? More streamlined code due to experience (since this is the most recent addition?)
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10:54 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't get lag on either games

Do you know what causes the lag for you?
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10:55 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well done ... this may be a breakthrough in gameplay ... this could solve many problems and arguements
Posts: 8,939
11:00 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont know, and have always put it down to my machine configuration. It is definitely not my connection (ADSL) since i can play perfectly well on my lower spec laptop on dialup.

If i used firefox with flash off then UK pool was almost playble, but since it is so insecure and unstable i prefer to just stick to the forums.

There has always been a little lag when ads load, ever since i signed up to pool sharks, but never to an unplayble level.

However whatever it is that affects the other games does not affect arcade snooker atall..
Posts: 222
11:33 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by an admin
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11:52 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Dead kennedy please dont use language like this on the forum.
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12:05 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Invision Forums...
Deleted User
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12:20 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes you should delete all hat filth you sad little man
Posts: 963
12:34 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Perv, get that inappropriate material off your PC loser.
Posts: 8,939
16:07 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh well, i was hoping to see lots of interestng theorys or a reply from admin as to my "discovery".. not to be it seems...

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19:22 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i found this out
i was running java 1.1.4 and i quit all my msn things etc but i left media player on and it lagged unbelivably i was sick when i shut of media player it went back 2 normal
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20:43 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
bound to have probs with a tuner on the go too
if ur using other web stuff or running other progs on computer its bound to slow it down pending on connection and local internet traffic etc

remember........... if there's an over usage in ur area (which u can never know about) then comps slow down,if i go on nett at 5pm to 8pm its slower than after that time thats y i go on after 8pm cos its quicker.............use common sense its like rush hour on the roads in the morning and evening but via fibre optics or airwaves....think about it

Edited at 01:48 Mon 1/05/06 (BST)
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05:00 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
abit harsh there tibnab lol
Posts: 4,751
05:17 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The problem with threads that talk about lag is that there appears to be 3 reported types of lag that may occur.

1) The usual type is that when adverts load the shot power is slightly less.

2) The connection speed to the server is slow
This is usually due to normal internet problems, ie slow UK-US connection speeds, a downloader program taking all your available connection, etc.

3) The whole game slowing down
This seems to affect Java 1.5 while Flash is showing.

So... what Java version do you use at home spinner?
Posts: 8,939
11:01 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I am using version 1.5 on all 3 machines i try to play on, software wise the setups are pretty much identical.

Type 1 has always, and probably will always occur, no worries there.

Type 2 - not an issue as i have no lag when connecting via dialup, and my 512 ADSL connection is clean.

And yes, using firefox with flash disabled the pool games are just about playble, but i aint going there!

I am more curious about this than anything! Especially since discovering arcade snooker plays fine...

If i get a chance later i will do some proper investigation..
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14:03 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
force - Member
(142 posts) 09:00 Mon 1 May 06

abit harsh there tibnab lol

That aint harsh m8 u aint seen harsh yet
Posts: 8,939
15:10 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok so what was this harsh thing?!?

(BTW Tidnab - i have yet to see any evidence of connection speed affecting lag, so your road analogy is irrelevant here!)

Right here we go. All trials using IE6, Java1.5, winXP pro running clean. Everything as up to date as possible.

Athlon 1.2, 512DDR, 64MbGforce2 on clean 512ADSL connection : Poolgames unplayable, UK pool possibly slightly better, proper snooker unplayable, but no noticable lag on Arcade Snooker.

P2-350, 512RAM, 16Mb shared GFX (laptop) 56k dialup (connecting at 31k, crappy line): Slow to load (obviosly) but no lag during any game.

Not much help i know but there u go Nick!
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15:19 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
the common sense comment ... abit harsh trying to pin a problem on the users sense ...
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20:22 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
its a discussion forum,
just trying to help, i never said my idea was the problem and force i wasnt trying to pin the blame, just a posibility thats all

spinner..... i aint trying to give evidence on the situation just another channel of thought, so my, so called road anology was relevent in my opinion

a reasonable point of discussion in my opinion

Edited at 01:24 Tue 2/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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20:54 Mon 1 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Try using an old version of java, just un-install the one you have and use the default version on your pc.

May be better then
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Interesting lag find..

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