Black Ball Pocket Nomination?
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17:10 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
Does everyone agree that there should be an option that we can turn on/off, to nominate a pocket prior to playing the black ball? Theres nothing more frustrating than losing to a fluke on the black!
Is this alot of work for the 'mods' or can it be acheived easily? Let me know what you think, cheers, ST_GEORGE
Is this alot of work for the 'mods' or can it be acheived easily? Let me know what you think, cheers, ST_GEORGE
17:17 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
firstly st. george id like 2 comment on ur name, ok now dat that is done,.....o wait i 4got wot i was gonna say
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17:29 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
i know this should be in another post but i think we should get nick to have a vote option in certain messeges .. admin can put it there ... then people can vote yes or no to an idea put forward ... i agree fully with this idea there fore i could vote yes
ALL FOR IT M8 i agree about the fluke part too .. but when you fluke it off the black your happy ... they feel like you do
ALL FOR IT M8 i agree about the fluke part too .. but when you fluke it off the black your happy ... they feel like you do
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17:36 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
Good idea, but what would happen if you potted the black in a different pocket to the one you nominated?
17:38 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
u lose, just lik the real ting........or mabe ur opponent has 2 try the same shot??? wit 2 attempts mabe
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17:43 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
Have a bonus for games where its named, you decide whether its a name pocket game b4 the game begins. Would be an extra option on top of friendly + ranked. Could have a bonus percentage of the normal winnings for winning a named black game. Say 10% extra on top of the normal points, this would work simular to edge modification bonuses/reductions however it would apply to all. Could have a maximum bonus of +1 for example.
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18:11 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
i like this idea too.
If the ball was to not land in the chosen pocket, then it should be re-positioned for the opponent.
If the ball was to not land in the chosen pocket, then it should be re-positioned for the opponent.
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18:17 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)
Just to clarify, i believe this is only a good idea as an option If it was put into place for all matches funkypool would lose its funkyness
08:37 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
Its an official 8ball US pool rule, that you have to nominate the pocket.
09:13 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
Its an official 8ball US pool rule, that you have to nominate the pocket.
I thought it was as well, but when I imported the rules into the game it didn't seem to be there.
Rules are based on the BCA rules:
I thought it was as well, but when I imported the rules into the game it didn't seem to be there.
Rules are based on the BCA rules:
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10:13 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
nah we will keep them the same, this is funkypool, not normal pool
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10:24 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
nice idea would be alright like squeezy mentioned as an option, nothing worse than pulling off a great shot only to be called a fluke....
10:32 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
hmmm rules have been changing around lately, not only in UK8 ball but in US ball aswell, well so it seems
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10:40 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
i think its a good idea but nick has the final say
12:07 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
Just voicing my support for this, though please not as an option, there are already too many of these! Just make it a funkypool rule and thats that!
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21:58 Thu 23 Mar 06 (GMT)
Make st_george a Mod - what a great idea!!!!
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09:56 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)
Why not just make it an optional feature when creating a game, would also be a great addition?
Nominate pockets; All, 8 / 9 Ball, None
This nominate pockets could be a drop down box like selecting the game to play?
Edited at 15:58 Fri 24/03/06 (GMT)
Nominate pockets; All, 8 / 9 Ball, None
This nominate pockets could be a drop down box like selecting the game to play?
Edited at 15:58 Fri 24/03/06 (GMT)
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Black Ball Pocket Nomination?
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