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Could the game begin from 1 Ball potted instead of 3..??

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Deleted User
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11:20 Wed 8 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont know if this has been raised before so i am just asking now?

This would stop players leaving mid game cos the chance of a run out has passed?
Deleted User
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11:23 Wed 8 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Could cause a problem Stubbsy though mate of people just quickly taking a break potting and game on! Without the other player being able to do anything. Maybe 2 could be better i dunno still prefer 3 at the mo. Nice point made anyhow.
Deleted User
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11:27 Wed 8 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah ste ur right m8,

Maybe an icon could be added so both players agree to play prior to commencing.

But thats probably too much work, and why change something that isnt broke...

Deleted User
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11:32 Wed 8 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah smashing idea just lacks incentive . Yeah a added icon could work but again the fuss of two people agreeing together would cause chaos in some cases !hehe
Posts: 8,939
07:07 Thu 9 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
GREAT idea about having a "game on" button.

The 3 ball rule is severely abused and incredibly frustrating.

I really cant see the problem with it being reduced to one ball though.
Deleted User
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08:04 Thu 9 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanx spinner, i just feel so much time is wasted by this current rule
Deleted User
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08:54 Thu 9 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe somethin could be done to stop people leavin when about to recieve a run out or 7ball
Deleted User
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09:12 Thu 9 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
this is a really good point as its one every user has an issue wit one or another. i think 3 is a fine number but what i dont like is the automatic re racking.

i remember when i first started on here, the user clicked an icon that re racked the balls after each game.

someone earlier sed about both players havin to click an icon to "agree" to play...maybe this re rack button could be implemented into that?

ste4eva...if one player has a problem then they simply leave the game and find one they actually want to play in.

the point of this is to enable users more choices......the choices that are taken are up to the user

Edited at 15:14 Thu 9/03/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:03 Thu 9 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive always wanted this put into place as theres nothing more annoying than somebody leaving midgame if theres a chance of 7 balling or a runout.
The only problem i can see is that if somebody wanted to leave after the game and there opponant broke and potted just as you left you'd lose rank.
Posts: 8,939
01:41 Fri 10 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is where the "agree" button (like *ahem* yahoo pool) would work fine. People would have to commit to a whole game, and the number junkies wouldnt loose out to a quick break.

The other option is a 20sec delay before break to give people a chance to leave if they want..
Deleted User
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01:46 Fri 10 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
''20sec delay '' never thought of that! nice one
Deleted User
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20:42 Fri 10 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im glad my point has raised a valid issue, I hope that maybe something will come of it....
Posts: 8,939
03:38 Sun 12 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh well stubbsy, not looking too good for anything coming of it!

I've had a few fellow players say that the delay before break idea was a good one. Any comments from "da management" regarding that?

It woud do away with the need for the 3 ball rule altogether and then everyone would be happy!
Deleted User
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04:16 Sun 12 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is another area we hope to improve at some point, but at the moment we have to prioritise our premium options and US 9 ball.

Some good suggestions above, and when we get round to looking at this area, we will certainly take them on board.
Posts: 8,939
07:58 Sun 12 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Simon.. yeah, dont delay the 9-ball!!!

I'd have thought the 3 ball rule would *have* to be scrapped in that game???

Hopefully i'll get my new comp in time to be able to play it at home when its launched!
Deleted User
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10:01 Sun 12 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
The reason why the 3 ball rule was introduced was to prevent people who want to leave from being forced into a 2nd game, or from losing rating when the y leave and the opponent pots 1 from the break. (Which happens more often than potting 3).

Auto rack was put in place to make playing longer games more simple. It doesn't make a huge difference but I still think its better having it than not.

A 20 second delay would annoy the hell outta every one who wants to play more than 1 game at a time.

If auto rack is taken off i think that it should still be there for tournaments as they would take a long time without it.
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Could the game begin from 1 Ball potted instead of 3..??

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