Bunzarino = Moderator!!!
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15:56 Wed 1 Mar 06 (GMT)
well done bunz don't no u but sure u will be helping me when my comp freaks out
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19:29 Wed 1 Mar 06 (GMT)
thankyou nice wonderful people
And flozza, when do i ever get in a stressy????
And flozza, when do i ever get in a stressy????
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09:48 Thu 2 Mar 06 (GMT)
Fair play, picked a person who has an opinion and is not afraid to voice it.
Also can argue constructively and without resulting to a slanging match.
Well done and good luck!
Also can argue constructively and without resulting to a slanging match.
Well done and good luck!
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14:28 Fri 3 Mar 06 (GMT)
how many people on here dont have an opinion? and nearly every one of them voices it lol, nice point.......not
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16:01 Fri 3 Mar 06 (GMT)
And how many of peoples 'opinions' simply agree with a moderators/admins views, or talk about harmless subjects such as film/music/sport.
Very few people are prepared to be confrontational with a mod/admin in a none offensive and sensible way, when they believe that they have a good point to argue.
Thats also my OPINION, and so i appreciate that yours differs.
I would like to point out that you have only recently started posting on the forums and so possibly may not have realised the way it works a lot of the time.
And how many of peoples 'opinions' simply agree with a moderators/admins views, or talk about harmless subjects such as film/music/sport.
Very few people are prepared to be confrontational with a mod/admin in a none offensive and sensible way, when they believe that they have a good point to argue.
Thats also my OPINION, and so i appreciate that yours differs.
I would like to point out that you have only recently started posting on the forums and so possibly may not have realised the way it works a lot of the time.
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16:38 Fri 3 Mar 06 (GMT)
Good things come to those who...recreate their user.
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18:53 Fri 3 Mar 06 (GMT)
playerx,1 of tha most argued topics is football... evrytime i enter the mb there are arguments about which football team ppl support so i wudnt call it " harmless" watch green street.. class film about football violence mayb not entirely tru.. but watch it neway
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08:58 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
Aye angel, i appreciate your point but...
1.Football Factory is better
2.Read Below
People are prepared to argue over things like that, but when it comes to things that might damage their chances for a certain position, suddenly they become meek and co-operative..
Cheers Ediss, your one of a select band who act like themselves on here.
Itgenswing, youve lost me.
To conclude, i feel Bunzarino acts herself, and so is a good choiche, which was my original point.
Edited at 15:02 Sat 4/03/06 (GMT)
1.Football Factory is better
2.Read Below
People are prepared to argue over things like that, but when it comes to things that might damage their chances for a certain position, suddenly they become meek and co-operative..
Cheers Ediss, your one of a select band who act like themselves on here.
Itgenswing, youve lost me.
To conclude, i feel Bunzarino acts herself, and so is a good choiche, which was my original point.
Edited at 15:02 Sat 4/03/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:21 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
a select band of ppl act like themselves on here? how many ppl have you met off here player x? you certainly havent met and dont know me. I speak my mind to anybody i feel like regardless of their status. And just cos i have 'only just started posting' on here means nothing. i'm sure i'll get the swing of it though soon, i mean its sooooo tough.
Edited at 16:27 Sat 4/03/06 (GMT)
Edited at 16:27 Sat 4/03/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:25 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
oh and i'll remember to talk about famine, murder and tyranny next time i am on, not film/sport or music. I'm sure it'll go down a treat and cheer everyone up.
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10:30 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
player x thinks he has controversial views pool_shark, i dont care how long he has been on here. how many posts he has made, he thinks he knows how to behave on here. shame he couldnt behave when i beat him 2-0 in a tourny not long back and all he could do was moan about luck when i hammered him. got a right chip on his shoulder that guy. shame he doesnt realise it.
10:31 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
*Runs and hides before playerx sees the above*
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10:32 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
Yeh one of the things about the forum is that people misunderstand peoples points and jump to conclusions.
Like you did.
You jumped down my throat when i was simpy stating i felt bunzario was a good choice, not the other way around.
I dont remember you playing me, you were probs playing PLAYER_X, and if you werent. Then, yes maybe i did moan a bit, no-one is perfect and its hard not to get frustrated sometimes on this game. Especially when i have awful luck.
Edited at 16:39 Sat 4/03/06 (GMT)
Like you did.
You jumped down my throat when i was simpy stating i felt bunzario was a good choice, not the other way around.
I dont remember you playing me, you were probs playing PLAYER_X, and if you werent. Then, yes maybe i did moan a bit, no-one is perfect and its hard not to get frustrated sometimes on this game. Especially when i have awful luck.
Edited at 16:39 Sat 4/03/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:36 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
no you stated your point by singling someone out as a trailblazer. and as you proved in your preceeding posts you think those ppl are few and far between so my point was valid. you was indirectly criticising other users on here when you dont know them.
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10:38 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
and i was playing you, and fair enough if you moaned. but dont call ppl lucky when they hammer you............
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10:45 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
Phillippe, i dont give a toss about you beating me, you're pathetic resorting to criticising my playing ability to make a point.
I dont understand your vendetta with me, and im pretty sure if we met again with a little bit of luck i could beat you.
Also, it is my Opinion that a fair percentage of forum users have an alterior motive with some of their posts, maybe i have a negative outlook? That does not apply to non-forum uses so im hardly critising a large population of the funkypool users.
Basically i felt Bunzario was a good decision, my reasons which i stated are my own. No-one else's. I dont expect you to agree, but there is no need to get so personal over a simple difference in opinions.
For the record i do think you are yourself, the statement was not aimed at anyone in particular, i get the impression you felt it was a personal slur at you.
I dont understand your vendetta with me, and im pretty sure if we met again with a little bit of luck i could beat you.
Also, it is my Opinion that a fair percentage of forum users have an alterior motive with some of their posts, maybe i have a negative outlook? That does not apply to non-forum uses so im hardly critising a large population of the funkypool users.
Basically i felt Bunzario was a good decision, my reasons which i stated are my own. No-one else's. I dont expect you to agree, but there is no need to get so personal over a simple difference in opinions.
For the record i do think you are yourself, the statement was not aimed at anyone in particular, i get the impression you felt it was a personal slur at you.
10:46 Sat 4 Mar 06 (GMT)
Sorry phillippe but playerx voiced a perfectly innocent comment about bunzarino and you completely jumped down his throat. Well Done Bunzarino
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Bunzarino = Moderator!!!
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