(Renamed) Computer opponent?
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Deleted User
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15:30 Sun 19 Feb 06 (GMT)
i know this might sound a bit strange but i think it would be cool if we had the option of playing the game agianst like a pre done bot type deal with like full rules and stuff like that in if its possible i dunno i just had the idea as a way 2 get more match practise but if it cant be done no worries
Deleted User
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16:00 Sun 19 Feb 06 (GMT)
An easier option would be to have two player practice...that is, both you, but with full "player one, you are red" and carries etc...so you can keep track, but ignore them if you want a completely free practice. A bot would be ridiculously difficult...even if you could do it...how difficult do you make the bot...pro, adept...a perfect player? it wouldn't work.
06:09 Mon 20 Feb 06 (GMT)
Yep a bot would be impossible, even for nick! Two player practise sounds good, maybe a good premium feature? lol every suggestion thats made i say make it a premium feature. sorry!
Deleted User
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06:34 Mon 20 Feb 06 (GMT)
2 be fair play against a couple of the top players theyd probably b better than a computer playin!!
02:02 Tue 21 Feb 06 (GMT)
your very right cinders, maybe there could be different levels of play? easy - med - hard
Deleted User
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10:16 Tue 21 Feb 06 (GMT)
2 player practice? thats what friendlies are for
Deleted User
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10:31 Tue 21 Feb 06 (GMT)
nah, friendlies add to stats.
I agree, 2 player practice would be a fantastic addition.
I agree, 2 player practice would be a fantastic addition.
Deleted User
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11:01 Tue 21 Feb 06 (GMT)
Hmm, would be a nice feature, but this only affects people who care about their win-loss record, which no-one should on an online pool game.
Deleted User
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12:14 Tue 21 Feb 06 (GMT)
It wasn't quite what I meant, but anyway...I meant both players being yourself, so you can have a realistic practice without having to use your brain too much. If I'm playing against myself, I always lose track of which colour I'm supposed to be on each shot...And you could have a pot average for yellow, red, and overall...if you see what I mean?
Deleted User
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14:08 Tue 21 Feb 06 (GMT)
see ltgenswing know what i was aiming at thats what i was thinkin off
Deleted User
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20:43 Thu 23 Feb 06 (GMT)
changing the cursor color for the us 8 game to a darker color would be nice.
the cursor is lost sometimes!!!
the cursor is lost sometimes!!!
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(Renamed) Computer opponent?
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