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Lag Question.......

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Posts: 1,821
03:14 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will there ever be a time when funkypool won't see lag or will it always be here? Was just wondering....
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04:03 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dont know! Them adverts are making the game lag bad aswell.
Posts: 1,821
04:10 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I haven't complained about lag ever, but I've lost alot of games recently due to it and it's not my gawd awful computer for once....
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04:19 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
mouse control is probably the reason??
seems its too easy to blame a server or computer
we are all in the same boat so just call it a 'mis cue' and put more chalk on your tip.
Posts: 4,751
10:00 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
__ediss__ is it happening on funkysnooker for you as well?

And by lag please clarify are you talking about when too little power is applied to the cue ball?

Edited at 16:06 Wed 1/02/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:06 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nick most of the time its fine for me but if a particular advert comes on the lag starts!
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10:18 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know it's the adverts, this is becasue i have 512 broadband, some on you may not think it's fast but it is for me and when i come on the homepage that also is slow.

Thisis my version of events: I enter the game in members bar, join a game, ranked or not...the lagg is there, on the cue ball, on red a yellows and i don't know if this is just me but the black ball seems very heavy and laggs more thatn the other balls on table?

Anyway i would be greatful for any help possible.
Posts: 4,751
11:55 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
miss_steph it could be due to your set up. Try reading the tips for improving game play in the sticky thread above.
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12:15 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
* sorry was posting on behlaf of ice_cool. He has tried those things before..he is on windows 98 so any problems of course will be hard to find, he just feels that its the adverts making the game lagg, in the same instances as ediss and steven159.
Posts: 4,751
13:00 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
After each shot the game adjusts the frame rate slightly for your machine. After about 5 shots it should settle to an acceptable rate. Have you given it enough time?
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13:01 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Since The Problems with the 1:00 tournament i cant connect to the game i have java installed w.t.f lol i cant play no more :(
Posts: 4,751
13:05 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Visit here to check your Java is installed.

After entering the game, ensure you wait for about 1 minute as well (in case it is reloading the game).
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13:46 Wed 1 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
ice_cool :

Your system properties:
OS: Windows 98
Java vendor: Microsoft Corp.
Java version: 1.1.4
Your MS JVM build # is: 3810

MY Java and stuff is there.

.and the lagg is constant, through several games..the argument or as i call it un constructive behaviour about the game window before with you.. that was because i disliked it BUT i got use to it, started playing well with the square balls and i am sorry for what i said before as i now see i was generally out of order as all you have done and are doing is trying to help me.

So..the lagg is a constant thing..i understand if you feel abliged to help as it will take up for time but i would be grateful if you could look into the problem for me..I do not think it is my computer for a change as many other users are experiencing the problem. Thanks Shaun
Posts: 4,751
03:06 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shaun, every now and again instead of adverts it shows the top ranked players. Is it still lagging when that screen is showing?

My feelings about the problem is that it might be attempting to do to much for your computer. It would be worth checking your computer for unwanted programmes running, clean up etc. Do you know your processor speed and amount of memory?
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03:15 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
can this site not possibly run without the adverts players should contribute to the site they use!! for the unfortunate ones who cannot pay set aside and the players with a bit of spare cash can just basically pay nick via paypal and solve the laggin problem for good i would be happy to contribute!
Posts: 4,751
03:29 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
ronnie05, when premium comes up you can certainly pay and the adverts are removed.

However the adverts should exist without having a negative impact on the game. The adverts we show are light flash adverts (ie without ads like the intensive Sky advert).

It seems on some older machines they can't manage to show both flash and the game simultaneously. I'm trying to verify if this is the problem or not, however short of getting my hands on an older Win 98 PC I'm having to go by submitted reports.

Edited at 09:32 Thu 2/02/06 (GMT)
Posts: 1,821
03:34 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Back to my bit from the top, it does happen on snooker too. The lag I am getting is when you click and drag back for a shot, then when I move forward the que stays where it is. Then about 3 seconds later the window refreshes and the que ball hasn't moved and if so only a finger's width at the maximum, thus giving away a carry. Is isn't happening as much anymore but its still there. Used to be about one in 8 shots did this. Now its about 1 in 15 or so. Still causes poor game play when it happens though.
Posts: 4,751
03:52 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Operating system and Java version please, and does it coincide with loading of new adverts?

Edited at 09:54 Thu 2/02/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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04:43 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  

I used to have these come up but i dont get them anymore. I get 'lag' but i think it's caused by my internet connection and/or running applets.

Try enabling pop-up blocker, this may help.

Edited at 10:51 Thu 2/02/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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06:42 Thu 2 Feb 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok, after our chat this morning i fould out the info for you..! 2.86GB = USED SPACE, 15.1 GB = FREE SPACE and 18.0 GB is CAPACITY with the processor speed being 501 MHz! :D
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Lag Question.......

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