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04:34 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aw, never read them yesterday :(
but hey, read them
wd mr gonna start giving u lot hints on what to make a poem on (like the one u done for me mr g,,lol)
Todays poem has to be about..erm.....Lipstick!!
(a challenge for ya's, lets see who does best one1)

Edited at 10:35 Fri 24/03/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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04:51 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
The day was cold, the weather foul,
and jsg was on the prowl
all tarted up, in knee high boots,
out with her mates, looking for hoots
on the inside window of a van,
was a picture of her favourite man
she drunkenly decided to kiss,
this beautiful man, and didn't miss!
but when she tried to draw away,
she found that she would have to stay
the window had been icy cold,
and when jsg had made so bold
the ice (although it was not thick)
had clung to her, made her lip stick.
Deleted User
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04:55 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
PMSL!!..........HA HA HA HA HA HA HA .......
WHAT CAN I SAY??..........
Deleted User
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11:10 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I met a beautiful girl once, in a bar,
Her hair so soft an thick.
Our conversation had gotten deep and far
But i noticed she wasnt wearing any lipstick.
I took a quick look, so scabby and dry
The horridness you could not miss
Fixated on the pale lips, i couldnt remove my eye
Until she went in for the kiss!

A week later, i was still single, thank the lord,
and went back to the trendy bar.
And as i was stood there i got slightly bored,
till a beautiful princess got out of a car.
Paula was her name, eyes like heaven, so fine
Could have any lad she wanted- take her pick...
But one thing that made me certain she would be mine,
Was that she was wearing the red, sexy lipstick.

At the end of the night, under a streetlight
We kissed until the lipstick had smeared.
I thanked god for the luckiest of all lucky nights
And especially for Paula- who had previously appeared.
Deleted User
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11:10 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
P.S. i was rushing sorry, gettin ready to go out
Deleted User
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12:20 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
mr quevara was rushing his poem
bcoz he wanted to go out
but then again i dont reli no em
but i might c him about

i hope mr quevara had a nice time
but i dont even no where he went
he probably went to eat a dime
and slept in his bakgarden in a tent

when he woke up
he came bak on here
while drinkin a drink in a cup
but i would of thought he would hav prefered a beer

he came bak on here to write a better poem
and this time hes not goin out
but now its my turn coz im now goin
and im goin out and about

dat quite gd
kwl im plzed wit myself lol
Deleted User
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18:17 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
WOOOOOOOOO PMSL.............
Ok, and the winner of the lipstick poem goes to....
*DRUMROLLS*........MR G! lol sowwy swing....
(wd ruddan, v good)

Ok next poem has to be about.....A CAR/CARS.....
Deleted User
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19:59 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just because you want Mr G's babies!! I made you look a tarty fool, and he declares undying love! I think there's a bit of bias here
Deleted User
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20:16 Fri 24 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
aw, come on swing, dont be like that, ya *wuv* me who else lets u tart them up????.....
Deleted User
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04:13 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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05:17 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao !!!!!
Deleted User
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09:32 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Mr_G had a bit of a crush
He cried "Paula, Be mine," as he hid in a bush
And Paula was flattered, but a little creeped out
Everywhere that she went, Mr G was about
He fancied himself as a bit of a stud
If he could have Paula, he would if he could
This poem is strange, i want you to know
Is this crush good or bad, which way should I go?
I could write about stalking, or the love of the year
it's the Funkypool Forum Gossip, m'dear.
So people, gath'r round, and give us your view,
on the state of affairs between these lovely two
Should we get them together? Suggest they should meet?
Or ensure that they never come close in the street?
Deleted User
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15:37 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
LMAO, Well, Mr I'm-right-all-the-time......this time you got it soooooo wrong!!!
Wheres my poems about cars btw?????
Deleted User
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16:02 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I never said I was right all the time!! Now you have to explain what I got wrong
I didn't see the bit about cars!
Deleted User
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16:52 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Explain what u got wrong??? ffs all of it i think,,hang on,,lets see erm, ok the bits i think are wrong are:
1) i dnt think he has a crush!!
2) ive never heard him shout Paula be mine!!
3) i was not flattered OR creeped out (nothin has happened to make me feel this way!)
4) this is the ONLY place i see mr g, he aint everywhere i go!
There that enuff for ya swing??

(mr g, sorry 4 talkin about ya lol i think swing is losing his marbles!)..........

Scroll up Swing, u will see bit about cars!........
Deleted User
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17:24 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
As i was strolling on a day that was grand
I saw in the distance a big brass band
Wondering why they were there i went for a peek
but when i arrived they did nothing but speak
Of a wonderous contraption, that travels for miles
With comfortable seats placed in a nice single file
Mirrors that shine and windows that gleam
The perfect motor, or so it would seem
For it belongs to someone who knows nothing of cars
Someone who we believe came from mars
Its justsumgurl, yes shes back again
asking for poems which we do to entertain
this one's about her car, the wonderous thing
Covered in pink dice, air fresheners and bling
She drives every day, all about the place
With a huge cheeky grin all over her face
Others stand with an envious stare
As she rushes past, which messes their hair
Deleted User
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17:25 Sat 25 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
But one day as shes driving, she has a great pain
the car crashes never to be the same again
but she survives, stands up and has a look round,
at pieces of car strewn all over the ground
a tyre in a tree, wingmirror in the hay
'I know' said she, i'll visit ebay!
A while had passed, post and packaging paid
the thing she ordered was very delayed
but oh what is this?!
Could it be here?!
Could it finally arrive after waiting a year?!
It was there, just outside, with a pretty pink bow
in time for christmas sat in the snow
Paula's new car, a wonderous thing
But i'll bet u a tenner, she'll crash it by spring
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:27 Sun 26 Mar 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol super poem squeezy!!!

God, it all went crazy over the last two days - swings stirring the ol' bowl hahaha!

Well i spose i better think of a car poem lol .... gis a min.
Deleted User
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06:34 Sun 26 Mar 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hehe. Though Mr_G did write a poem all about kissing you, Paula!! So there!
Deleted User
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06:38 Sun 26 Mar 06 (BST)  [Link]  
There was a middle aged man named steve,
who had little money but much faith.
homeless now after his wife asked him to leave
He had a car to live in, not great but safe.

Very crummy it was, smelly and cramped,
Very unreasonable for his life.
The boys had ran by, with their feet they stamped
And slashed the tyres with a knife.

The tyres screamed with a howl, losing air like blood,
The lights smashed like a punch to the eye.
The bricks hit the bonnet with an almighty thud...
by now the poor car had just wanted to die.

But one day steve won the lottery, with a lot of money he was laced.
And he thought about buying a new car.
But he looked at the old befriended, tired cars face
And decided to fix and keep him, to take his friend far.
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