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Deleted User
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19:17 Thu 6 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
A laugh
Is a wondrous thing
That humanising, womanising,
bringer together of all peoples
But a laugh
is also an evil thing
That laugh that starts from the belly
as the murderer swings his axe
That laugh that erupts from the throat
when, as Hughes said, "the meteorite crashes
with extraordinary ill-luck, on the pram"
That laugh, that fills the room,
as Jimmy fills his shoes.
Laughter can humble the dictator,
can ridicule the weak,
But laughter is strongest
when it makes heroes
out of cowards

Edited at 00:17 Fri 7/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:19 Thu 6 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  

I wake up in the morning sun, and think to myself lets have some fun.
I brush my teeth and comb my hair, hoping I might go somewhere.

I find myself on Funkypool, with actualy alot of fools,
But this is not always the case, there are some brilliant names to face.

Theres MR G, and JUSTSUMGIRL they seem to really rule the world,

I try my best to make them laugh,
Which isnt easy, with these two MAFai.

The title of this poem is laughing,

IS IT SMASHING.............????
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:25 Thu 6 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I see the shelves of magazines
those shiny sheets of joy
and I wonder just where have I been
while Britney's had a boy
How had I lived in ignorance
While "fat" Jo became "thin"
Michelle's been seen in purple pants
Tom's rooting through the bin
These people that I do not know
In leather, silk and fur
I know their lives, and where they go
But I don't know my neighbour
So when you see these glossy mags
so full of lives so poor
Go have a cup with Mrs Jones
The cow that lives next door
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:31 Fri 7 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Woo Woooooooo,lol,
Aw Swng u still done the Mag 1,aw ty its great,,,
Stubbsy, ha ha ha ha, u had me LAUGHING,,,lol

And the winner is...Mr G again,,soz to the others!
You gonna have to try harder ppl.....
Right, new title is *drumrolls*.......Fairies....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:04 Fri 7 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  

I woke up one morning in the woods, feeling rather weary,
When suddenly i came across a load of fairies.
They all had wings and magic dust,
To find where they lived was a definate must.
I met their mother, her name was jeanne,
The prettiest fairy i'd ever seen.
She could sing great songs, and play guitar,
Id wandered deep in the woods, home was now far.
They took me in, i got close to jeanne,
It also too, seemed she was rather keen.
I made a hammock, from lots of leaves
And played hide and seek, while on my knees.
Then one day they asked me to leave,
Jeanne had died, and they wanted to grieve.
I visit her fairy grave as often as i can,
But they were all fairies, and i just a man.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:57 Fri 7 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
FAB! Just Fab, luved that......
And the winner is...... Mr
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:00 Fri 7 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol - --- Hasta la victoria siempre!

Very grateful paula, noone else wrote one for fairies though!!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:03 Sat 8 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
A pound coin.

I was wandering through the street, i was down on luck,
My girlfriend had left me, alone i was stuck.
Walking in the rain, a cloud above my head,
I saw three little kittens, looking like they hadn't been fed.
They were sniffing round an alleyway, skinny as they were,
I decided i would feed them, just to hear them purr.
I reached into my pockets, and only felt my leg,
Id left my money at home, I couldnt let them beg.
With rain still in my eyes, i tripped into the dirt
I had a cut above my eye, it really began to hurt.
But in an instant i was dry, and again my life was sound,
For the kittens were fed, and sleep on my bed,
All because in the dirt i found a pound.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:14 Sat 8 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
A disabled worm.

I was sat in the garden with an ice-cold drink,
With the sun out, i hoped i would burn.
Then after i put my glass into the sink,
I noticed an old, crippled worm.
He lay on the pavement, with tears flowing down,
And was beckoning me to come near.
'Please put me in the shade, i dont like to frown,
And get me an ice-cold beer'.
So i put him out of the sun, got him his beer,
And sat him on a stool in the shade.
He said 'Ok now get some girlies round here,
Because this disabled worm needs to get laid.'

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:33 Sat 8 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
A Natural World

A natural world would be a utopia for us all,
no possesions, no wars, just love.
We could care for all creatures may they be great or small,
And the man in the sky could smile down from above.

But then mankind would also be natural too,
He would compete with others to show who is best.
Animals would be hunted, by me and by you,
The tribes would go on fighting, not pausing for rest.

So what kind of world is natural? No answer is sure,
Would it be better to change or carry on?
People can choose to live their lives happy and pure,
Others cannot not decide between whats right and whats wrong.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:34 Sat 8 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry going on a bit of a spree here, im just a bit bored !!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:39 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well get bored some more, cos i like reading this thread!!!...Mr G the poems are great....
Whats happened to ur competition (Swing stubbsy Squeezy ?) ha ha........

Title: Smiling........
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:41 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  

This morning i looked out of the window to see,
If the weather would turn to be as cheerful as me.
And although it had been raining for quite a while,
The sun came out from the clouds and began to smile.
Up dried the rain, out smiled the flowers,
The sun had given all life a magical power.
I had watched the rain feeling glum, watching it piling,
But now i look at my reflection, and see myself smiling.
So no matter the situation, be you walking in the rain for hundreds of miles,
Just cheer yourself up with a couple of smiles
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:46 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Here's another, i got time to kill -

I have a recurring dream, i'm sat on the banks of the Nile,
A girl walks over the sand dune, and gives me a smile.
We then walk hand in hand, under the hot, smiling sun,
I picture this is what many egyptians have done.
Then all of a sudden, the girly has gone,
And i realise the distance i have walked is quite long.
I wake up in the night, and feel my cold feet on the tiles,
Im stood in the kitchen with a great big smile.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:49 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yayyyyyy *claps*...
You can just think of a poem for any title you can!!
Im gona have to think of a challenging title soon i think,,,,

Title: Justsumgirl ()........
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:45 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol - thats an eeeeasy one paula!!!


I know a girl on here, named justsumgirl,
Who isnt just some girl at all.
I imagine her with a necklace, carrying a pearl,
Whenever she's here we have a laugh and a ball.
We never like her absence, the forum goes dead,
I sit and write poems for her pleasure.
She gives us a title, that runs through my head,
The extent of her joy- i dont think could be measured.
So i write a quick poem, wait for a reply,
And hope that she thought it was great.
So day after day, our good times fly by,
And i feel proud to say that she is my mate.
So here it is Paula, a poem just for you,
I hope that it finds you, as it found me.
I'll always write one to cheer you up, whenever you feel blue,
Lots of love from me - Mr G

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:33 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I know a forum junkie
Who tends to post on funky
She goes by the name of justsumgirl
and has a pet turtle called mirl
She posts on the games
and knows everyones name
She will brighten your day
with just a simple "hey"
Friends with everyone
and enemys with none

Edited at 18:34 Sun 9/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:17 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Joyous, and happy we all think she is great,
Underestimated friend, thats all i can say.
Somebody who cheers me up, when i feel blue,
Totally inspiring, to me and to you.

Somehow always keeps me stuck to the thread,
Only her could get me to get out of bed.
Many people love her, so fab and upbeat
Ecstatic as always, i rise to my feet.

Guevara, swing and others think she's so cool,
In record time i sign in, even when im at school.
Ready to make us laugh, paula give me a high five!
Let us rejoice - keep the forum alive!!!!!

Hope ya like it

Edited at 19:19 Sun 9/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:44 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I nearly left the site earlier, i had wrote a poem to say,
That i would no longer be here, by the end of the day.
I left the poem describing how the site was in bits,
Full of complete idiots, antagonising gits.
So on here i left a poem, telling how i would miss you all,
I left but changed my mind, with my back against the wall.
I guess i was just caught at the wrong moment, vulnerable to the rest,
But now i am back here writing, fighting at my best.
Nobody can get to me, i'll turn my cheek at it all,
For they are all small nitwits, and i will rise too tall.
The site is actually brilliant, and most people on it too,
The few friends that have kept me here, so i raise my glass to you's.


Edited at 20:24 Sun 9/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:12 Sun 9 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
OMFG!!! How old are u again Mr G??.......The poems are so so good, 2nd JSG one nearly brought a tear!! *blushes*.......

And that last one, DONT YOU DARE leave because of idiots!! I look forward to theses poems ya know....

Cuey hey, lol, thanx matey urs gud too....

Any more? Swing? Squeezy? Stubbsy?.....before i give a new title??
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