A Ladies Tournament....

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Deleted User
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07:03 Mon 30 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh cap this stupid thread someone please.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:02 Mon 30 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
swerve it is not a stupid thread the sole purpose of this was 2 give an idea for something that we cud possibly see happen in the future! when you create threads about new ideas do we come 2 them and say this? no i dnt think we do!

I was just askin if nick could possibly think about adding the idea for the future as a one off thing or a monthly thing, if it doesnt happen then so be it, but if it does then it will be great.

Edited at 16:09 Mon 30/01/06 (GMT)
Posts: 3,764
10:45 Mon 30 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well said Steph, my sentiments exactly!!

As i said before, we could always do it in the game between friends. It's easily done!

I would also be happy to help out in some way, you ladies just need to get a list of players together.

Rules: No he-she's or gender changed ladies.

I also think that the 1st one should be for players that are known to everybody already, cutting out the cheat element to some extent.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:07 Mon 30 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanx pool life for that it was a suggestion that i thought cud work, even if it means someone writing the names down and being the host of the tourn themselves which is what i think u mean pool life =-), it wud just be nice to have a friendly tournament between the ladies and maybe some reward for it (as in a tournament win on her profile).

I like the idea of the fact that the ladies that enter the first test tourn should be known to other people therefore there wnt be any doubt in people lying about what sex they are, for example, me, bunny_boiler, eve_ninall, brunette_16, im_cheeky, andrea2, justsumgirl... the list could go on.

Edited at 17:07 Mon 30/01/06 (GMT)
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A Ladies Tournament....

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