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Posts: 1,821
12:26 Fri 23 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
more than likely actually...
Deleted User
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12:28 Fri 23 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
is he the richest man in the world? or just one of??
Posts: 123
07:24 Sat 24 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its hard to say. I would say that he IS the richest, but I couldn't say for sure.
Deleted User
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07:36 Sat 24 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
He is the richest man in the world, but not richer than the rest of the world.
Deleted User
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18:36 Sat 24 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
I thought now it was the Swedish guy who founded IKEA
Deleted User
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18:52 Sat 24 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't think it is, but there both rich gits anyway.
Posts: 1,821
01:18 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
3 richest:
1) Sultan of Burnei (oil, steele and gold tycoon)
2) Bill Gates (founder of microsft)
3) Alexadr Molanov (russian property developer)
Deleted User
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01:27 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is aggenst the rules and u shouldnt post threads like this because something horriable could be on that account !
Posts: 1,821
01:28 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
cool_man it is not against any rules, hush up please.
Deleted User
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01:32 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes t is there could be a viras on that account what u put on there
Deleted User
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01:38 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
darren i think cool_man is spam sam. :-)
Posts: 1,821
01:40 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
cool_man, if there was a *virus* on my account then why would I be p;aying on it lol?
Deleted User
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04:12 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
actually ediss i think bill gates is the richest.If he's not then he will be when his new oparating system comes out
Posts: 2,608
12:38 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bill Gates used to be the richest but he gives huge amounts of money away to charities. He sais he doesn't want to leave any for his kids! Tight git...
Posts: 1,821
12:59 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
I respect that in a way as he wants his kids to make it on their own and know what it feels like to earn their money. However I think not letting them have any of his fortune won't happen. They won't inherrit microsoft either as its a plc. It will go to an admin board and then sold on a global market. Seems daft he is letting his lifes work just vapourize. His choice I suppose....
Deleted User
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22:33 Sun 25 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol this thread has turned from Ediss selling his/her account, to who's richest in the world :=O :P
Deleted User
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00:33 Mon 26 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok ediss, I am going to reply to your earlier comment about me advertising my mom's books on here. I am proud of my mom's work, and it is before christmas. I thought it would make a good gift, plus help her out where as she is trying to make it.

You on the other hand, are trying to give your account away. What for? It will do NOBODY anygood, especially after everybody knows that you are giving it away! Nobody will look up to someone who has their markings because someone else earned them. Get real.

Also, I repeat:
Just out of curiousity, why would ANYONE want to "take over" someone else's account? So they can brag about what they didn't do themselves? That is sad in my opinion, and pathetic. Play your own games, and earn your own wins.

If I could cap this thread I would, but since I can't, then it will stay open.
Posts: 1,821
01:12 Mon 26 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
evidently it will if someone makes a bit. secondly your mums books are her work......surely this account cant be anyone elses work? As for you capping the thread I think you would be abusing the posistion as there are far more stupid threads around that stay open. No one is breaking any rules. I get along with pretty much everyone on this site but you soz are being difficult.!
I'm not posting on this thread anymore as It might be then capped for bad language
Posts: 1,821
01:21 Mon 26 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Secondly soz, it has been done before. I'm not saying they are right to buy them however, If I'm making money from something I like doing. In some retrospect thats the same as your mother writing a book is it not?
Deleted User
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01:33 Mon 26 Dec 05 (GMT)  [Link]  

My mom wrote her books. She has the right to sell it. You didnt create funkypool, just a username. Therefore, you have NO right to sell it. Nick does.

Get off of it. Your name isnt worth braggin about anyways!

Oh ya, P.S. I got permission to post that about my mom. Did you get permission to post that about your account from the site OWNER?

Edited at 07:40 Mon 26/12/05 (GMT)
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