it has no title because i cant think of one
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13:22 Sun 11 Dec 05 (GMT)
Nick i was wondering as i watch real pool when a player puts the white ball near a cusion, it then becomes a harder shot for there opponent in real life, but i was wondering could you make it harder on here, say the conection of the cue and the ball giv it a little kick or sumthink?
13:33 Sun 11 Dec 05 (GMT)
funkypool is an arcade game, agreed it would be a harder shot to take but maybe on the snooker site :)
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13:34 Sun 11 Dec 05 (GMT)
yeah, that would be good especially on snooker!!!
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15:35 Mon 12 Dec 05 (GMT)
Look on upcoming events.
Auto apply top spin when bridging or on a cushion. (think it's something like that)
Auto apply top spin when bridging or on a cushion. (think it's something like that)
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16:18 Mon 12 Dec 05 (GMT)
snooker hard enuf as it is shut up ediss lol
16:30 Mon 12 Dec 05 (GMT)
lol couldnt resist....oh a squirell, TALLY HO!!
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07:07 Tue 13 Dec 05 (GMT)
the snooker game is a bit too long for me! i get bored easily
09:35 Tue 13 Dec 05 (GMT)
pahtetic snooker's great play both snooker and pool in real life
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it has no title because i cant think of one
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