the curse of professional
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07:38 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
ever since ive become professional ive found tournaments impossible. i think im cursed or sumthin. i havent won a tourney match since. has this happened 2 any1 else b4?
Edited at 13:41 Sun 20/11/05 (GMT)
Edited at 13:41 Sun 20/11/05 (GMT)
Deleted User
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07:42 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
well as soon as i turned pro ive barly won any games for some strage reason and gone down to under 765 rank. lol
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07:45 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
erm ice the reason u lose is cus u suk and since when are u a pro?
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07:45 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
well ive been almost unable 2 lose in ranked games but tourneys are painful 2 play in at the moment lol
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07:46 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
dizzle he was a pro. a lot like u. i stress the word 'was' there.
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07:55 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
theres no point in arguing about it, i think thejdizzle is a good players hes just got a big mouth
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08:01 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
yes i totally agree with you mach_3 ive had the same problem lol..when your pro your more likely to get knocked out by an intermediate or sumthing stupid like that lol
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08:49 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
Hehe, id better stay to a higher rank of 799.9 then ;-)
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09:01 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
Or just refresh your account like everyone else. Tourns are a bit iffy nowadays. I've won my fair share back in the day, but now they are more difficult there are too many decent players. danny777 prime eg: a year ago he hadnt played, today one of the best. player_x is another, when i left funkypool he was pretty average, i came back and hes knockin me outta tourns. very impressed with how your games come along chris. However i see that the usual's: squirt, m_boro, fry, bertie are still about. Only managed to play m_boro so far though, if lars, squirt, fry or bertie reads this can you leave a post here coz id love to have a few games with you guys agen.
regards, ooj.
regards, ooj.
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10:35 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
hey mach exactly my point on my thread "whats happening to me" i just cant seem to win a game on tourny . now i stay on 799 and it works i get at least to 4th round most time which aint too bad! maybe its because in your mind you think you have to win everything but then you end up playing crap
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13:47 Sun 20 Nov 05 (GMT)
ok im gettin seriously worried here. i entered the 7pm tourney n plyed ste4eva. but when i took my shot the game froze and it only came back after the shot had bin played. this has happened 2 me b4 occasionally but not throughout 2 whole games. the real strange thing was when the pool table actually appeared in the chat window! what is going on? am i cursed?
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18:08 Fri 13 Oct 06 (BST)
yep, altho the curse broke when u made mod wd
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18:44 Fri 13 Oct 06 (BST)
Rating doesn't affect how well i do in tournys at all as far as i can tell, i just tend to go thorugh phases of winning every one i enter for about a week and then losing in the 1st round a lot the next week.
I think it's got easier to win tournys personaly. Back in the day i used to face 3 or 4 top quality players in each tourny i entered, now it averages at about 2
Edited at 23:54 Fri 13/10/06 (BST)
I think it's got easier to win tournys personaly. Back in the day i used to face 3 or 4 top quality players in each tourny i entered, now it averages at about 2
Edited at 23:54 Fri 13/10/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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21:26 Fri 13 Oct 06 (BST)
im a professional and hav neva won a tourny
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09:36 Sat 14 Oct 06 (BST)
actually, u are an adept ranked 800.0 (that is rounded from 799.95 or more) so you arent a professional are you mesmerize? hmmmm, thts what i thought.
09:42 Sat 14 Oct 06 (BST)
lol fair point
i have the curse of the 770 - cant get higher than that
i have the curse of the 770 - cant get higher than that
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09:47 Sat 14 Oct 06 (BST)
lol, i have the curse of getting over 800 then dropping about 30rank, if i get over 800 again i am going to spend about 3 hours practicing to get good again! I can beat most players 830 and below so why cant I get that rank?!??!?!??!
10:01 Sat 14 Oct 06 (BST)
kinda the same as me, ive beaten many pros in my time and i may have the ability if im consistent to get pro, but im not consistent so i cant get pro
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the curse of professional
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