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17:20 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
id like to dedicate my us9 tourney win to adidas the_goonies, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc madmiketyson, niallisgreat,matty12 and av_it
Also all mods and admin
Also all mods and admin
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17:22 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
cheers rob. well done and congrats mate

Edited at 22:23 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)

Edited at 22:23 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
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18:46 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
i dedicate making 45th in the overall table (i know it aint much, but first time) to:
the_goonies. madmike, adidas, 30_01_90, niall, blink, wolvesude, cityfan,mariiiiiiiiiiiii, pinkylooo, quick, caiti, dano, ground_break hodson, dek and alexand everyone else that knows me.
now to get into 30's
Edited at 23:50 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
the_goonies. madmike, adidas, 30_01_90, niall, blink, wolvesude, cityfan,mariiiiiiiiiiiii, pinkylooo, quick, caiti, dano, ground_break hodson, dek and alexand everyone else that knows me.
now to get into 30's
Edited at 23:50 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
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18:48 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
well done rob m8 now lets c more from ya
cityfan84 said:
id like to dedicate my us9 tourney win to adidas the_goonies, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc madmiketyson, niallisgreat,matty12 and av_it
Also all mods and admin
Also all mods and admin
well done rob m8 now lets c more from ya
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18:49 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
well done matty m8 lets c ya get into the 30s by next week
Edited at 23:49 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
matty12 said:
i dedicate making 45th in the overall table (i know it aint much, but first time) to:
the_goonies. madmike, adidas, 30_01_90, niall, blink, wolvesude, cityfan,mariiiiiiiiiiiii, pinkylooo, quick, caiti, dano, ground_break and everyone else that knows me.
now to get into 30's
the_goonies. madmike, adidas, 30_01_90, niall, blink, wolvesude, cityfan,mariiiiiiiiiiiii, pinkylooo, quick, caiti, dano, ground_break and everyone else that knows me.
now to get into 30's
well done matty m8 lets c ya get into the 30s by next week
Edited at 23:49 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
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19:29 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
wooooo wd matty on tourn win " "
matty12 said:
wohoooooooooo i dedicate my uk tourny win to:
the_goonies, cityfan, madmike, 30_01_90, adidas, niallisgreat, wolvesdude, dek07, blink, mariiiiiiii, caiti and dano and unbreakable!
and wohever i forgot sorry.
Edited at 04:29 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
the_goonies, cityfan, madmike, 30_01_90, adidas, niallisgreat, wolvesdude, dek07, blink, mariiiiiiii, caiti and dano and unbreakable!
and wohever i forgot sorry.

Edited at 04:29 Fri 27/07/07 (BST)
wooooo wd matty on tourn win " "
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19:30 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
lol ty for the kind words hopefully it will be
30_01_90 said:
ffs i go out on 1 night for a drink and i miss al this jesus christ!!! wd niall m8 keep up good work...shoulda been me u beat in final grrrr lol gerry got dam lucky lmao
well done lisa hun im sure thats 1 of many sure to follow love and couldnt have went to a better lady!
Congrats on tourny win matty u wer playing amazing earlier or was i playin ooh lmao aha well well done anyway gl in rest!
well done lisa hun im sure thats 1 of many sure to follow love and couldnt have went to a better lady!
Congrats on tourny win matty u wer playing amazing earlier or was i playin ooh lmao aha well well done anyway gl in rest!
lol ty for the kind words hopefully it will be
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19:31 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
wd rob on another tourn win. roll on 200 tourn wins
cityfan84 said:
id like to dedicate my us9 tourney win to adidas the_goonies, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc madmiketyson, niallisgreat,matty12 and av_it
Also all mods and admin
Also all mods and admin
wd rob on another tourn win. roll on 200 tourn wins
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19:33 Fri 27 Jul 07 (BST)
wd rob. keep it up " "
cityfan84 said:
id like to dedicate my us9 tourney win to adidas the_goonies, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc madmiketyson, niallisgreat,matty12 and av_it
Also all mods and admin
Also all mods and admin
wd rob. keep it up " "
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02:38 Sat 28 Jul 07 (BST)
Well done rob and matty, thanks for the mentions
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04:33 Sat 28 Jul 07 (BST)
Dedicate uk tourney win to mich, ste, rob, kev, nick87, quick_pot, marc071492, madmiketyson, danny, lisa, matty, meeko, caiti and so on and so forth i've sobered up now, 3 off 50 tourney wins wooo
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07:04 Sat 28 Jul 07 (BST)
would like to dedicate my 7 balling in 8 ball us to kev the unfortunate victim to all the fj's
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08:07 Sat 28 Jul 07 (BST)
congrats niall
niallisgreat said:
Dedicate uk tourney win to mich, ste, rob, kev, nick87, quick_pot, marc071492, madmiketyson, danny, lisa, matty, meeko, caiti and so on and so forth i've sobered up now, 3 off 50 tourney wins wooo
congrats niall
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09:57 Sat 28 Jul 07 (BST)
woooo go niall wd on tourn win. well the way you are playing i reckon that you will get 50 by tonight
niallisgreat said:
Dedicate uk tourney win to mich, ste, rob, kev, nick87, quick_pot, marc071492, madmiketyson, danny, lisa, matty, meeko, caiti and so on and so forth i've sobered up now, 3 off 50 tourney wins wooo
woooo go niall wd on tourn win. well the way you are playing i reckon that you will get 50 by tonight
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