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21:08 Mon 16 Jul 07 (BST)
id like to dedi my us8 speed tourn to souljah. i said id try and win it for him and i did
also thanks as always to cityfan84, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc and madmiketyson
thanks also to colombia, nick87, gregory_69 and niallisgreat
Edited at 02:11 Tue 17/07/07 (BST)
also thanks as always to cityfan84, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc and madmiketyson
thanks also to colombia, nick87, gregory_69 and niallisgreat
Edited at 02:11 Tue 17/07/07 (BST)
22:34 Mon 16 Jul 07 (BST)
Dedicate my uk tournie win to all the people i beat
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07:37 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
I would like to dedicate the 2 seven ballings i just got in the oldies v newbies competition thing to " MATTY12 "
the reason for dedicating it to him is :-
Its the 1st 7balling happened to him on Uk 8 ball
the reason for dedicating it to him is :-
Its the 1st 7balling happened to him on Uk 8 ball
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07:42 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
danny777 said:
I would like to dedicate the 2 seven ballings i just got in the oldies v newbies competition thing to " MATTY12 "
the reason for dedicating it to him is :-
Its the 1st 7balling happened to him on Uk 8 ball
the reason for dedicating it to him is :-
Its the 1st 7balling happened to him on Uk 8 ball
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08:50 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
like to dedicate this 9ball golden break to all those that remember i_love_emma still im backkkkkkkkkkkk
09:57 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
dedicate uk 8 tourny win to every one that i beat, also to everyone that knows me, also congrats on runout carl , well done onuk tourny win kev , and well done john on gb
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12:08 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
i dedicate getting 30 points today in us8ball and finally getting back to pro to everybody that knows me on this game and wolvesdude for all the help he gave me before he deleted
forgot my dancer.
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Edited at 17:29 Tue 17/07/07 (BST)
forgot my dancer.
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Edited at 17:29 Tue 17/07/07 (BST)
13:50 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
i would like to dedicate my tourny win to matty12 and wolvesdude who has deleted his account.
15:49 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
i dedicate my us8 tourney win to adidas,souljah,ground_break,sanka,quick_pot,av_it,
and all mods and admin of course
and all mods and admin of course
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15:52 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
Well done cityfan84 congratulations, very well played in the finalKeep it up Mr.Virtuoso
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16:02 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
congrates rob, sorry i missed most of final, got there for the important game tho lmao
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16:40 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
Is that the tourny i had to go? Dam if it is.
Congrats mate. do you ever get a rough patch?
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cityfan84 said:
i dedicate my us8 tourney win to adidas,souljah,ground_break,sanka,quick_pot,av_it,
and all mods and admin of course
and all mods and admin of course
Is that the tourny i had to go? Dam if it is.
Congrats mate. do you ever get a rough patch?
"" ""

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18:51 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
well done lisa hun now lets c more from ya
the_goonies said:
id like to dedi my us8 speed tourn to souljah. i said id try and win it for him and i did
also thanks as always to cityfan84, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc and madmiketyson
thanks also to colombia, nick87, gregory_69 and niallisgreat
also thanks as always to cityfan84, blink182rip, horse10000, ab_rfc and madmiketyson
thanks also to colombia, nick87, gregory_69 and niallisgreat
well done lisa hun now lets c more from ya
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19:15 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
well done si
_psmon_ said:
dedicate uk 8 tourny win to every one that i beat, also to everyone that knows me, also congrats on runout carl , well done onuk tourny win kev , and well done john on gb
well done si
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19:22 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
Well done Sie....(Log in a min if ya can plz)
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19:23 Tue 17 Jul 07 (BST)
Well done Rob.
cityfan84 said:
i dedicate my us8 tourney win to adidas,souljah,ground_break,sanka,quick_pot,av_it,
and all mods and admin of course
and all mods and admin of course
Well done Rob.
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