Guests - what do people think?
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07:43 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
A number of guests are repetitively signing on as guests causing abuse, hence a number of users are suggesting disabling the guest feature.
misleadyouth suggested putting this out to vote.
I personally want to keep the guest feature, it allows people to take a look around prior to signing up. Unfortunately the first thing they often see is abuse/nonsense in the chat room.
So please vote, here's a few options:
a) Disable guest feature altogether
b) Guests are time limited to 10/20 minute sessions, then auto logged out and blocked for 15 minutes or so.
c) Create a new chat room where guests can chat virtually unmoderated, the initial chat room has strict moderation
d) Leave it as is
e) Suggest away...
misleadyouth suggested putting this out to vote.
I personally want to keep the guest feature, it allows people to take a look around prior to signing up. Unfortunately the first thing they often see is abuse/nonsense in the chat room.
So please vote, here's a few options:
a) Disable guest feature altogether
b) Guests are time limited to 10/20 minute sessions, then auto logged out and blocked for 15 minutes or so.
c) Create a new chat room where guests can chat virtually unmoderated, the initial chat room has strict moderation
d) Leave it as is
e) Suggest away...
Deleted User
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07:46 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
guest should be able to sign in as guests once then they should have to sign up i think an hour trial period is long enough then they should not be allowed to re enter the site on there ip untill they sign up and validate a membership well thats my suggestion take it as you want
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07:54 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
yes, i sugested to nick that the guest feature be scrapped alltogether but now i have been swayed to option B, the time limit. it would be by far the best, as the abusers will not want to continously sign in and wait 15 mins to be allowe back in, so they will sign up. signing up makes them a lot easier to moderate. also, i dont see a reason why the extra unmoderated guest room is a bad idea. seems ok as long as guests are warned. but it should be so that they cant play or talk to any user who has signed up. this way nick, the site will not loose users, as guests will be curious to what the real users get up to, thus signing up
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07:57 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
i think guests should have the option to look around and play the game as this is how people get interested and then sign up. i think it should remain how it is but disable ALL chat options for guests but making sure they know that once they are signed up the features they will recieve.
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09:17 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
i think i new chat room should be made where there is no swear filter but is still moderated, for example people picking or bullying people would get warned but friendly swearing would not be warned...but this chat room should only be accessible for members and not guests, this will encourage guests to sign up!!
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14:19 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
i think they should sign up with a 10 or 20 day trial as a user but can only do it ONCE. After that they should have 2 sign in as a user for good.
so there will be no guests at all.
what do u guys think?
so there will be no guests at all.
what do u guys think?
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18:08 Thu 24 Feb 05 (GMT)
why dont u make guests give their usernames and then block them from being a guest again if they are abusive
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02:54 Fri 25 Feb 05 (GMT)
It's only a small minority of guests which are abusive, so it wouldn't really be fair on the other people if you didn't allow guests :/ But I do agree, something has to be done...B seems like the best way. =)
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18:18 Fri 25 Feb 05 (GMT)
Guests are all individuals and unfortunatly some muppets feel thay have to be abbusive and disruptive, which in turn gives all the other guests a bad name! so how do we get rid of the disruptive ones i hear you ask? and the answer is simple....dont ask me :O) no jokes aside i think that the timed periods would be a good idea so its optoin B for me.
21:00 Fri 25 Feb 05 (GMT)
I would say A, but that would mean less people to the site cos they can't view what they're signing up for, so I'm gonna go for C. This way they can see what they're getting and not abuse other members.
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01:12 Sat 26 Feb 05 (GMT)
i would have to say that I think guests should be allowed to sign on, only for a 15 minute "trial" period. after that there IP will be blocked, until they sign up. that is just my opinion, but that way it will block abusing users from signing back in as another guest...they try, they like, they can sign up, if they just want to abuse, they will have to take it elsewhere due to an IP block...just my opinion
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04:39 Sat 26 Feb 05 (GMT)
nah some r ok if they get on ur nerves thats y nick made the ignore rule so just use that ...
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10:13 Sat 26 Feb 05 (GMT)
overall i think b sounds good, fine balance of guests being able to view the site and stop regular guests just casing havoc in chat rooms
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13:03 Sat 26 Feb 05 (GMT)
1st sign of bad behaviour boot em and block their ip for 24 hours. Same for members too.
Edited at 19:04 Sat 26/02/05 (GMT) ]
Edited at 19:04 Sat 26/02/05 (GMT) ]
Deleted User
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13:08 Sat 26 Feb 05 (GMT)
if you ban guests altogether, those who are going to be there just to be abusive are going to sign on for a day and abuse and then leave. i think one of the guests who is abusive is someone i know, so im gonna tell him off
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Guests - what do people think?
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