toilet break !!!
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Deleted User
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14:42 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)
Nice to c u all agree about a toilet break :-P
Deleted User
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15:59 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)
if it takes you more than 3 mins to have a pee, there must be something seriously wrong!
Invites last 3 minutes before they expire, excluding the extra time at the end of previous match for other games to finish, therefore, I don't feel a toilet break is necessary!
It's up to users to plan their 'toilet breaks' before the competition starts.
Invites last 3 minutes before they expire, excluding the extra time at the end of previous match for other games to finish, therefore, I don't feel a toilet break is necessary!
It's up to users to plan their 'toilet breaks' before the competition starts.
Deleted User
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16:02 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)
nah in between matches i fink he means cnt do ewt bout dat when ur in a match bt shud b alowd to request toilet break or sumat
Edited at 21:22 Mon 19/09/05 (BST)
Edited at 21:22 Mon 19/09/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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17:22 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)
come on we're all big boys and girls now plan your stops or lose or keep it in, anyway with the amount of byes in the tournys there should be plenty of time
Deleted User
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17:29 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)
exactly, do you ever see Michael Owen say... "hey, i need a you know what, can we please stop", or Ronnie O'Sullivan saying "Excuse me a mo, i need a pee, back in a bit". You don't see this.
The idea of the site is to be as near to the real game as possible, with these toilet breaks this isn't possible.
You can go to the toilet before and after each match.
The idea of the site is to be as near to the real game as possible, with these toilet breaks this isn't possible.
You can go to the toilet before and after each match.
Deleted User
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19:24 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)
yer but nicknax what about if you have played 4 tight tourney games lasting almost the full 21 minutes and you are bursting then what do you do ???? and also you dont see ronnie o sullivan do this because they go in between each frame
Deleted User
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15:44 Tue 20 Sept 05 (BST)
yeah so put that in ur pipe n smoke it :-P
Deleted User
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16:23 Tue 20 Sept 05 (BST)
you don't suddenly need the toilet in 20 mins. You would at least have the little 'tingly' sensation before hand.
You can go before the match begins. Like I said in previous post, when do you get Ronnie O'Sullivan or Steven Hendry abandoning their games for a pee in the middle of the World Snooker Championships?
You can go before the match begins. Like I said in previous post, when do you get Ronnie O'Sullivan or Steven Hendry abandoning their games for a pee in the middle of the World Snooker Championships?
Deleted User
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16:36 Tue 20 Sept 05 (BST)
Ye they go after a frame has been played while the referee is raking up the balls but on this thats like after a match you have plenty of time to pee after the match.
Deleted User
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16:58 Tue 20 Sept 05 (BST)
nax is 100% right a toilet break isnt necassary ans would only complicate the game more.
Deleted User
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17:17 Tue 20 Sept 05 (BST)
be a man and control your damn bladder ;-)
11:59 Tue 13 Dec 05 (GMT)
I reckon there should be an option to pause the game for sixty seconds, once per rack incase someone needs to go the bod or something. Or once every 5 matches or something
Deleted User
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12:08 Tue 13 Dec 05 (GMT)
how bout put a cork in it or summit for tournys den relieve urself afterwards :P
Deleted User
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18:03 Tue 13 Dec 05 (GMT)
Ive played some of my best pool while busting and trying to finish the game quickly - dont need breaks
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toilet break !!!
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