new idea !!!!!!!!!!!
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14:52 Tue 30 Aug 05 (BST)
i think we should have a site of the year award like each year the 2 best players go up agenst the best 2 players on another pool site and go head 2 head and who ever wins (sites) get a reward like both site put like £100 and who ever wins get 2 keep all the money so if funkypool wins it will get £200 so they can inprove the site with the £200 or $200
do u think it is a good idear ?????
Edited at 19:57 Tue 30/08/05 (BST)
do u think it is a good idear ?????
Edited at 19:57 Tue 30/08/05 (BST)
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15:36 Tue 30 Aug 05 (BST)
i think you mean idea...!
where is the second idear? the thread title says idears, plural, meaning theyre is more than one... :-D
nah, bad idea, no one would do it, and there is no other decent pool sites out theyre that can be compared to funkypool.
also, please explain how would £200 help out a pool website?
keep coming up with the ideas though!
Edited at 20:47 Tue 30/08/05 (BST)
where is the second idear? the thread title says idears, plural, meaning theyre is more than one... :-D
nah, bad idea, no one would do it, and there is no other decent pool sites out theyre that can be compared to funkypool.
also, please explain how would £200 help out a pool website?
keep coming up with the ideas though!
Edited at 20:47 Tue 30/08/05 (BST)
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05:05 Wed 31 Aug 05 (BST)
cool_boy you put some of these ideas in a different thread. stop trying to bump up posts or no one will listen to you!
05:22 Wed 31 Aug 05 (BST)
i couldnt fit it in
i couldnt fit it in
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08:54 Wed 31 Aug 05 (BST)
Are you a pirate? if your not why do you keep puttin r at the end of idea?
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09:57 Wed 31 Aug 05 (BST)
lol. Maybe it's a cool way of spelling? Gee, I must have missed THAT meeting...
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10:31 Wed 31 Aug 05 (BST)
Hey there. Idea is okish, although i don't think nick wants it to turn into a gambling arena! There's not really a need to be repeating posts, we saw the first one!
edit: If you could keep each idea to a separate thread, it's neater and allows more discussion on individual ideas and it'd be fab!
If not, don't worry, it's just better if you do.
Edited at 15:33 Wed 31/08/05 (BST)
edit: If you could keep each idea to a separate thread, it's neater and allows more discussion on individual ideas and it'd be fab!
If not, don't worry, it's just better if you do.
Edited at 15:33 Wed 31/08/05 (BST)
02:49 Thu 1 Sept 05 (BST)
Yep, and another thing, please keep the title descriptive. Instead of "new idea" (which we have many already) how about "Idea - Gambling v players from other sites".
This way we know what the thread is about when we click on it, and can easily find the thread again :)
This way we know what the thread is about when we click on it, and can easily find the thread again :)
10:51 Thu 1 Sept 05 (BST)
i have a good 1, how about havin knock outs added to ur records too. when u play in tournamets when u knock ppl out u get a knock out.
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new idea !!!!!!!!!!!
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