bmx'in and in-line sk8in, sk8 boardin motorcross???
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16:23 Wed 10 Aug 05 (BST)
hey ppl does ne1 else like bmx'in and inline sk8in or sk8 bordin and motorcross?? i prefer freestyle bmx and inline on the vert ramps! i was watchn the x games last night and dave mirra won bmx'in and takeshi yasutoko won inline! ne1 else watch it? i fink bmx'in n inline sk8in r both quality xtreme sports and i av jus strted gettin back into them not done them 4 a while so ne1 else do ither of them or even sk8 bordin or motorcross or r interested in xtreme sports? xtrmem sports r i feel da best sports around so plz tell if u do ne xtreme sport!!!!!!!
17:08 Wed 10 Aug 05 (BST)
iv been playing extreme barbie dolls now for about a year i can do some awsome tricks man. got some big air last night on my barbie & ken dream house set pulling off a 360 EXTREME HARDCORE DUDE!!!
18:27 Wed 10 Aug 05 (BST)
yeah good one sexy, you know im hurt deeply
18:41 Wed 10 Aug 05 (BST)
good arguement chap, i cant respond... nope u got me ur just too extreme
08:39 Thu 11 Aug 05 (BST)
(Post removed by an admin) <--did it 4 u :-)
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bmx'in and in-line sk8in, sk8 boardin motorcross???
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