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Posts: 607
09:48 Tue 8 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
8 Ball Tournament - silence_hill (0) loses to tim (3) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: tim 732.0 (+6.0), silence_hill 801.8 (-1.3)

tim won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 28 TournaPoints!

First post and dedi to my long time buddy silence_hill

I think a little bit of brown stuff might of been blocking his view from his last post
Good job mate , your way better player

I'm just an english version of jimfaebod I only talk to a select few people that I want to talk to.

tim is a way better player than me? What happened to me cheating? There you have it, if players are better than me then simply I don't cheat.

No matter what you or you're boyfriend 1stellafella says.

Words cant bring me down

Dedicate my 2 tournament wins this morning to weirdo_1

Edited at 10:36 Tue 08/02/22 (GMT)
Posts: 13,570
11:34 Wed 16 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi 9 Tourny to mick, tom, mehhh cba so all resta yaz and my oppo n0trespondin.
Went to the wire in a very tight match. He ran the rack too
Posts: 607
23:46 Wed 16 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi 918th 9 ball tourney to everyone
Posts: 5,201
03:54 Thu 17 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi 9 Tourny to mick, tom, mehhh cba so all resta yaz and my oppo n0trespondin.
Went to the wire in a very tight match. He ran the rack too

Well done Hippes
Posts: 13,570
17:35 Tue 22 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi a wee run of 92 to mick, my oppo who was strangely supportive lol, and to donna and tom and martin etc....yaz know who yaz are
Posts: 607
07:10 Mon 28 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahaha comical
Posts: 5,201
07:55 Mon 28 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi a wee run of 92 to mick, my oppo who was strangely supportive lol, and to donna and tom and martin etc....yaz know who yaz are

Good job Hippes
Posts: 2
10:25 Sat 5 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: 8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix - jimfaebod (0) loses to jim (3) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: jim 716.4 (+5.1), jimfaebod 743.3 (-0.7)
GAME: jim potted wrong ball (foul)
GAME: jimfaebod has left the game
GAME: jim can play on until finish of break, at that point a default win is awarded
RESULT: 8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix - jimfaebod (0) loses to jim (4) (by default, jimfaebod left the game)
RANKINGS: jim 721.3 (+4.9), jimfaebod 742.6 (-0.7)
TOURNAMENT: jim wins by default (jimfaebod left the tournament room)
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to (Newbie) who won their 4th ever 8 Ball Billiards Tournament, winning 56 TournaPoints!

Dedicate this to my opponent who ran off 4 frames in
Posts: 2
08:36 Mon 14 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: 8 Ball Tournament - pool_pirate (0) loses to jim (3) with 2 balls remaining
RANKINGS: jim 758.9 (+4.2), pool_pirate 755.3 (-1.2)
TOURNAMENT: jim knocks out pool_pirate
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to jim (Newbie) who won their 8th ever 8 Ball Billiards Tournament, winning 70 TournaPoints!

Dedicate this tournament win to my semi-final opponent lee85. Great player and always a good sport.

A shame the same can't be said about my opponent in the final

RESULT: 8 Ball Tournament - pool_pirate (0) loses to jim (2) on the black
RANKINGS: jim 754.7 (+4.4), pool_pirate 756.5 (-1.2)
pool_pirate: scum
GAME: jim potted on break, table is still open
jim: lol!
jim: youre a terrible sport kid
GAME: pool_pirate scratched cue ball (foul)
GAME: pool_pirate scratched cue ball (foul)
GAME: pool_pirate has left the game
GAME: jim can play on until finish of break, at that point a default win is awarded
Posts: 607
17:47 Sun 20 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 20:25 Sun 20/03/22 (GMT)
Posts: 5,201
07:29 Mon 21 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi the arcade tourney to my opponent Jim and to Mick who is always polite , fair and well mannered , an all round top bloke , unlike some sore losers on here
Posts: 17
18:28 Wed 23 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Same old shyte from the same old shyte. Some things never change
Posts: 13,570
18:35 Wed 23 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Same old shyte from the same old shyte. Some things never change

aye, that'd be the posts that gob off about others and then are edited to a PMSL

Bout time you showed yer face ya numpty!
Posts: 17
19:22 Wed 23 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice to see your still alive m8. Yh I keep remembering to come on then forgetting again
Posts: 4,230
04:34 Sat 26 Mar 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice to see your still alive m8. Yh I keep remembering to come on then forgetting again

tbh i think most of us here are well in our 30s, if not pushing 40 so forgetting is only normal :)

Thereal pro's are in their 50s+ and already forgot the first sentence.

imagine this site in 20 years time, the lucky ones still log on, cant play sht cos of alsheimers but shout about some wnker who ruined his game some 23 years ago....

Dont be the one to be remembered badly, gents. And ladies, theres a few of u, too.

Spread love not war.

Edited at 04:40 Sat 26/03/22 (GMT)
Posts: 607
08:21 Sun 27 Mar 22 (BST)  [Link]  
8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix - madmick22 (0) loses to silence_hill (3) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: silence_hill 832.2 (+2.7), madmick22 767.4 (-2.6)
8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix - madmick22 (0) loses to silence_hill (2) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: silence_hill 829.5 (+2.8), madmick22 770.0 (-2.8)
4 minutes ago
8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix - madmick22 (0) loses to silence_hill (1) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: silence_hill 826.7 (+3.0), madmick22 772.8 (-2.9)

Dedicate to my opponent madmick22 who ran off 3 frames in
Posts: 13,570
18:45 Sun 27 Mar 22 (BST)  [Link]  
...from he who runs most pmsl

9 Ball Speed to all the eejits
...even mick
Posts: 607
22:12 Sun 27 Mar 22 (BST)  [Link]  
...from he who runs most pmsl

9 Ball Speed to all the eejits
...even mick

From he who runs most? Tell me who's the player with most abandoned games on pool.

That would be you. I'm amused that you have a smart response for anything an everything that gets said whether that be about you or not.

Shame Mick doesn't read forums so he can't thank you for jumping to his rescue.

An were back to you sucking up to almost everyone on this game new or old people
Posts: 607
22:21 Sun 27 Mar 22 (BST)  [Link]  
Dedicate nothing to nobody

Edited at 22:52 Sun 27/03/22 (BST)
Posts: 5,201
08:55 Mon 28 Mar 22 (BST)  [Link]  
...from he who runs most pmsl

9 Ball Speed to all the eejits
...even mick


Well done Hippes
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