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King Of The 9 Ballers (Bubs)

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Posts: 213
04:49 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  


put your name below if you want to be blasted into oblivion

Posts: 14,736
04:51 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
17 Minutes since you won
11 Minutes since you posted the result

Still hasn't Reset his Stats....probably crying lol like the sad little abhorrent child he really is.

* Congratz on the Win - always great to see him Bought back down to Earth...with an almighty CRASH

(Looks better on Page 2)
Posts: 213
04:52 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
17 Minutes since you won
11 Minutes since you posted the result

Still hasn't Reset his Stats....probably crying lol like the sad little abhorrent child he really is.

* Congratz on the Win - always great to see him Bought back down to Earth...with an almighty CRASH

i message him and say i do not want him to reset stats,
the game was won that's all i am happy with, if he does not reset i will not complain as he worked hard for them
i play for fun to win not to ruin players stats
Posts: 14,736
05:01 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
It was his own suggestion, do you think he'd let you off without resetting? Doubt it. Good on you for not expecting it and rightly so but when it was his own idea then surely he should conform with it?

Everyone on this site would want to see him reset....:)
Posts: 213
05:19 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
which is exactly why id rather he did not do it, poisonous people living off someone elses misery

i will say it again he deserves his stats 1 match does not warrant such a harsh result.

i am happy if he does not reset i have told him it is not necessary. so if he does not do it its because of me not him
Posts: 14,736
05:22 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair enough, nothing poisonous about's just called Karma - what goes around...eventually comes back around.

That's all.
Posts: 213
05:32 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
well he has done nothing wrong to me so please don't use my win against him bubs. find your own glory and stop crawling around on the back of mine

thank you
Posts: 213
06:28 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
i will now face...

lee used to be lrg but now username unoit

this challenge will be tough for me as i have lost heavily to this guy before. i underestimated him and suffered the consequences but i am an animal i will eat him alive and spit out his bones
Posts: 213
10:52 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
i will now face...

lee used to be lrg but now username unoit

this challenge will be tough for me as i have lost heavily to this guy before. i underestimated him and suffered the consequences but i am an animal i will eat him alive and spit out his bones

match confirmed for Friday day or night

i predict 10-5 me
Posts: 213
12:56 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
can cap this thread now bubs
challenges closed,
Posts: 607
17:58 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
It was his own suggestion, do you think he'd let you off without resetting? Doubt it. Good on you for not expecting it and rightly so but when it was his own idea then surely he should conform with it?

Everyone on this site would want to see him reset....:)

Well actually the reset stats thing was just something said, to get him to play me. Everyone likes that challenge.

However there was a much bigger reason to me and gambler playing. And that reason would be to shut other players up accusing me and gambler of being the same person.

You really should investigate further into random friend requests from people especially girls. You never know who they are. But majority know who you are. That's why you never often get friend requests from legitimate women. Because you are a lurking little creep. Like most from your part of the area in the UK
Posts: 607
18:10 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Truth is ash that I have far much more dirt on you then you could ever have on me. Thanks to your clan mate betraying you by showing me your group chat on Facebook with all your clan mates involved.

And then another clan mate telling me something that i had missed, that you asked players to log onto other accounts an play other players. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about here.

Lfc12 aka Karl. Was probably the worst player in your team of powerhouses. So if he came up against a tough player in a clan match that you felt he'd lose. You'd speak to him on Facebook messenger an discuss with him the fact of legend_pot or rapid_pot going on his account to play the game. And then later doing a few swaps to ensure lfc12 aka Karl would get a game but against a far easier opponent.

I know why you don't play nor are interested in clans anymore. You hate the fact that you can no longer cheat to get results. Cheating after all it's exciting isn't it? I wouldn't know I've never cheated.. But you hear of cheats being thrilled at the thought of cheating and trying not to get caught.

Well your method of doing things, the way you cheated. You could never get caught, unless someone grassed on you which at this moment in time someone did.

Sorry cheat that you can no longer cheat, must be a heartbreaker.

Edited at 15:25 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)
Posts: 607
18:32 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I once ripped into faust about how much effort he put into this site to win a few pictures of trophies..

But you exceed his efforts Ash.. All that time spent dodging fixtures, fixing fixtures and you still were unable to win anything.

That's hilarious

Always a shame you couldn't fix the killer competition..

Edited at 15:35 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)

Edited at 15:50 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)
Posts: 607
18:38 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
It explains why legend_pot _fresh_ and rapid_pot all players I've played.. All players that demolished very good players but were all absolutely awful against me.

It was probably friendyboy playing on their accounts to even things up in the clan fixture.

And that's where Ashleigh's hatred comes from for me, the fact I exposed him for cheating..

It's not the fact that I persuaded w_hoolahan not to join his clan.. Loool

I'm dying to know how much it cost Ashleigh to pay for Alex (friendyboy) to travel from Ipswich to Kent just to spend an intimate night at his house. After all he was your co captain wasn't he Ash? So you two must have been soooo close.

Edited at 15:46 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)

Edited at 15:56 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)
Posts: 1,714
21:25 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
First off well done gambler on beating Phil. Both good players.

Regarding the reset I think it was just a silly thing to do but not something Phil should be persecuted for. He was already beaten and if he is proud of his stats which is totally understandable then he shouldnt and it was very sporting of gambler to tell him not to, I would have said the same.

I dont feel like this challenge was the reason for the reset but rather so he had a fresh challenge. So I think it was just a heat of the moment comment. I agree people would take joy in the reset but only because it would push them higher on rankings and medals which they always persecute Phil for. He would just achieve these again though. So I say do whats best for you and disregard what anyone says.
Posts: 14,736
21:38 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Phil (acio) you are so amusing your fabrications are getting worse by the day. There are many decent folk on here but also complete k nobz such as yourself too which in my opinion tarnish this great gaming pool site.
Posts: 607
21:58 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Phil (acio) you are so amusing your fabrications are getting worse by the day. There are many decent folk on here but also complete k nobz such as yourself too which in my opinion tarnish this great gaming pool site.

Okay okay Viki's admirer.. Why don't you go find a nice lady down the pub an force them to fancy you. And stop lurking online like a creep.

Middle aged men such as yourself having sleepovers with very young people.. It's somewhat disturbing

Now i'd happily stick around an argue with you all night, however knowing that you beg others for help when you are being ridiculed through someone's choice of words on a family friendly website.

That's where I just don't see the point.


Edited at 19:02 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)

Edited at 19:05 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)
Posts: 607
22:15 Thu 18 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
First off well done gambler on beating Phil. Both good players.

Regarding the reset I think it was just a silly thing to do but not something Phil should be persecuted for. He was already beaten and if he is proud of his stats which is totally understandable then he shouldnt and it was very sporting of gambler to tell him not to, I would have said the same.

I dont feel like this challenge was the reason for the reset but rather so he had a fresh challenge. So I think it was just a heat of the moment comment. I agree people would take joy in the reset but only because it would push them higher on rankings and medals which they always persecute Phil for. He would just achieve these again though. So I say do whats best for you and disregard what anyone says.

Thank you Kirk. Like I said to gambler, the only thing I would reset for is to improve my overall win %. My target for many years, not just on this account but on other previous accounts would be to have played 20,000 games and have a win % above 70%. With the lack of players that now currently play compared to years ago.

How long would it take to play that number of games again? And people say I enter to many tournaments.. Well when there's not many ranked or friendly games ongoing. What's a guy suppose to do?
Posts: 14,736
04:54 Fri 19 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Phil (acio) you are so amusing your fabrications are getting worse by the day. There are many decent folk on here but also complete k nobz such as yourself too which in my opinion tarnish this great gaming pool site.

Okay okay Viki's admirer.. Why don't you go find a nice lady down the pub an force them to fancy you. And stop lurking online like a creep.

Middle aged men such as yourself having sleepovers with very young people.. It's somewhat disturbing

Now i'd happily stick around an argue with you all night, however knowing that you beg others for help when you are being ridiculed through someone's choice of words on a family friendly website.

That's where I just don't see the point.


Edited at 19:02 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)

Edited at 19:05 Thu 18/10/18 (BST)


Edited at 03:10 Fri 19/10/18 (BST)
Posts: 607
05:07 Fri 19 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Viki's admirer Why would you ask someone to shut their trap after they've said some truthful things about you?

Viki's admirer Sleepovers with clan friends... Cheat and one huge creeeeeeep

Edited at 02:14 Fri 19/10/18 (BST)
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King Of The 9 Ballers (Bubs)

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