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Posts: 14,736
00:46 Sun 26 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmmmmm, time to play that then I see pfffft!

Lol, games with great graphics, game play and challenges are always great to play especially when this one gets a little tedious and monotonous.
Posts: 13,570
02:36 Sun 26 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmmmmm, time to play that then I see pfffft!

Lol, games with great graphics, game play and challenges are always great to play especially when this one gets a little tedious and monotonous.

I guess it's what ya make of it
Posts: 78
10:26 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
League, whether it is 4 people or 12 is atleast something cool to keep the people who do play on the site going.

Doesn't matter either way at least the people who play are good to play one another.

Getting very disappointed in you ash. You seem to be poking negatively no matter who does what. Try joining in.

Nah Deedee, just call it 'being Realistic'. The site nowadays just isn't the same as it used to be, no one has time or just as important the motivation to commit to anything any longer. All the little side events just emphasize it's only a select minority on here who are actually bothered about it's present and future.

The 'Season of Reckoning', hopefully assists the site getting back off the ground periodically but until I see a massive swarm of interest then it's just going to end up being a failed attempt I feel so I see no reason to join or waste my own time with it...good luck and enjoy the decaying site whilst it slowly filters away into its own obscurity.

IF my Realism disappoints then...sorry.

You are a constant source of negativity for this site, Ash. _epicshot_ is going to the effort to revive some life into funkypool by way of league competitions. There are a fair few of us who are keen to assist, to help this site, and because we relish competition. Why do you feel the need to keep commenting negatively towards positive initiatives?
Posts: 78
10:39 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Reading the replies to your posts _knightmare_ ive observed that no one appreciates or supports your consistent pessimism. I understand you have run teams on here for a long time - which makes it more odd that you are so down on any attempts to revive competition on here, I would have thought you would want good things for funkypool. I also gather from seeing the feedback to your recent posts that you have your critics, as im sure you would have friends on here too. I suggest you try to be part of something good for this site, but if you cannot, then just refrain from your negative slights. No one is interested in hearing that crap.
Posts: 14,736
15:58 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
When the Runner finds it acceptable to diss my family and my mother who's recently passed then excuse my negativity towards anything they try to run. I wouldn't trust the schmuck to run a bath let alone a make believe League/Season. What's the betting after their fantastic start (P2 L2) to this event (by no means warrants being categorised as a 'season')he quits or constructs some crappy excuse.

I appreciate your post and most what you've written I agree with but one thing I will never tolerate and that's abuse towards my family. I couldn't give a monkeys what anyone says about me, that's my problem if I bother to pay any attention to it.

Correct, I have run teams for a long time and thoroughly enjoyed it, the abuse and remarks just come with the remit and the responsibility of the role. I have hopes and expectations for this site to continue and hopefully begin to thrive again in the near future and like the fact we apparently have new players or even possible ones returning.

IF he apologises I'll accept it and we can all just move on, I'll leave his events and threads alone, that's a promise! I wish everyone else on this site well, friend or makes no difference.
Posts: 1,357
16:10 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
When the Runner finds it acceptable to diss my family and my mother who's recently passed then excuse my negativity towards anything they try to run. I wouldn't trust the schmuck to run a bath let alone a make believe League/Season. What's the betting after their fantastic start (P2 L2) to this event (by no means warrants being categorised as a 'season')he quits or constructs some crappy excuse.

I appreciate your post and most what you've written I agree with but one thing I will never tolerate and that's abuse towards my family. I couldn't give a monkeys what anyone says about me, that's my problem if I bother to pay any attention to it.

Correct, I have run teams for a long time and thoroughly enjoyed it, the abuse and remarks just come with the remit and the responsibility of the role. I have hopes and expectations for this site to continue and hopefully begin to thrive again in the near future and like the fact we apparently have new players or even possible ones returning.

IF he apologises I'll accept it and we can all just move on, I'll leave his events and threads alone, that's a promise! I wish everyone else on this site well, friend or makes no difference.

Wtf you talking about??? Do you always lie? The only apology you are getting from me is the fact that I believed your BS when I first joined this site. Shame on you for using your mom who is no longer alive in a argument on a online game. Shame on you!
Posts: 1,357
16:14 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash I'm serious. Think about your lies. Think about what you say. You look like a moron. You making shiet up just to get sympathy If anyone has said anything negative about family it would be you ... And you know this. Dude you should feel so ashamed mentioning your mother and her death to defend a argument. Do you have no limits sir??
Posts: 14,736
16:33 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's your common answer to everything, I'm making it all up. Ask yourself why the Hell would I even bother doing that? What have I got to achieve? You and I used to respect one another and played many frames/racks together but that all unfortunately changed when your ego decided to overlap the real you. My Negative attitude toward you is solely down to your vile, despicable & totally uncalled for remarks and comments about my family.

I'm not bothering to post them again as they were sick the first time I viewed them. Do I have no limits? Talk about pot kettle! Ask yourself the same thing! Is it ever suitable & appropriate to slander, ridicule, pass false judgement & criticise the closest person in my life when they've passed away? The answer's No!

I've nothing furthermore to say to you, please refrain from mentioning my name in any future posts and as far as I'm concerned you're nothing but a statistic on this site. I'll leave your threads/events alone too. Why would I lie about something so personal & true in my own're a disgrace to even accuse me of doing that!
Posts: 1,357
16:33 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
And on top of all that. The only person i can remember making fun of a death of a loved one to someone was when you laughed and said something to silence_hill about his girlfriend dying. And if you remember i said that was wrong . Shame on you Ash
Posts: 1,357
16:35 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash you are the one always posting lies and then get mad when you get called out. You should feel like worthless scum after bringing in your mother into this to bail you out. Shame on you

Edited at 14:39 Tue 28/11/17 (GMT)
Posts: 99
16:52 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fk me pink .. and I wonder why I stopped playing here lol
Posts: 10,109
18:30 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash has always been a prolific liar. And he's only a pessimist if it's about a subject he's not involved in.

If there's 10 or so people wanting to play a league or a comp, I'll start logging back in to get my games done.
Posts: 14,736
18:36 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash has always been a prolific liar. And he's only a pessimist if it's about a subject he's not involved in.

If there's 10 or so people wanting to play a league or a comp, I'll start logging back in to get my games done.

What have I lied about you friggin turd?
Go and crawl back in your hole!
Posts: 10,109
18:46 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow, found time in your busy schedule to post?

You want me to log into my photobucket account and pull out the myriad of lies you've told? It would take a while scrolling back through the years, but it sounds like fun!

However, everyone that has left the site, and everyone that still remains will always associate your name with the following...


Please if I've missed anything guys, feel free to copy/paste and add to it! :)
Posts: 14,736
19:03 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Coward: Nah, just not really arsed if I play the game when I have time.

Liar: I've never lied about anything on here, if you want to fabricate or misinterpret things then that's your problem not mine.

Cheat: WOW! Are we going there Stuey? I've never cheated in my life, how about you? Maybe I should ask some players what you've asked them to do? (Play under another player's account). Ring any bells!! - Such Hypocrisy

Sycophant: Oh I must be this because you didn't manage to sign all the TOP players when you wanted. Granted you managed to assemble and acquire a fantastic team but you really wanted ALL my top players due to us being a threat to your precious Uprising. That was quite enjoyable tbh watching you squirm and try all the tricks in the book to entice them away. Guess I must have been 'creeping or sucking up' to bring in the players you tried to sign yourself too, LOL.

Desperate & Lonely: You would think I would've been tbh but the Enjoyment and Amusement you bought to my Boring life became quite entertaining I didn't have time for anyone else or myself most of the time. So thank you very much for filling that void in my life. Also believe it or not the times I had to rearrrange, sub out or reschedule my fixtures were due to me putting my family and their concerns before that on here. If that's a crime then ....SUE ME!!!

Posts: 10,109
19:15 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Same ones.

Coward: You, I and everyone else knows this to be a fact.

Liar: I have a post of you vehemently denying that thanatos was Ant or Emma, and even claiming you hate them in the same post. Then I have a pic of you admitting you knew who it was all along. This is by no means the only lie I have on file.

Cheat: Find one player that I've asked to play on someone else's account, just one? And I'll post a pic of you saying you'd spoken to legend_pot and he's agreed to play before deadline, and then the post I got from legend_pot telling me that wasn't true at all, and he should've been subbed out. I'm looking at the pics now! When I got banned, I gave a banned player an old account. Very different!

Sycophant: You're the wormiest suck up I've ever seen. Some of the messages I have on my computer from Cliffy or Harry that you sent borders on sexual assault it's so sickening. I have never been a big enough saddo to act like that. Again, find a player who will claim different!

Desperate: You absolutely ooze desperation. For friends, for success, for acceptance. All of which you'll never have until you stop acting like a camp Gollum.

Lonely: The claims that your ex players are your "friends" says it all. My friends are the 7 lads I'm meeting in the pub tonight.

Want more???
Posts: 14,736
19:35 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Final Post on the Past...time moves on...suggest you do too!

Correct I did say I had no idea who Thanatos was and that was true at the start. It was only when they told me I found out further down the line. They requested their identity be kept private so I honoured that request. IF people ask me if they are such and such then out of respect to the player who'd put their confidence in me then any normal person would not necessarily lie but deny knowing the truth. That's all I did. If me having to fabricate a false hatred or dislike to someone to hopefully stop the incessant questioning then I did it. That's not lying in my eyes, just being tactful. Everyone knew it wasn't Ant too as he was clearly Precision and he had no problem who knew his identity.

As for legend_pot it's common knowledge you did your best to try to disrupt and unsettle him when we played versus your team. Ryan had and made every effort he could to play his fixtures, he remained in for as long as possible due to being ever reliable & constantly in communication with me all be it via text message or FB. Unfortunately the likes of you and others tried their very best to pressurise us into subbing him out all the time which we proudly stood against. I'd do the same all over again!
Posts: 13,570
20:12 Tue 28 Nov 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
In response to your last post on this thread Ash.....PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! That leads me to believe there is NO NEED for your negative remarks that starless, amongst many others, pointed out earlier.

Im feeling stupidly optimistic about this now as you said it, move yourself on!
Posts: 247
17:39 Thu 7 Dec 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Some things never change here eh
Posts: 4,228
06:33 Fri 8 Dec 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
a proper season, and im in as a player.,if needed
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