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TEAM D - you____lost - dark knight - sunflower bud - beetlejuice

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Posts: 103
05:35 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
You remind me of the kid who made a save in football (and yesss, I probably assume correctly you were ALWAYS in nets) and then went "mommy, mommy, look at me, I did it, I did it.....

she clapped and in her mind was thinkin "what a muppet"
Posts: 103
05:37 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Biggest bully on the site, harrassin people who beat you, bein' lovely to people you beat.

Posts: 607
05:40 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Biggest bully on the site, harrassin people who beat you, bein' lovely to people you beat.


Haha! Agreed
Posts: 103
05:42 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
My philosophy is one you think you have, but don't, and that is....

Flukes don't matter ever to me
Win or lose it's fun
Try to have everyone enjoy playing you with banter

You'll a falsehood of these.... I do it, You cry and cry and cry and cry...

Flukes matter to you, you hate it
Lose it's a nightmare,
hardly anyone enjoys playin' you
Posts: 103
05:46 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
you're* oops
Posts: 103
05:53 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
round one to me then? ding ding...

hit me back kid
Posts: 13,570
06:09 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Only tears from me on funky have been from laughing.
Reading the fabricated crap you've put together there speaks volumes about you and absolutely nothing about me.
Find somebody that could be bothered with yer lies and digs. Ain't for me, but thanks anyway. I'm sure somebody else can help with your need for crap
Best wishes
Posts: 103
06:28 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah man, I didn't wanna mention this, but you started round two so....

9 Ball Marathon Tournament - hippesville (2) loses to darkknight (5)
RANKINGS: darkknight 801.7 (+3.8), hippesville 782.6 (-3.7)
less than a minute ago

I ended it, ding ding round 2 - DK
Posts: 103
06:29 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
wanna keep goin' kid? i'm sure this will be 10-0 soon.... just leave it and do yourself a favour lad
Posts: 103
06:31 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not Ash, I'm not Craig, I'm not Dgen,

I'm DK and I won't be bullied.....
Posts: 607
06:42 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Is this guy serious? Lol

Edited at 05:32 Sun 09/07/17 (BST)
Posts: 103
06:45 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
edited for fairness .... You wanna take his round 3? i'll gladly own you too

Edited at 03:58 Sun 09/07/17 (BST)
Posts: 103
06:49 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
He started it tonight, I empathically ended it, got embarrassing' by the end how much I owned him....

Now you run along kiddo, whilst I'm still in a good mood
Posts: 103
07:34 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I wanna say something in fairness to hippesville, the edit silence hill made slagged him touching his daughter, I then confronted silence hill about that, and he deleted it, so I too edited my confronting of that out of my post, but you can see outta nowhere I was v angry at silence hill.

He made a ridiculous comment that should have him banned. I was stupid enough to delete my rant about it after he edited it out, as I knew it not to be true at all, but it was gone and so thought i'd delete what I said about silent_hill too

I believe any child abuse claims against players on a site for no reason other than stupidity, are outrageous, silence_hill should never set foot in here again.

He needs removed.
Posts: 103
07:38 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Who do I report perverts to?
Posts: 103
08:12 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I came back into forum to see he altered his scandalous post, which made my follow up look insane. So I had to "edit for fairness" for myself, as with his edit, it looked like I was going mental on him for a simple "lol"

As above though , He needs removed ASAP because child accusations are outrageous. Nobody deserves these things banded around.

He's only mad I challenged him on it, and has now went into one, pming me and messagin me, like the messages I got off those trolls.... turns out, it was all him.... He's the on sending messages, he's clearly the one you all refer to as umma, he's it, he's the site's problems.

Problem solved, so unless he's good mates with a moderator, he should be gone.
Posts: 103
08:14 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Silence _hill is your man - done and dusted.

wam bam thank you mam ( i'll take a 30% finders fee) though i'm sure a lot of people previously called it, I just got him stone cold.
Posts: 607
08:24 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Silence _hill is your man - done and dusted.

wam bam thank you mam ( i'll take a 30% finders fee) though i'm sure a lot of people previously called it, I just got him stone cold.

I'm pretty sure i've never been called umma, because most know i'm simply not him. Lol i have been accused of using 2 accounts once though! If thats anything close to your new accusations.

Also i'd like to address above. I never said anything about anyones children. I made a joke about hippesville. I said he logs out an rages when he loses, he doesn't say anything when he does lose. Hes only polite when he wins. But afterwards i realised that i'm provoking an argument. Which is punishable so i edited it.

Its awkward to say anything about anyones children, especially when I don't even know if the person in question has any children or not.

I know you've never liked me DK, but for you to stoop to such a level an lie about something like that. That's pretty disgusting in itself.
Posts: 607
08:28 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  

The boy should've should've been banned from site just for killin new player enthusiasm.... he's the last person a newbie should play, the boy would need a kayak to pedal outta his tears

You start an unneeded argument with Hippes, and say he should be banned, for pointless reasons! And as soon as he went, you started attacking me! Bored much?

Aww diddums
Posts: 607
08:31 Sun 9 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh and one more thing, i thought i'd point out that darkknight only started insulting me after he was kicked from the server, during a tournament final

Must have been the rage getting to him.

8 Ball Billiards Tournament - darkknight (0) loses to silence_hill (1) (by default, darkknight left the game)
RANKINGS: silence_hill 681.4 (+6.4), darkknight 777.9 (-0.6)
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TEAM D - you____lost - dark knight - sunflower bud - beetlejuice

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