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Team B: Harriet/Mel/Epic/Dgen

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Posts: 1,357
05:01 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I did reply but you're not really worth my time or effort so I deleted it.

Edited at 01:58 Tue 27/06/17 (BST)

So why did you post about me to begin with? See how silly you sound? Move on man enjoy ur life :)
Posts: 38,097
17:41 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
nice win mate

for the doubters out there, i was asked to watch this match by Redhand, he didn't have to of course but at least he has some closure now

Not sure how it's closure? He won 14-1 last time without you spectating.

It was Red who was throwing frames, not Jack so need to get that out of your head.

Jack was innocent in both matches, You're so obsessed you're convinced he is a cheat without providing evidence. I provided evidence that Jack didn't cheat already yet you're still convinced he has, yet previously you failed to post about what clear evidence of match fixing and convinced an innocent man had cheated.

Wouldn't want you at my trial
Posts: 38,097
17:43 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Also Red asked me to watch, he didn't have to ask as i knew he was guilt ridden over what happened and i knew he learned his lesson but i watched and neither man cheated.
Posts: 38,097
17:54 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I did reply but you're not really worth my time or effort so I deleted it.

Edited at 01:58 Tue 27/06/17 (BST)

So why did you post about me to begin with? See how silly you sound? Move on man enjoy ur life :)

Agreed, Been there and Done it. Obsessions are a bad thing.
Posts: 38,097
18:23 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Team A 7 vs 8 Team B

mike_though vs miss_harriet
whocares8x8 vs ferretlady
buckjam 7 vs 8 dgeneratio

Team B 22 vs 8 Team D

_epicshot_ 15 vs 0 you____lost
miss_harriet vs darkknight
dgeneratio 7 vs 8 beetlejuice

Team B 18 vs 12 Team E

_epicshot_ 8 vs 7 _stellafella
dgeneratio 10 vs 5 9ballsniper_
ferretlady vs thegame26

Team B 11 vs 19 Team F

_epicshot_ 9 vs 6 redhand
miss_harriet vs __start__
ferretlady 2 vs 13 silence_hill

Team B 8 vs 7 Team G

miss_harret vs v_rubbersoul_
ferretlady vs veyron
_epicshot_ 8 vs 7 hippesville

Team B 17 vs 13 Team H

miss_harriet vs horse10000
_epicshot_ 8 vs 7 faust
dgeneratio 9 vs 6 fastboysam
Posts: 338
20:38 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
nice win mate

for the doubters out there, i was asked to watch this match by Redhand, he didn't have to of course but at least he has some closure now

Not sure how it's closure? He won 14-1 last time without you spectating.

It was Red who was throwing frames, not Jack so need to get that out of your head.

Jack was innocent in both matches, You're so obsessed you're convinced he is a cheat without providing evidence. I provided evidence that Jack didn't cheat already yet you're still convinced he has, yet previously you failed to post about what clear evidence of match fixing and convinced an innocent man had cheated.

Wouldn't want you at my trial

I don't think he "threw frames" he was just getting beat and let his emotions get him. It happens
Posts: 1,357
21:13 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
nice win mate

for the doubters out there, i was asked to watch this match by Redhand, he didn't have to of course but at least he has some closure now

Not sure how it's closure? He won 14-1 last time without you spectating.

It was Red who was throwing frames, not Jack so need to get that out of your head.

Jack was innocent in both matches, You're so obsessed you're convinced he is a cheat without providing evidence. I provided evidence that Jack didn't cheat already yet you're still convinced he has, yet previously you failed to post about what clear evidence of match fixing and convinced an innocent man had cheated.

Wouldn't want you at my trial

I don't think he "threw frames" he was just getting beat and let his emotions get him. It happens

Amen lol
Posts: 38,097
23:37 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah, i've moved on from that but had to mention it because Ash hasn't moved on.
Posts: 1,357
19:53 Wed 5 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
So did we win this thing yet lol
Posts: 103
07:33 Mon 10 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hey, I messaged miss harriet ages ago, I don't know if this game will happen, is there a sub?

cheers x
Posts: 38,097
16:06 Mon 10 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hey, I messaged miss harriet ages ago, I don't know if this game will happen, is there a sub?

cheers x

We can't sub until Keith pushes a deadline (league rules), i've asked Mel and Harriet knows but they're in London at the moment, probably doing something Pool related.

Soon as Keith pushes a deadline, i'll see what we have free.
Posts: 38,097
13:21 Wed 19 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  

no results in over 3 weeks, should we add a deadline now and allow subs? as feel league will fold soon

^ to Keith

Hopefully he adds a deadline or folds the league so we can nip this in the bud
Posts: 38,097
17:19 Thu 20 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke to Keith and Subs are now allowed to complete games.

Only the players who didn't compete are allowed to play in the missing fixture.

No deadline "yet" but plan to talk to Keith about it so we can finish one way or another
Posts: 38,097
17:34 Thu 20 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Team A 7 vs 8 Team B

mike_though vs miss_harriet
whocares8x8 vs ferretlady
buckjam 7 vs 8 dgeneratio

Team A Sub: blackcabman7
Team B Sub: _epicshot_

Team B 22 vs 8 Team D

_epicshot_ 15 vs 0 you____lost
miss_harriet vs darkknight
dgeneratio 7 vs 8 beetlejuice

Team B Sub: ferretlady
Team D Sub: None

Team B 18 vs 12 Team E

_epicshot_ 8 vs 7 _stellafella
dgeneratio 10 vs 5 9ballsniper_
ferretlady vs thegame26

Team B Sub: miss_harriet
Team E Sub: erigert

Team B 11 vs 19 Team F

_epicshot_ 9 vs 6 redhand
miss_harriet vs __start__
ferretlady 2 vs 13 silence_hill

Team B Sub: dgeneratio
Team F Sub: None

Team B 8 vs 7 Team G

miss_harret vs _rubbersoul_
ferretlady vs veyron
_epicshot_ 8 vs 7 hippesville

Team B Sub: dgeneratio
Team G Sub: letsgochamp

Team B 17 vs 13 Team H

miss_harriet vs horse10000
_epicshot_ 8 vs 7 faust
dgeneratio 9 vs 6 fastboysam

Team B Sub: ferretlady
Team H Sub: dv8

Won't be Subbing yet to give people a final chance but I will soon if progress isn't made to try and end the league faster so it can be retired peacefully
Posts: 38,097
17:38 Thu 20 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't think Rubber or Dark should be subbed however as not their fault about the game.

We can Swap as well guys so Swap if needed and in around a Week i'll start subbing if I can to get games done.
Posts: 38,097
15:20 Fri 21 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke with Keith and he said a three week deadline but we traditionally end on a Sunday Night so final deadline is Sunday 13th August.

After that time all games unplayed would be defaulted.

Check here for your match:

If the Result isn't updated then please post it so I can update or Subs would be fair gain for that match as the result wouldn't have been posted to update.

Sub Tip: Figure out your current team (e.g. Team B, Dgen, Epic, Mel, Harriet) and if Epic, Mel and Harriet are in the game then only Dgen can Sub in to play it.

If Newcomers (i.e. Rubbersoul (Team G) are on the current team, they can still Sub in to any missing match provided they're only in one fixture in that match (e.g. Dgen can't play twice vs Team A).

Lastly thanks to everyone who stuck around to play their games, it's been a struggle this season but hoping for one final push before the league can be put to rest.

Thanks Guys.
Posts: 38,097
15:27 Fri 21 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll start subbing next weekend if we see opponents on which gives us 2 weeks to play remaining games.
Posts: 38,097
16:53 Fri 28 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Feel free to grab a Sub to complete remaining games
Posts: 38,097
17:04 Fri 28 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Harriet - 10 Days
Ferret - 4 Days
Dgen - Active
Epic - Active

Team A 7 vs 8 Team B

mike_though vs miss_harriet
whocares8x8 vs ferretlady

Team A Sub: blackcabman7 (Active)
Team B Sub: _epicshot_

Seb - Active
Mike - Active

* Jack can play either Mike or Cabbie whoever he sees first

Team B 22 vs 8 Team D

miss_harriet vs darkknight

Team B Sub: ferretlady (Active)
Team D Sub: None

Dark - Deactivated

* They have no Sub available

Team B 18 vs 12 Team E

ferretlady vs thegame26

Team B Sub: miss_harriet
Team E Sub: erigert

Richie - 7 Days
Eri - 11 Days

* I'll ask if Mel or Harriet can arrange with Richie

Team B 11 vs 19 Team F

miss_harriet vs __start__

Team B Sub: dgeneratio
Team F Sub: None

* I'll mail Trats as both Active

Team B 8 vs 7 Team G

miss_harret vs _rubbersoul_
ferretlady vs veyron

Team B Sub: dgeneratio
Team G Sub: letsgochamp

Veyron + Champ - 14+ Days
Rubber - Deactivated

* I'll prod Ash if I can play Lewis then leaves Mel to play Veyron (i'll try and prod Kris) or I can play Veyron, Happy either way.

Team B 17 vs 13 Team H

miss_harriet vs horse10000 (Active - Java Issues)

Team B Sub: ferretlady (Active)
Team H Sub: dv8 (Active)

* Mel and Andy seems the best idea if Keith cannot play
Posts: 4,230
01:19 Sun 30 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
il sub in to play Mel if she is active. Not interested to start and try to chase anyone down tho
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Team B: Harriet/Mel/Epic/Dgen

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