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Team G: Vix/Hippes/Veyron/Letsgochamp

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Posts: 127
18:41 Fri 12 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I've submitted our lists to Keith, I didn't figure anybody else would want to
Posts: 670
23:16 Fri 12 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you vix! You're my hero.
Posts: 13,570
00:44 Sat 13 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers vix, yer a leg-end
Posts: 127
00:37 Fri 19 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
^ Sent in our updated lists.
Posts: 13,570
00:22 Sat 20 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Wots da craic?
Posts: 338
04:49 Sat 20 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Wots da craic?

you smell bad
Posts: 38,097
18:15 Sun 21 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Keith's League

New Season is released and can be found here:

Alternatively you can use 'Clan A', 'Clan B' and 'Fixture 1A' for easier access.

No deadline for now but i will put one in place after a week or two

If you experience time zones try and Swap before matches are played as saw some instantly last season.

I double checked the lists but if their is a mistake, let me know and could be changed (matches played would stick though).

Good Luck Guys
Posts: 127
21:13 Sun 21 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll put ours up when I get home in a lil bit. But if anyone else wants to in the meantime feel free
Posts: 127
00:30 Mon 22 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Team G VS Team A

hippesville vs whocares8x8
vixen__xox vs blackcabman7
letsgochamp vs mike_though

Team G VS Team B

vixen__xox vs miss_harriet
veyron vs ferretlady
hippesville vs _epicshot_

Team G VS Team D

veyron vs you___lost
hippesville vs sunflowerbud
vixen__xox vs darkknight

Team G VS Team E

veyron vs northman
vixen__xox vs thegame26
letsgochamp vs erigert

Team G VS Team F

letsgochamp vs __start__
veyron vs silence_hill
hippesville vs redhand

Team G VS Team H

vixen__xox vs horse10000
hippesville vs jberg
letsgochamp vs faust

FCL: 5 X 8US, 9US, 8UK

Good Luck team!
Posts: 13,570
00:54 Mon 22 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Good work Dee, yer doin a great job
Posts: 127
03:12 Mon 22 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
vixen__xox 4 va 11 darkknight

1-4 (RO dark)
1-4 (RO dark)

I gave away carries on 2 RO's for me in 8uk and once in 9us and he finished any clearances left no matter how difficult the chance.. He had two RO's and was the much better player overall.

Always enjoy playing him so vggs and best of luck with the rest of your opponents.
Posts: 38,097
13:52 Mon 22 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
jberg out, dv8 in

Posts: 13,570
20:50 Mon 22 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Haven't massaged Viki but heard from all other oppo's except Seb so all good my end
Posts: 13,570
01:27 Wed 24 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville 7 - 8 _epicshot_

8us: 2 - 3
9us: 4 - 1
8uk: 1 - 4

v ggs and he totally deserved it, prob shoulda been a more convincing win for him. all good anyway, played in good spirit and that's what we want
Posts: 127
00:49 Thu 25 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
vixen 12 vs 3 cabby

4-1 played pretty well here and got a 7 balling, he ran out of position a few times and missed one or two sitters but overall he played well.

3-2 We both went in off on a couple of stupid shots here and I missed a sitter to leave the 9 over the pocket with the next ball right behind it but he also got a very tough position on a 9 after clearing very well so this result could have gone either way.

5-0 He deserved one here as he went in off on a black that was in an edgy position but I played very well overall so 4-1 would have been fairer.

Good games, enjoyed them.. and very good luck for the rest of your season.
Posts: 5,821
00:51 Thu 25 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
vixen 12 vs 3 cabby

4-1 played pretty well here and got a 7 balling, he ran out of position a few times and missed one or two sitters but overall he played well.

3-2 We both went in off on a couple of stupid shots here and I missed a sitter to leave the 9 over the pocket with the next ball right behind it but he also got a very tough position on a 9 after clearing very well so this result could have gone either way.

5-0 He deserved one here as he went in off on a black that was in an edgy position but I played very well overall so 4-1 would have been fairer.

Good games, enjoyed them.. and very good luck for the rest of your season.
very good player deseved to win better player won
Posts: 670
22:49 Thu 25 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
letsgochamp vs mike_though

8us 4-1
9us 3-2
8uk 4-1

11-4 me.

Well since you bloody lot got robbed blind in your games it was down to me to bring home the bacon! :D

Despite the scoreline it was close, a lot of games could have gone his way but just didn't. We both played some brilliant stuff, and we both also played some shots that made us scratch our heads... 8uk was a big let down for him as he gave me a carry in every match (like our clan game last season)

I could have done a lot better in this and was kicking myself for some of the opportunities I screwed up that I normally wouldn't, but for every time something went wrong for me it would go twice as bad for him, so really can't complain.

ggs pal, hard luck, gl for the rest.
Posts: 670
21:58 Tue 30 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
letsgochamp vs __start__

8us 0-5
9us 1-4
8uk 1-4

13-2 to the darkness, the evil! Trats!

I don't know how this happened, I'm still trying to figure it out myself, but I suspect sorcery.

Lol I don't really know what to say, I just couldn't get going, barely got a decent opportunity until 8uk and lets just say even they went down the pan. It wasn't like he was making crazy shots or doing anything spectacular on the table, it wasn't even as if I played bad, I could have done more in a couple of matches, but I don't even remember missing a shot, it's not even as if I can look back and talk about all the frames I could have won, cause realistically that would have been 2-3 more at the very most, he was just consistently getting the better opportunities and taking them every single time.

Sorry guys, trats was just a machine, can't think of many who would have done a lot better with the chances I had tonight, especially with him been on fire like he was. ggs mate wp.
Posts: 13,570
22:02 Tue 30 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmmm Robbed Blind????

Unlucky m8, tough oppo. Take it out on yer next victim!!
Posts: 13,570
00:26 Thu 1 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville v beetlejuice

8us: 2 - 3
9us: 3 - 2
8uk: 3 - 2

Overall 8 - 7 to me! shock, because after I won first 2 in 8us he took off!!! Some excellent shooting with the odd bit of luck thrown in too. Thought I was gonna get trashed! But somehow I snuck it. V ggs as ever, gl for da resta yer games bud
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Team G: Vix/Hippes/Veyron/Letsgochamp

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