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Team M - Harriet/Triple_B/Northman/Fastboysam

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Posts: 2,588
13:29 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team M Individual fixtures

miss harriet

vs skiller 10
vs im_crap_adam
vs friendyboy
vs legend_pot
vs silent_hills
vs letsgochamp
vs _gerarddd


vs horse10000
vs ritcho
vs thegame26
vs _stellafella
vs __start__
vs buckjam
vs mike_though
vs you__lost


vs 9ballsniper_
vs dvz
vs _knightmare
vs crucial
vs jacko
vs scottyjr


vs erigert
vs cke1982
vs beetlejuice
vs snowden
vs davyb0207
vs dv8
vs veyron

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 11:50 Sun 05/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 2,588
13:30 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Games

Team A (10) vs (5) M

horse10000 vs triple_b
hippesville (10) vs (5) northman
im_crap_adam vs miss_harriet

Team B (9) vs (6) M

kris (9) vs (6) northman
skiller10 vs miss_harriet
ritcho vs triple_b

Team C vs M

thegame26 vs triple_b
erigert vs fastboysam
friendyboy vs miss_harriet

Team D (15) vs (15) M

dgeneratio (8) vs (7) triple_b
marksmith (7) vs (8) northman
cke1982 vs fastboysam

Team E vs M

legend_pot vs miss_harriet
9ballsniper_ vs northman
beetlejuice vs fastboysam

Team F vs M

silent_hills vs miss_harriet
dvz vs northman
_stellafella vs triple_b

Team G vs M

snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman

Team H vs M

davyb0207 vs fastboysam
__start__ vs triple_B
crucial vs northman

Team I (16) vs (14) M

darkknight vs northman
faust (4) vs (11) miss_harriet
faust (12) vs (3) fastboysam

Team J vs M

buckjam vs triple_b
dv8 vs fastboysam
jacko vs northman

Team K (6) vs (9) M

mike_though vs triple_b
vixen_xxx (6) vs (9) miss_harriet
veyron vs fastboysam

Team L vs M

scottyjr vs northman
you___lost vs triple_b
_gerardddd_ vs miss_harriet

Edited at 11:36 Sun 05/03/17 (GMT)

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 11:47 Sun 05/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 1,617
14:38 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks klien
Posts: 2,588
15:07 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please can everyone take a look at this and join should you want to. ALL are welcome to begin with!

Any questions or suggestions please ask me!
Posts: 38,097
15:40 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
TEAM B (9) v (6) TEAM M
kris (9) v (6) northman
skiller10 v miss_harriet
ritcho v triple_b

TEAM K (6) v (9) TEAM M
mike_though vs triple_b
vixen_xxx (6) vs (9) miss_harriet
veyron vs fastboysam

^ Keith has made one final alteration due to his mistake yesterday so will alter soon and will notify team K and B.

Posts: 2,588
15:46 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
TEAM B (9) v (6) TEAM M
kris (9) v (6) northman
skiller10 v miss_harriet
ritcho v triple_b

TEAM K (6) v (9) TEAM M
mike_though vs triple_b
vixen_xxx (6) vs (9) miss_harriet
veyron vs fastboysam

^ Keith has made one final alteration due to his mistake yesterday so will alter soon and will notify team K and B.


They're already done on the above fixtures.
Posts: 38,097
15:50 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
posted then saw and too lazy to edit
Posts: 72
20:53 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh miss_harriet is playing Keiths event?

Wouldn't have thought so since she doesn't reply to messages.

Can i have a different opponent please?
Posts: 661
21:58 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh miss_harriet is playing Keiths event?

Wouldn't have thought so since she doesn't reply to messages.

Can i have a different opponent please?

Not getting out of it that easily. :P I just forgot you messaged. I've replied now. Got a lot going on at the moment, you know, in the real world....
Posts: 338
23:02 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh miss_harriet is playing Keiths event?

Wouldn't have thought so since she doesn't reply to messages.

Can i have a different opponent please?

Not getting out of it that easily. :P I just forgot you messaged. I've replied now. Got a lot going on at the moment, you know, in the real world....

What is this real world of which you speak?
Posts: 1,617
00:39 Mon 6 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
triple b vs stellafella

8us 3-2
9us 3-2
8uk 3-2

9-6 to me ggs
Posts: 1,617
23:05 Wed 8 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
triple b vs mike though
8us 3-2
9us 4-1
8uk 4-1

so 11-4 overall , he had some very unlucky moments that cost him a few frames , gl in the rest
Posts: 9,926
01:28 Thu 9 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
As it is 10 days since the fixtures were released the following will be removed:-

thegame26 - Team C
legend_pot - Team E

I also noticed that ritcho has been offline for 9 days for Team B, if he does not log in before midnight tomorrow he will also be removed.

For teams that have a player removed, they have two options available to them,

To give all original teams a chance to finish with the original team. If teams have 3 active players and they think they can complete all games i am happy for them even if a player is removed to try and complete all fixtures with 3 players. Player who has not played in a fixture would receive the removed players game for that fixture.

If teams require extra players this would be either from the waiting list in the first instance in the order that players had posted interest.

Current List - I think is as follows:-

If there is no waiting list as all players on it have found a team, it is up to the teams to source a new player. No player that has been removed can go back to another team or their original team.

Can all players please advise of any opponents who have not logged in since fixtures have been released or are 10 days offline and all such players will be removed.

If clans have a player who has asked to be removed or advised he is not wanting to play, they now have the option to remove and play with 3 or take a replacement as per above, please just post so all teams are aware.

Any questions regarding any of the above please ask
Posts: 338
05:24 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  


beetlejuice vs fastboysam and blackcabman7 vs miss_harriet


beetlejuice vs miss_harriet and blackcabman7 vs fastboysam
Posts: 38,097
15:55 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
If anyone has scottyjr or jedi_master then please check this thread:

Sorry for not posting them directly, fairly busy
Posts: 661
20:53 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
vs silent_hills


Posts: 1,617
21:11 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team L vs M
you___lost vs triple_b
_gerardddd_ vs miss_harriet

is now

you___lost vs miss_harriet
_gerardddd_ vs triple_b

reason for the swap is im a evening player and you____lost is a day time player
Posts: 661
00:07 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team L vs M
you___lost vs triple_b
_gerardddd_ vs miss_harriet

is now

you___lost vs miss_harriet
_gerardddd_ vs triple_b

reason for the swap is im a evening player and you____lost is a day time player

Okay Sarah - good luck.
Posts: 1,617
00:12 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team L vs M
you___lost vs triple_b
_gerardddd_ vs miss_harriet

is now

you___lost vs miss_harriet
_gerardddd_ vs triple_b

reason for the swap is im a evening player and you____lost is a day time player

Okay Sarah - good luck.

thanks i beat gerard 9-6 but lost vs horse 5-10
Posts: 661
00:16 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done, and unlucky.
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Team M - Harriet/Triple_B/Northman/Fastboysam

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