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Team H - Klien/_Start_/DavyB/Crucial

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Pages: 1 6 7
Posts: 859
20:00 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I spend about 2 hours aday on my computer??? if you want to tell the truth ure on ures all day mostly......... that is sad... and being single must be sad..... how do you pay ure rent if you don't work????
Posts: 38,097
20:12 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I spend about 2 hours aday on my computer??? if you want to tell the truth ure on ures all day mostly......... that is sad... and being single must be sad..... how do you pay ure rent if you don't work????

why do you care? why go into my personal life?

you once got muted for going on about jobs too much so maybe should quit while your ahead
Posts: 859
20:16 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
looks like you don't really want to work.... I hope ure paying rent... this site isn't important
Posts: 38,097
20:32 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
not getting into it as some things are meant to stay private.

If this site is so meaningless then why are you here?
Posts: 3,359
21:58 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
looks like you don't really want to work.... I hope ure paying rent... this site isn't important

What gives you the right to judge anyone ?

Do you know every persons circumstances on this site ? It's really none of you're business if James works or not , do you want a chocolate watch because you have a job ?

Stop judging and just play the game there is no need to try and degrade while you're sat behind a computer
Posts: 13,570
23:08 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
this site isn't important.................... you spend every day playing on tanks and on this site..... how on earth does ure wife let you sit on a computer all day every day wasting ure life away???

Why then if it doesn't matter are you behaving this way???
Insults are obviously your defence mechanism which is sad. Gawd help those close to you (if indeed there are any).

Most people play for the enjoyment and the banter. You constantly thro crap at folk. Can't blame anybody but YOU! What age are ya???!!!

I'll buy ya some tissues and you can sort yourself out.....if that's at all possible.
Posts: 13,570
23:46 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 13,570
23:47 Sun 7 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 859
19:32 Mon 8 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
this site isn't important.................... you spend every day playing on tanks and on this site..... how on earth does ure wife let you sit on a computer all day every day wasting ure life away???

Why then if it doesn't matter are you behaving this way???
Insults are obviously your defence mechanism which is sad. Gawd help those close to you (if indeed there are any).

Most people play for the enjoyment and the banter. You constantly thro crap at folk. Can't blame anybody but YOU! What age are ya???!!!

I'll buy ya some tissues and you can sort yourself out.....if that's at all possible.

nice story bro... #howboringwasthattoread
Posts: 13,570
19:55 Mon 8 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
this site isn't important.................... you spend every day playing on tanks and on this site..... how on earth does ure wife let you sit on a computer all day every day wasting ure life away???

Why then if it doesn't matter are you behaving this way???
Insults are obviously your defence mechanism which is sad. Gawd help those close to you (if indeed there are any).

Most people play for the enjoyment and the banter. You constantly thro crap at folk. Can't blame anybody but YOU! What age are ya???!!!

I'll buy ya some tissues and you can sort yourself out.....if that's at all possible.

nice story bro... #howboringwasthattoread

Last from me on this, and apologies coz it's really boring, especially as this site isn't important............YOUR OWN WORDS......
top of the tree

OverallThis page shows the top overall players. To qualify for these tables players must have played at least a single game in every required sub-game.
__start__ England 794.8
onua0767 Canada 794.5
turtle1560 Ireland 793.4
beenjammin United States 793.3
darkknight unspecified 789.4
destiny Germany 788.7
_niall_ Ireland 783.5
_marc_ United States 782.8
lethal_lures England 782.5
miss_harriet England 780.9
#Richard PMSL
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Team H - Klien/_Start_/DavyB/Crucial

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