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Team 2 (B) ***Kris/Mr_pink_eyes/Ritcho/Skiller10***

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Posts: 13,570
14:07 Mon 17 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Pinkys games

crucial (you have him in yours too)

Hippes games


there you go mate

Cheers James. If any of the above get their notification and can message me when they're available that'd be great
Posts: 38,097
14:19 Mon 17 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
i'll change them tomorrow
Posts: 13,570
04:46 Wed 19 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hippes 8 - 2 9ballsniper_

8us: 3 - 2
9us: 5 - 0

To be continued
8us were awesome games, all nip n tuck
9us he never turned up! but ggs and banter so far
Posts: 38,097
14:21 Wed 19 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
nice lead
Posts: 13,570
20:58 Wed 19 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  

Posts: 13,570
01:11 Fri 21 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville 8 - 7 triple_b

8us: 3 - 2
9us: 2 - 3
8uk: 3 - 2

such a tight match. both playing on a par with each other, tho I had to dig in at 7 - 5 down in uk.
ggs as ever with my wee chum. keep er lit
Posts: 13,570
03:36 Fri 21 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville 7 - 8 faust

8us: 4 - 1
9us: 1 - 4
8uk: 2 - 3

Good grief these weren't great from either, tho he'd a nice runout in uk. Very scrappy. It was like our mums playin instead of us at times lol (hope he agrees!!.....altho he can't post so I'm safe enough ).

I think what I saw with faust, was an example of effort and commitment which I think James would appreciate too. Think I messaged him 2 days ago and we've got it played. So easy, and he's hardly on!
Sorry team
Posts: 38,097
12:01 Fri 21 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
no worries two close ones

yeah those are the best players and FB is even easier
Posts: 38,097
15:01 Sun 23 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
Deadline 30th April @ Midnight

Post Results Here

kris v thegame26
hippesville v erigert
hippesville v crucial
hippesville v buckjam
hippesville 8 v 2 9ballsniper_

their are no words yet if Subs are allowed without removing someone so disallowed for now but may help get games played closer to the deadline horse10000?

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Once this post is posted, i'll check the current page only for missing results and post them, Rest are down to Clan Reps.


Edited at 12:55 Sun 23/04/17 (BST)
Posts: 13,570
15:26 Tue 25 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
Deadline 30th April @ Midnight

Post Results Here

kris v thegame26
hippesville v erigert
hippesville v crucial
hippesville v buckjam
hippesville 8 v 2 9ballsniper_

their are no words yet if Subs are allowed without removing someone so disallowed for now but may help get games played closer to the deadline horse10000?

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Once this post is posted, i'll check the current page only for missing results and post them, Rest are down to Clan Reps.


Edited at 12:55 Sun 23/04/17 (BST)

All mine messaged. I've no doubt Jamie and sniper will be done, but no response from others
Posts: 38,097
18:18 Tue 25 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
Deadline 30th April @ Midnight

Post Results Here

kris v thegame26
hippesville v erigert
hippesville v crucial
hippesville v buckjam
hippesville 8 v 2 9ballsniper_

their are no words yet if Subs are allowed without removing someone so disallowed for now but may help get games played closer to the deadline horse10000?

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Once this post is posted, i'll check the current page only for missing results and post them, Rest are down to Clan Reps.


Edited at 12:55 Sun 23/04/17 (BST)

All mine messaged. I've no doubt Jamie and sniper will be done, but no response from others

Noob posted a result about Sniper which was around 10-5, could you check
Posts: 38,097
20:24 Tue 25 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Noob didn't realise Hippes was in this team too so likely a different match but i'll mail Hippes to check.
Posts: 13,570
20:47 Tue 25 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Will have a look later chum
Posts: 13,570
22:17 Fri 28 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wondering dgeneratio if any of the resta the team can play erigert?

He's replied and said he can be on tomorrow afternoon but I'm workin and not able to get on till 6ish at the earliest.

kris ritcho skiller10

Posts: 38,097
22:21 Fri 28 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wondering dgeneratio if any of the resta the team can play erigert?

He's replied and said he can be on tomorrow afternoon but I'm workin and not able to get on till 6ish at the earliest.

Sadly no mate, unless you swap with kris? i'll see what he says

EDIT: Said he can't make it

Edited at 19:30 Fri 28/04/17 (BST)
Posts: 13,570
22:50 Fri 28 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wondering dgeneratio if any of the resta the team can play erigert?

He's replied and said he can be on tomorrow afternoon but I'm workin and not able to get on till 6ish at the earliest.

Sadly no mate, unless you swap with kris? i'll see what he says

EDIT: Said he can't make it

Edited at 19:30 Fri 28/04/17 (BST)

Sure richie says he won't be playin any more, so if kris can play it that'd be great
Posts: 38,097
22:52 Fri 28 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
i asked but said he wasn't free tomorrow daytime
Posts: 4,230
03:04 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wondering dgeneratio if any of the resta the team can play erigert?

He's replied and said he can be on tomorrow afternoon but I'm workin and not able to get on till 6ish at the earliest.

Sadly no mate, unless you swap with kris? i'll see what he says

EDIT: Said he can't make it

Edited at 19:30 Fri 28/04/17 (BST)

Sure richie says he won't be playin any more, so if kris can play it that'd be great

If this is the case then im very dissapointed with thegame26 as ive been trying to get this played for a while now. yet i have to hear about it from here.
Posts: 4,230
03:09 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
i can play and sub in but evenings. or tonight. ill be hungover/bedridden-as told to James earlier today- , tomorrow. sunday i dont mind. but even that is debatebale as im not sure what im gonna be doing tomorrow nite.

i have no intentions tu run my last game with Richie to default, but i need this to be clarifeid, James.
Posts: 4,230
03:12 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
iThe best i can do, is to msg to Eri tomorrow , and we go from there if hippes really has no chance to meet him. What about sunday, Hippie?
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Team 2 (B) ***Kris/Mr_pink_eyes/Ritcho/Skiller10***

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