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Team 2 (B) ***Kris/Mr_pink_eyes/Ritcho/Skiller10***

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Posts: 38,097
20:57 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
**EDIT - This is what i sent Pinky**

Team A 13 v 17 Team B
horse10000 7 v 8 skiller10
bigcjl2 6 v 9 kris
im_crap_adam v mr_pink_eyes

Team B 0 v 0 Team N
skiller10 v miss_harriet
kris v northman
ritcho v parallax

Team B 0 v 0 Team C
skiller10 v _epicshot_
kris v thegame26
ritcho v erigert

Team B 21 v 9 Team D
skiller10 whocares8x8
mr_pink_eyes 10 5 dgeneratio
ritcho 11 4 marksmith

Team B 0 v 0 Team E
kris slimeball
mr_pink_eyes 9ballsniper_
ritcho beetlejuice

Team B 0 v 0 Team F
skiller10 naaaaaaaaath
kris dvz
ritcho silent_hills

Team B 7 v 8 Team G
skiller10 snowden
kris 7 8 letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes _knightmare_

Team B 6 v 9 Team H
skiller10 6 9 klien
mr_pink_eyes crucial
ritcho davyb0207

Team B 0 v 0 Team I
kris andyw1
mr_pink_eyes faust
ritcho darkknight

Team B 0 v 0 Team J
skiller10 jacko
kris redhand
ritcho buckjam

Team B 9 v 6 Team K
skiller10 rapid_pot
kris 9 6 mike_though
mr_pink_eyes vixen_xxx

Team B 0 v 0 Team L
skiller10 jedi_master
mr_pink_eyes scottyjr
ritcho _gerardddd_

Team B 0 v 0 Team M
kris fastboysam
mr_pink_eyes 2pac786
ritcho triple_b

^ This is what i have mate, only those posted in results count as we don't check threads so post the rest and i'll update when i get the time.
Posts: 4,230
21:21 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
yea i think that is correct, dgeneratio.

thanks for that, its what, 13 teams, 13 lists, so i see your problem.
i will try and keep our up to date, pinky, ritcho and skiller can help and post it too, if needed
Posts: 4,230
21:22 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sent you what fixtures i've updated Pinky mate and from what you said, some are missing as you're missing 2 partial wins. I'll leave you to look at them mate and i'll update when i can on Results.


who is missing what?

From what Pinky said you're missing two wins but i only update those on Results Thread. On my Sheet i have 3 wins and 2 losses and Pinky said you should be on 5.

I'll post what i sent

wich 2 wins, ive no idea, by who? did he say it?
as i can check and post em if needed
Posts: 38,097
21:23 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks mate, yeah 91 fixtures is tough to keep track of
Posts: 4,230
21:28 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sent you what fixtures i've updated Pinky mate and from what you said, some are missing as you're missing 2 partial wins. I'll leave you to look at them mate and i'll update when i can on Results.


who is missing what?

From what Pinky said you're missing two wins but i only update those on Results Thread. On my Sheet i have 3 wins and 2 losses and Pinky said you should be on 5.

I'll post what i sent

wich 2 wins, ive no idea, by who? did he say it?
as i can check and post em if needed

had a look. skillers games ive posted, hes playin Craig right now. mine are posted and ritcho only played one tht is posted. im sure pinky wasnt about his own games, so imo everyting is sound atm
Posts: 4,230
21:29 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sent you what fixtures i've updated Pinky mate and from what you said, some are missing as you're missing 2 partial wins. I'll leave you to look at them mate and i'll update when i can on Results.


who is missing what?

From what Pinky said you're missing two wins but i only update those on Results Thread. On my Sheet i have 3 wins and 2 losses and Pinky said you should be on 5.

I'll post what i sent

wich 2 wins, ive no idea, by who? did he say it?
as i can check and post em if needed

had a look. skillers games ive posted, hes playin Craig right now. mine are posted and ritcho only played one tht is posted. im sure pinky wasnt about his own games, so imo everyting is sound atm

oh, just noticed, he was talking about me
no ive only played 3, 2 wins 1 loss
Posts: 38,097
21:29 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok cool, i'm only updating each afternoon at the mo
Posts: 4,230
21:33 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok cool, i'm only updating each afternoon at the mo

but id gladly take them 2 wins, 8-7 against dvz and thegame26, for example. can even post em if u like
Posts: 4,230
23:47 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
skiller10 vs jacko

4-11 to Craig

they did play 6 frames of 9us bud one of them was ranked tht skiller won so i assume, that it didnt count?

correct me if i was wrong lads
Posts: 38,097
00:17 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
scores were

sorry was 10-5 to me
agasint skiller10

5-0 to me in 8 ball
3-2 to me 9 ball
2-3 to him in UK
Sent 6 minutes ago
Posts: 4,230
04:51 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
kris -northman

8uk 2-3 northman
9us 3-2 kris
8uk4-1 kris

kris 9-6 northman

we were both drunk so decided to have a go. He was off on a flier, playing very well. knowing myself, i can be brill when drunk or absolute rubbish, as ye all know :) so somehow i managed to get the upper hand at 9us.. going into 8uk it was anyones game.i guess i had a sober moment at 8uk as i manaed to gather myself and win it qutie comfortably.

ggs bud and thanks for playing-all the best in rest!
Posts: 4,230
07:09 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  


happy with that. all i remember , i was 4-1 up and then Dave happened :)

pleasure as always, ty matey

Edited at 06:13 Sat 04/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 4,230
10:09 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
and thats me at the half-way house with my games, 5 done 5 to go. another week-10 days should sort it

btw, _knightmare_, how are u doing with yours ?

as someone earlier mentioned "the most active member on here... "
Posts: 38,097
13:27 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team N has been removed and merged with Team M so don't play the Team M/N on this thread and refer to Discussion for New Team M Fixtures.

Posts: 38,097
15:49 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
New Games
kris v fastboysam
skiller10 v miss_harriet
ritcho v triple_b

Old Games (Don't Play unless in New Games)
Team B 0 v 0 Team M
kris fastboysam (Keith Kept)
mr_pink_eyes 2pac786 (Changed)
ritcho triple_b (Keith Kept)

Team B 0 v 0 Team N
skiller10 v miss_harriet (Keith Kept)
kris 9 v 6 northman (Voided)
ritcho v parallax (Changed)
Posts: 38,097
15:49 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
kris asked me to post
Posts: 2,588
14:59 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please can everyone take a look at this and join should you want to. ALL are welcome to begin with!

Any questions or suggestions please ask me!
Posts: 38,097
15:40 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
TEAM B (9) v (6) TEAM M
kris (9) v (6) northman
skiller10 v miss_harriet
ritcho v triple_b

TEAM K (6) v (9) TEAM M
mike_though vs triple_b
vixen_xxx (6) vs (9) miss_harriet
veyron vs fastboysam

^ Keith has made one final alteration due to his mistake yesterday so will alter soon and will notify team K and B.

Posts: 4,230
21:22 Wed 8 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
any news here gents?
skiller10 ritcho mr_pink_eyes

good luck everyone!!!!!
Posts: 9,926
01:29 Thu 9 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
As it is 10 days since the fixtures were released the following will be removed:-

thegame26 - Team C
legend_pot - Team E

I also noticed that ritcho has been offline for 9 days for Team B, if he does not log in before midnight tomorrow he will also be removed.

For teams that have a player removed, they have two options available to them,

To give all original teams a chance to finish with the original team. If teams have 3 active players and they think they can complete all games i am happy for them even if a player is removed to try and complete all fixtures with 3 players. Player who has not played in a fixture would receive the removed players game for that fixture.

If teams require extra players this would be either from the waiting list in the first instance in the order that players had posted interest.

Current List - I think is as follows:-

If there is no waiting list as all players on it have found a team, it is up to the teams to source a new player. No player that has been removed can go back to another team or their original team.

Can all players please advise of any opponents who have not logged in since fixtures have been released or are 10 days offline and all such players will be removed.

If clans have a player who has asked to be removed or advised he is not wanting to play, they now have the option to remove and play with 3 or take a replacement as per above, please just post so all teams are aware.

Any questions regarding any of the above please ask
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Team 2 (B) ***Kris/Mr_pink_eyes/Ritcho/Skiller10***

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