Team 7 (G): _knightmare_/mich/snowden/letsgochamp
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03:10 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)
Individual Fixture Lists: (Amended: 13.03)
Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck
knightmare's Fixtures
vs redhand - messaged 05.03 - playing this week
vs rapid_pot -
vs northman - messaged 04.03 - playing this week
vs im_crap_adam - L 6-9
vs mr_pink_eyes (Postponed, he's been called away with work, playing when he returns)
vs thegame26 - Home from hospital....have been in contact.
vs whocares8x8 - playing this week
vs klien - een in contact
vs darkknight -
vs ferretlady - playing 16.03 (PM)
vs blackcabman7 - playing 15.03 (12:30am)
vs naaaaaath -
snowden's Fixtures
vs 2andygorams (prev:andyw1)
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx - W 12-3
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio - W 9-6
vs slimeball - W 12-3
vs stellafella_ - W 14-1
vs fastboysam -
vs you___lost - made a swap opponent wanted a daytime player
vs _start_ -
letsgochamps Fixtures
vs 1st_response - W 10-5
vs jayboy89 - swap was made - see above -
vs kris - W 8-7
vs cke1982 -
vs beetlejuice -
vs silent_hills - L 6-9
vs miss_harriet -
vs crucial - W 8-7
vs mike_though -
vs horse10000 -
vs erigert -
Good Luck Guys with your Fixtures
Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck
knightmare's Fixtures
vs redhand - messaged 05.03 - playing this week
vs rapid_pot -
vs northman - messaged 04.03 - playing this week
vs im_crap_adam - L 6-9
vs mr_pink_eyes (Postponed, he's been called away with work, playing when he returns)
vs thegame26 - Home from hospital....have been in contact.
vs whocares8x8 - playing this week
vs klien - een in contact
vs darkknight -
vs ferretlady - playing 16.03 (PM)
vs blackcabman7 - playing 15.03 (12:30am)
vs naaaaaath -
snowden's Fixtures
vs 2andygorams (prev:andyw1)
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx - W 12-3
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio - W 9-6
vs slimeball - W 12-3
vs stellafella_ - W 14-1
vs fastboysam -
vs you___lost - made a swap opponent wanted a daytime player
vs _start_ -
letsgochamps Fixtures
vs 1st_response - W 10-5
vs jayboy89 - swap was made - see above -
vs kris - W 8-7
vs cke1982 -
vs beetlejuice -
vs silent_hills - L 6-9
vs miss_harriet -
vs crucial - W 8-7
vs mike_though -
vs horse10000 -
vs erigert -
Good Luck Guys with your Fixtures
03:11 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)
Updated Fixtures: 13.03
Team Fixtures:
Fix 1:
Team G (10) vs (5) Team I
snowden vs 2andygormas (prev: andyw1)
letsgochamp (10) vs (5) 1st_response
(prev: mich) _knightmare_ vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G (5) vs (10) Team J
_knightmare_ vs redhand (Arranged)
(swp) mich (5) vs (10) buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G (12) vs (3) Team K
(prev mich) letsgochamp vs mike_though
snowden (12) vs (3) vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
(prev: mich) (swp) letsgochamp vs jayboy89 (prev: jedi_master)
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady (prev: scottyjr) - arranged
(swp) snowden vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M (Amended since Merge)
snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman (Arranged)
Fix 6:
Team A (9) vs (6) Team G
horse10000 vs letsgochamp (prev: mch)
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) _knightmare_
Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_
Team Fixtures:
Fix 1:
Team G (10) vs (5) Team I
snowden vs 2andygormas (prev: andyw1)
letsgochamp (10) vs (5) 1st_response
(prev: mich) _knightmare_ vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G (5) vs (10) Team J
_knightmare_ vs redhand (Arranged)
(swp) mich (5) vs (10) buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G (12) vs (3) Team K
(prev mich) letsgochamp vs mike_though
snowden (12) vs (3) vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
(prev: mich) (swp) letsgochamp vs jayboy89 (prev: jedi_master)
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady (prev: scottyjr) - arranged
(swp) snowden vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M (Amended since Merge)
snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman (Arranged)
Fix 6:
Team A (9) vs (6) Team G
horse10000 vs letsgochamp (prev: mch)
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) _knightmare_
Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_
03:12 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)
Fix 8:
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs letsgochamp (prev:mich)
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G
slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
(prev: legend_pot) blackcabman7 vs _knightmare_ (prev:mich)
- arranged
Fix 11:
Team F (10)vs (20) Team G
naaaaaaaaath vs _knightmare_ (prev: mich)
silent_hills (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
stellafella_ (1) vs (14) snowden
Fix 12:
Team G (8) vs (7) Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien
(prev: mich) snowden vs __start__
letsgochamp (8)vs (7) crucial
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs letsgochamp (prev:mich)
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G
slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
(prev: legend_pot) blackcabman7 vs _knightmare_ (prev:mich)
- arranged
Fix 11:
Team F (10)vs (20) Team G
naaaaaaaaath vs _knightmare_ (prev: mich)
silent_hills (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
stellafella_ (1) vs (14) snowden
Fix 12:
Team G (8) vs (7) Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien
(prev: mich) snowden vs __start__
letsgochamp (8)vs (7) crucial
14:56 Mon 13 Mar 17 (GMT)
* This Week I will be on a Fixture Blitz: Anyone I have a fixture against outstanding, I'll try my utmost to be available in the Evening and get them played.
Drop me a message and we can get them done.
* Applies to Kliens League also
Drop me a message and we can get them done.
* Applies to Kliens League also
13:37 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
you____lost vs letsgochamp is now you____lost vs knightmare
letsgochamp vs ferretlady
I was told this is the original swap if he chooses to reject it is on there team . I will still try to play letsgochamp if the swap is rejected as much as knightmare thinks he runs this site and league he does not i was told by league runner our swap can be made.
If you have any problems talk to horse10000
letsgochamp vs ferretlady
I was told this is the original swap if he chooses to reject it is on there team . I will still try to play letsgochamp if the swap is rejected as much as knightmare thinks he runs this site and league he does not i was told by league runner our swap can be made.
If you have any problems talk to horse10000
13:54 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
My match vs ferretlady is arranged so I will not be playing versus anyone else, you requested a daytime player and were hoping I fit that criteria, so I swapped in snowden and letsgochamp can easily be online to play jayboy89.
The swap accommodates all 3 fixtures therefore makes perfect and logical sense for it to remain, which I will continue to swap back to its lineup.
I clearly suggest you accept the logical route as you're doing nothing but encouraging all 3 fixtures from being completed which is the main goal for both teams. I don't have time to play your silly little games who clearly only wants to face me to try and boost his ego. The swaps will remain and snowden, as you assumed I played during the day will be online shortly today or any weekday to play you.
Fixtures Accommodate ALL:
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady - Arranged
snowden vs you__lost - Both daytime players
letsgochamp vs jayboy89 - Both evening players
* I will not be addressing this fixture again it either remains as the above or doesn't get played. Hardly a good advertisement to jayboy89 who's new to clans to be messed about continuously.
The swap accommodates all 3 fixtures therefore makes perfect and logical sense for it to remain, which I will continue to swap back to its lineup.
I clearly suggest you accept the logical route as you're doing nothing but encouraging all 3 fixtures from being completed which is the main goal for both teams. I don't have time to play your silly little games who clearly only wants to face me to try and boost his ego. The swaps will remain and snowden, as you assumed I played during the day will be online shortly today or any weekday to play you.
Fixtures Accommodate ALL:
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady - Arranged
snowden vs you__lost - Both daytime players
letsgochamp vs jayboy89 - Both evening players
* I will not be addressing this fixture again it either remains as the above or doesn't get played. Hardly a good advertisement to jayboy89 who's new to clans to be messed about continuously.
13:58 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Team: We are being messed about with the above fixture, so let's concentrate on getting as many of the others played asap and keep going with the good results.
snowden: If you see your opponent as written on the list I sent you then please message them and the best of luck with the fixture.
Cheers mate
snowden: If you see your opponent as written on the list I sent you then please message them and the best of luck with the fixture.
Cheers mate
14:33 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Are you league runner no horse10000 is all you have to do is reject the swap which was the original swap we will not reject any swap just want it made clear that this was the original swap if you have any issues talk to horse10000
15:18 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
You know what, do what you like - I really cannot be bothered anymore.
17:19 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Hey guys just a post to say that i won't be posting updates on thread as happens daily now.
Please check here instead
Please check here instead
18:13 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Individual Fixture Lists: (Amended: 13.03)
Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck
knightmare's Fixtures
vs redhand - messaged 05.03 - playing this week
vs rapid_pot -
vs northman - messaged 04.03 - playing this week
vs im_crap_adam - L 6-9
vs mr_pink_eyes (Postponed, he's been called away with work, playing when he returns)
vs thegame26 - Home from hospital....have been in contact.
vs whocares8x8 - playing this week
vs klien - een in contact
vs darkknight -
vs ferretlady - playing 16.03 (PM)
vs blackcabman7 - playing 15.03 (12:30am)
vs naaaaaath -
snowden's Fixtures
vs 2andygorams (prev:andyw1)
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx - W 12-3
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio - W 9-6
vs slimeball - W 12-3
vs stellafella_ - W 14-1
vs fastboysam -
vs you___lost - made a swap opponent wanted a daytime player
vs _start_ -
letsgochamps Fixtures
vs 1st_response - W 10-5
vs jayboy89 - swap was made - see above -
vs kris - W 8-7
vs cke1982 -
vs beetlejuice -
vs silent_hills - L 6-9
vs miss_harriet -
vs crucial - W 8-7
vs mike_though -
vs horse10000 -
vs erigert -
Good Luck Guys with your Fixtures
Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck
knightmare's Fixtures
vs redhand - messaged 05.03 - playing this week
vs rapid_pot -
vs northman - messaged 04.03 - playing this week
vs im_crap_adam - L 6-9
vs mr_pink_eyes (Postponed, he's been called away with work, playing when he returns)
vs thegame26 - Home from hospital....have been in contact.
vs whocares8x8 - playing this week
vs klien - een in contact
vs darkknight -
vs ferretlady - playing 16.03 (PM)
vs blackcabman7 - playing 15.03 (12:30am)
vs naaaaaath -
snowden's Fixtures
vs 2andygorams (prev:andyw1)
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx - W 12-3
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio - W 9-6
vs slimeball - W 12-3
vs stellafella_ - W 14-1
vs fastboysam -
vs you___lost - made a swap opponent wanted a daytime player
vs _start_ -
letsgochamps Fixtures
vs 1st_response - W 10-5
vs jayboy89 - swap was made - see above -
vs kris - W 8-7
vs cke1982 -
vs beetlejuice -
vs silent_hills - L 6-9
vs miss_harriet -
vs crucial - W 8-7
vs mike_though -
vs horse10000 -
vs erigert -
Good Luck Guys with your Fixtures
18:13 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Updated Fixtures: 13.03
Team Fixtures:
Fix 1:
Team G (10) vs (5) Team I
snowden vs 2andygormas (prev: andyw1)
letsgochamp (10) vs (5) 1st_response
(prev: mich) _knightmare_ vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G (5) vs (10) Team J
_knightmare_ vs redhand (16.03 - 10:30pm)
(swp) mich (5) vs (10) buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G (12) vs (3) Team K
(prev mich) letsgochamp vs mike_though
snowden (12) vs (3) vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
(prev: mich) (swp) letsgochamp vs jayboy89 (prev: jedi_master)
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady (prev: scottyjr) - arranged
(swp) snowden vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M (Amended since Merge)
snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman
Fix 6:
Team A (9) vs (6) Team G
horse10000 vs letsgochamp (prev: mch)
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) _knightmare_
Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
(9 days) mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_
Edited at 16:17 Tue 14/03/17 (GMT)
Team Fixtures:
Fix 1:
Team G (10) vs (5) Team I
snowden vs 2andygormas (prev: andyw1)
letsgochamp (10) vs (5) 1st_response
(prev: mich) _knightmare_ vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G (5) vs (10) Team J
_knightmare_ vs redhand (16.03 - 10:30pm)
(swp) mich (5) vs (10) buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G (12) vs (3) Team K
(prev mich) letsgochamp vs mike_though
snowden (12) vs (3) vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
(prev: mich) (swp) letsgochamp vs jayboy89 (prev: jedi_master)
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady (prev: scottyjr) - arranged
(swp) snowden vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M (Amended since Merge)
snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman
Fix 6:
Team A (9) vs (6) Team G
horse10000 vs letsgochamp (prev: mch)
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) _knightmare_
Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
(9 days) mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_
Edited at 16:17 Tue 14/03/17 (GMT)
18:15 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Fix 8:
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs letsgochamp (prev:mich)
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G
slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
(prev: legend_pot) blackcabman7 vs _knightmare_ (prev:mich)
- arranged (15.03 12:30am)
Fix 11:
Team F (10)vs (20) Team G
(7 days) naaaaaaaaath vs _knightmare_ (prev: mich)
silent_hills (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
stellafella_ (1) vs (14) snowden
Fix 12:
Team G (8) vs (7) Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien (19.03 9pm)
(prev: mich) snowden vs __start__
letsgochamp (8)vs (7) crucial
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs letsgochamp (prev:mich)
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G
slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
(prev: legend_pot) blackcabman7 vs _knightmare_ (prev:mich)
- arranged (15.03 12:30am)
Fix 11:
Team F (10)vs (20) Team G
(7 days) naaaaaaaaath vs _knightmare_ (prev: mich)
silent_hills (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
stellafella_ (1) vs (14) snowden
Fix 12:
Team G (8) vs (7) Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien (19.03 9pm)
(prev: mich) snowden vs __start__
letsgochamp (8)vs (7) crucial
19:32 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Spoke to Keith directly and these are the new fixtures (don't shoot i'm just the messenger), If anymore problems with Pointless Swaps arises then Keith may intervene.
you____lost vs letsgochamp is now you____lost vs knightmare
letsgochamp vs ferretlady
letsgochamp vs ferretlady
Spoke to Keith directly and these are the new fixtures (don't shoot i'm just the messenger), If anymore problems with Pointless Swaps arises then Keith may intervene.
19:38 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
It won't get played simple as - doesn't bother me in the slightest. How am I supposed to play a daytime player???
C'mon Einstein!
C'mon Einstein!
20:06 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
you have me on ignore so ill ask here that way i get a straight answer whats the earliest you can play on the weekdays and whats the earliest you can play on weekends and the third question is what day next week or this week is the earliest you can play just reply here so we have a open chat log cheers
It won't get played simple as - doesn't bother me in the slightest. How am I supposed to play a daytime player???
C'mon Einstein!
C'mon Einstein!
you have me on ignore so ill ask here that way i get a straight answer whats the earliest you can play on the weekdays and whats the earliest you can play on weekends and the third question is what day next week or this week is the earliest you can play just reply here so we have a open chat log cheers
20:14 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
It can go to Default - there's your answer.
* not my doing either - you can congratulate the League Runner for it.
* not my doing either - you can congratulate the League Runner for it.
20:18 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)
Surely if you____lost makes an effort and meets your times you would play right?
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Team 7 (G): _knightmare_/mich/snowden/letsgochamp
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