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Team 7 (G): _knightmare_/mich/snowden/letsgochamp

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Posts: 14,736
14:32 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Individual Fixture Lists: (Amended)

Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck

knightmare's Fixtures

vs redhand - messaged 05.03 - playing 12.03 (10pm)
vs rapid_pot -
vs scottyjr -
vs northman - messaged 04.03 - playing 12.03 (9/9:30pm)
vs im_crap_adam - L 6-9
vs mr_pink_eyes (Postponed, he's been called away with work, playing some time this week)
vs thegame26 - In hospital but we've spoken
vs whocares8x8 - messaged 04.03 - playing 10.03 (10pm)
vs klien -

mich's Fixtures

vs darkknight
vs buckjam - L 5-10
vs mike_though
vs jedi_master
vs horse10000
vs erigert
vs legend_pot
vs naaaaaath
vs __start__

snowden's Fixtures

vs andyw1
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio - W 9-6
vs slimeball - W 12-3
vs stellafella_ - W 14-1
vs fastboysam

letsgochamps Fixtures

vs 1st_response - W 10-5
vs you__lost
vs kris - W 8-7
vs cke1982
vs beetlejuice
vs silent_hills - L 6-9
vs miss_harriet
vs crucial - W 8-7
Posts: 14,736
14:34 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Fixtures:

Fix 1:
Team G (10) vs (5) Team I

snowden vs andyw1 (quit)
letsgochamp (10) vs (5) 1st_response
mich vs darkknight

Fix 2:
Team G (5) vs (10) Team J

_knightmare_ vs redhand (Arranged)
(swp) mich (5) vs (10) buckjam
snowden vs dv8

Fix 3:
Team G (12) vs (3) Team K

mich vs mike_though
snowden (12) vs (3) vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot

Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L

mich vs jedi_master
_knightmare_ vs scottyjr
letsgochamp vs you___lost

Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M (Amended since Merge)

snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman (Arranged)

Fix 6:
Team A (9) vs (6) Team G

horse10000 vs mich
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) _knightmare_

Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G

skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_

Edited at 13:00 Fri 10/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
14:36 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fix 8:
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G

thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs mich
friendyboy vs snowden

Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G

dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp

Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G

slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
legend_pot vs mich

Fix 11:
Team F (10)vs (20) Team G

naaaaaaaaath vs mich
silent_hills (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
stellafella_ (1) vs (14) snowden

Fix 12:
Team G (8) vs (7) Team H

_knightmare_ vs klien
mich vs __start__
letsgochamp (8)vs (7) crucial
Posts: 58
15:00 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
snowden 12 vs 3 vixen_xxx

us8: 3 - 2
us9: 5 - 0
uk8: 4 - 1

Good games! Good luck with the rest of the season!
Posts: 14,736
15:01 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow mate, another superb result...very well played.
Posts: 38,097
21:22 Sat 11 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Removing Ryan and replacing his games with Cabbie so here are blackcabman7's games

Team K: vs veyron
Team L vs scottyjr (he's left far as i know)
Team M vs miss_harriet
Team A vs bigcjl2
Team C vs erigert
Team D vs cke1982
Team G vs mich
Team H vs davyb0207 (Overall Fixture already decided)
Team J vs redhand

Understand some may be played but not updated yet.

Posts: 38,097
15:56 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
If anyone has scottyjr or jedi_master then please check this thread:

Sorry for not posting them directly, fairly busy
Posts: 14,736
16:15 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
We will carry on as a 3, the original 4th player omitted from the fixtures will be played instead of mich. (_knightmare_, snowden & letsgochamp)

Now: Additonal Fixtures listed below guys:

Fix 1: _knightmare_ vs darkknight
Fix 3: letsgochamp vs mike_though
Fix 4: snowden vs jayboy89 (prev: jedi_master)
Fix 6: letsgochamp vs horse10000
Fix 8: letsgochamp vs erigert
Fix 10: _knightmare_ vs blackcabman7 (Prev legend_pot)
Fix 11: _knightmare_ vs naaaaaath
Fix 12: snowden vs _start_

Edited at 14:51 Sun 12/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
16:18 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
jedi was removed

and will see who the subs are for other fixtures tomorrow (or later), time for tanks
Posts: 14,736
16:23 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Individual Fixture Lists: (Amended: 12.03)

Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck

knightmare's Fixtures

vs redhand - messaged 05.03 - playing 12.03 (10pm)
vs rapid_pot -
vs scottyjr -
vs northman - messaged 04.03 - playing 12.03 (9/9:30pm)
vs im_crap_adam - L 6-9
vs mr_pink_eyes (Postponed, he's been called away with work, playing some time this week)
vs thegame26 -
vs whocares8x8 -
vs klien -
vs darkknight -
vs ferretlady -
vs blackcabman7 -
vs naaaaaath -

snowden's Fixtures

vs andyw1
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx - W 12-3
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio - W 9-6
vs slimeball - W 12-3
vs stellafella_ - W 14-1
vs fastboysam -
vs jayboy89 -
vs _start_ -

letsgochamps Fixtures

vs 1st_response - W 10-5
vs you__lost -
vs kris - W 8-7
vs cke1982 -
vs beetlejuice -
vs silent_hills - L 6-9
vs miss_harriet -
vs crucial - W 8-7
vs mike_though -
vs horse10000 -
vs erigert -

Edited at 15:25 Sun 12/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
16:30 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
We will carry on as a 3, the original 4th player omitted from the fixtures will be played instead of mich. (_knightmare_, snowden & letsgochamp)

Now: Additonal Fixtures listed below guys:

Fix 1: _knightmare_ vs darkknight
Fix 3: letsgochamp vs mike_though
Fix 4: snowden vs ferretlady (prev: jedi_master)
Fix 6: letsgochamp vs horse10000
Fix 8: letsgochamp vs erigert
Fix 10: _knightmare_ vs jayboy89 (Prev legend_pot)
Fix 11: _knightmare_ vs naaaaaath
Fix 12: snowden vs _start_

Edited at 14:29 Sun 12/03/17 (GMT)

Legend is Team E and Jay is Team L so two different games.
Posts: 14,736
16:39 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Make up your mind mate lol, I wrote blackcabman7 down first then got advised it was jayboy89 now it's back to blackcabman7 lol. (aaarrrgggghhhhh lol)

Anyways think it's sorted now.

Edited at 15:11 Sun 12/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
17:02 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Updated Fixtures: 12.03

Team Fixtures:

Fix 1:
Team G (10) vs (5) Team I

snowden vs andyw1 (quit) (poss: faust?)
letsgochamp (10) vs (5) 1st_response
(prev: mich) _knightmare_ vs darkknight

Fix 2:
Team G (5) vs (10) Team J

_knightmare_ vs redhand (Arranged)
(swp) mich (5) vs (10) buckjam
snowden vs dv8

Fix 3:
Team G (12) vs (3) Team K

(prev mich) letsgochamp vs mike_though
snowden (12) vs (3) vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot

Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L

(prev: mich) snowden vs jayboy89 (prev: jedi_master)
_knightmare_ vs ferretlady (prev: scottyjr)
letsgochamp vs you___lost

Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M (Amended since Merge)

snowden vs fastboysam
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare vs northman (Arranged)

Fix 6:
Team A (9) vs (6) Team G

horse10000 vs letsgochamp (prev: mch)
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) _knightmare_

Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G

skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_

Edited at 15:24 Sun 12/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
17:06 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fix 8:
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G

thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs letsgochamp (prev:mich)
friendyboy vs snowden

Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G

dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp

Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G

slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
(prev: legend_pot) blackcabman7 vs _knightmare_ (prev:mich)

Fix 11:
Team F (10)vs (20) Team G

naaaaaaaaath vs _knightmare_ (prev: mich)
silent_hills (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
stellafella_ (1) vs (14) snowden

Fix 12:
Team G (8) vs (7) Team H

_knightmare_ vs klien
(prev: mich) snowden vs __start__
letsgochamp (8)vs (7) crucial
Posts: 14,736
17:14 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'm playing 2 fixtures this evening, dependent on my game & mindset I may try and play a third one. I've altered the above fixtures to their new lineups and edited the Individual Fixture lists also.

Keep messaging your opponents guys and keep up the good scores.
Posts: 4,046
17:20 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'm playing 2 fixtures this evening, dependent on my game & mindset I may try and play a third one. I've altered the above fixtures to their new lineups and edited the Individual Fixture lists also.

Keep messaging your opponents guys and keep up the good scores.

Mindset.......lmao hahahaha. I wouldnt start playing
Posts: 1,357
17:22 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'm playing 2 fixtures this evening, dependent on my game & mindset I may try and play a third one. I've altered the above fixtures to their new lineups and edited the Individual Fixture lists also.

Keep messaging your opponents guys and keep up the good scores.

Mindset.......lmao hahahaha. I wouldnt start playing

He will play lol he subbed in against blacabman:) told noob and vixen he would somehow
Posts: 14,736
17:35 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
- legend_pot quit - he was replaced through no fault of my own with blackcabman7 and scottyjr with ferretlady after amending the fixtures with the 4th player.

That's just the way it with it!

Edited at 15:38 Sun 12/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 1,357
17:40 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
You deluded & delusional little boy - legend_pot quit - he was replaced through no fault of my own with blackcabman7 and scottyjr with ferretlady after amending the fixtures with the 4th player.

That's just the way it with it!

Lol I said it .. I think one maybe two days ago lol... Dude, come on lol you were playing cabbie no matter what lol
Posts: 14,736
17:46 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Try not to cry too much about it.
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Team 7 (G): _knightmare_/mich/snowden/letsgochamp

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