Team 7 (G): _knightmare_/mich/snowden/letsgochamp
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16:15 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)
Individual Fixture Lists:
Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck
Knightmare's Fixtures
vs buckjam
vs rapid_pot
vs scottyjr
vs 2pac786
vs im_crap_adam
vs mr_pink_eyes
vs thegame26
vs whocares8x8
vs ric_flair
vs klien
mich's Fixtures
vs darkknight
vs redhand
vs mike_though
vs jedi_master
vs _wales_lad_
vs horse10000
vs erigert
vs legend_pot
vs naaaaaath
vs __start__
snowden's Fixtures
vs andyw1
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio
vs slimeball
vs stellafella_
vs parallax
letsgochamps Fixtures
vs 1st_response
vs you__lost
vs triple_b
vs kris
vs cke1982
vs beetlejuice
vs silent_hills
vs miss_harriet
vs crucial
Copy & Paste your list on to your Profile Page guys and the Best of Luck
Knightmare's Fixtures
vs buckjam
vs rapid_pot
vs scottyjr
vs 2pac786
vs im_crap_adam
vs mr_pink_eyes
vs thegame26
vs whocares8x8
vs ric_flair
vs klien
mich's Fixtures
vs darkknight
vs redhand
vs mike_though
vs jedi_master
vs _wales_lad_
vs horse10000
vs erigert
vs legend_pot
vs naaaaaath
vs __start__
snowden's Fixtures
vs andyw1
vs dv8
vs vixen_xxx
vs vs hippesville
vs skiller10
vs friendyboy
vs dgeneratio
vs slimeball
vs stellafella_
vs parallax
letsgochamps Fixtures
vs 1st_response
vs you__lost
vs triple_b
vs kris
vs cke1982
vs beetlejuice
vs silent_hills
vs miss_harriet
vs crucial
16:18 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)
Team Fixtures:
Fix 1:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team I
snowden vs andyw1
letsgochamp vs 1st_response
mich vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team J
mich vs redhand
_knightmare_ vs buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team K
mich vs mike_though
snowden vs vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
mich vs jedi_master
_knightmare_ vs scottyjr
letsgochamp vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M
letsgochamp vs triple_b
mich vs _wales_lad_
_knightmare vs 2pac786
Fix 6:
Team A 0 vs 0 Team G
horse10000 vs mich
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam vs _knightmare_
Fix 7:
Team B 0 vs 0 Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris vs letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_
Fix 1:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team I
snowden vs andyw1
letsgochamp vs 1st_response
mich vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team J
mich vs redhand
_knightmare_ vs buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team K
mich vs mike_though
snowden vs vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
mich vs jedi_master
_knightmare_ vs scottyjr
letsgochamp vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M
letsgochamp vs triple_b
mich vs _wales_lad_
_knightmare vs 2pac786
Fix 6:
Team A 0 vs 0 Team G
horse10000 vs mich
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam vs _knightmare_
Fix 7:
Team B 0 vs 0 Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris vs letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_
16:27 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)
Fix 8:
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs mich
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E 0 vs 0 Team G
slimeball vs snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
legend_pot vs mich
Fix 11:
Team F 0 vs 0 Team G
naaaaaaaaath vs mich
silent_hills vs letsgochamp
stellafella_ vs snowden
Fix 12:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team N
snowden vs parallax
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare_ vs ric_flair
Fix 13:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien
mich vs __start__
letsgochamp vs crucial
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs mich
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E 0 vs 0 Team G
slimeball vs snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
legend_pot vs mich
Fix 11:
Team F 0 vs 0 Team G
naaaaaaaaath vs mich
silent_hills vs letsgochamp
stellafella_ vs snowden
Fix 12:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team N
snowden vs parallax
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare_ vs ric_flair
Fix 13:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien
mich vs __start__
letsgochamp vs crucial
22:01 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)
letsgochamp vs kris
8us 1-4
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
8-7 me
Can't do a big speach as I think my dinner is burning lol, but to sum it up, we both played some top stuff, we both cocked up a few frames, and I had two runouts.
Not sure this was deserved but I'll take it as he is my all time arch nemesis in clans lol.
ggs buddy all the best
8us 1-4
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
8-7 me
Can't do a big speach as I think my dinner is burning lol, but to sum it up, we both played some top stuff, we both cocked up a few frames, and I had two runouts.
Not sure this was deserved but I'll take it as he is my all time arch nemesis in clans lol.
ggs buddy all the best
22:07 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)
Lol: Quality result mate. Congratz on the 2 runouts too
16:01 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)
snowden 12 vs 3 slimeball
8us 4-1
9us 4-1
8uk 4-1
Things could be better for him if I wasn't so so lucky and he wasn't so so unlucky. 'sry' and 'ul' were the words I used most through the games.
Good games mate, sry and ul! :)
Good luck for the season!
8us 4-1
9us 4-1
8uk 4-1
Things could be better for him if I wasn't so so lucky and he wasn't so so unlucky. 'sry' and 'ul' were the words I used most through the games.
Good games mate, sry and ul! :)
Good luck for the season!
16:03 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)
Awesome result mate - superb stuff - very well played.
16:03 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)
Team Fixtures:
Fix 1:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team I
snowden vs andyw1
letsgochamp vs 1st_response
mich vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team J
mich vs redhand
_knightmare_ vs buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team K
mich vs mike_though
snowden vs vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
mich vs jedi_master
_knightmare_ vs scottyjr
letsgochamp vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M
letsgochamp vs triple_b
mich vs _wales_lad_
_knightmare vs 2pac786
Fix 6:
Team A 0 vs 0 Team G
horse10000 vs mich
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam vs _knightmare_ (05.03 PM)
Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_ (05.03 10pm)
Fix 1:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team I
snowden vs andyw1
letsgochamp vs 1st_response
mich vs darkknight
Fix 2:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team J
mich vs redhand
_knightmare_ vs buckjam
snowden vs dv8
Fix 3:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team K
mich vs mike_though
snowden vs vixen_xxx
_knightmare_ vs rapid_pot
Fix 4:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team L
mich vs jedi_master
_knightmare_ vs scottyjr
letsgochamp vs you___lost
Fix 5:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team M
letsgochamp vs triple_b
mich vs _wales_lad_
_knightmare vs 2pac786
Fix 6:
Team A 0 vs 0 Team G
horse10000 vs mich
hippesville vs snowden
im_crap_adam vs _knightmare_ (05.03 PM)
Fix 7:
Team B (7) vs 8) Team G
skiller10 vs snowden
kris (7) vs (8) letsgochamp
mr_pink_eyes vs _knightmare_ (05.03 10pm)
16:04 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)
Fix 8:
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs mich
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G
slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
legend_pot vs mich
Fix 11:
Team F 0 vs 0 Team G
naaaaaaaaath vs mich
silent_hills vs letsgochamp
stellafella_ vs snowden
Fix 12:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team N
snowden vs parallax
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare_ vs ric_flair
Fix 13:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien
mich vs __start__
letsgochamp vs crucial
Team C 0 vs 0 Team G
thegame26 vs _knightmare_
erigert vs mich
friendyboy vs snowden
Fix 9:
Team D (6) vs (9) Team G
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp
Fix 10:
Team E (3) vs (12) Team G
slimeball (3) vs (12) snowden
beetlejuice vs letsgochamp
legend_pot vs mich
Fix 11:
Team F 0 vs 0 Team G
naaaaaaaaath vs mich
silent_hills vs letsgochamp
stellafella_ vs snowden
Fix 12:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team N
snowden vs parallax
letsgochamp vs miss_harriet
_knightmare_ vs ric_flair
Fix 13:
Team G 0 vs 0 Team H
_knightmare_ vs klien
mich vs __start__
letsgochamp vs crucial
15:29 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Well done so far lads hoping to make a start tonight.
15:35 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Nice one mich (Good Luck mate), 2 arranged for Sunday as we discussed on FB, am speaking with the others but not committing to many at a time due to time constraints and availability at the moment. All good though, matches will be played by us all.
16:42 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Just a reminder that all results need to be posted on Results Thread as Pinky asked about the Table and said some were played days ago so if posted, it "should" have been updated and if not simply repost and i'll check.
22:13 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
letsgochamp vs silent hill
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
22:16 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Well played mate, very nice 6 points versus a tough opponent. Mich and snowden remain in this fixture ain't got me mess it up
22:20 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Like I disagreed with you____lost's statement saying I should feel fortunate for the win earlier. I completely agree with yours.
To many errors from you cost you this win, in most frames you found yourself with the clears before me. I should have had 1 more frame had I not underhit the black in a game of 9 ball. But you had fairly good chances to win 3 or 4 games that you didn't due to either fouling the white or just a miss. But you played well, gl in the rest of your games.
letsgochamp vs silent hill
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
Like I disagreed with you____lost's statement saying I should feel fortunate for the win earlier. I completely agree with yours.
To many errors from you cost you this win, in most frames you found yourself with the clears before me. I should have had 1 more frame had I not underhit the black in a game of 9 ball. But you had fairly good chances to win 3 or 4 games that you didn't due to either fouling the white or just a miss. But you played well, gl in the rest of your games.
22:38 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Like I disagreed with you____lost's statement saying I should feel fortunate for the win earlier. I completely agree with yours.
To many errors from you cost you this win, in most frames you found yourself with the clears before me. I should have had 1 more frame had I not underhit the black in a game of 9 ball. But you had fairly good chances to win 3 or 4 games that you didn't due to either fouling the white or just a miss. But you played well, gl in the rest of your games.
Thanks man, I'm just glad I managed to stay in the game with how many mistakes I made. You pulled some awesome stuff out of the bag to get the win in some frames that seemed out the window for you, but as you said the run of play definitely favoured me tonight so obviously disappointed I couldn't take advantage as anyone would be I guess, but could have been a lot worse lol.
letsgochamp vs silent hill
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
Like I disagreed with you____lost's statement saying I should feel fortunate for the win earlier. I completely agree with yours.
To many errors from you cost you this win, in most frames you found yourself with the clears before me. I should have had 1 more frame had I not underhit the black in a game of 9 ball. But you had fairly good chances to win 3 or 4 games that you didn't due to either fouling the white or just a miss. But you played well, gl in the rest of your games.
Thanks man, I'm just glad I managed to stay in the game with how many mistakes I made. You pulled some awesome stuff out of the bag to get the win in some frames that seemed out the window for you, but as you said the run of play definitely favoured me tonight so obviously disappointed I couldn't take advantage as anyone would be I guess, but could have been a lot worse lol.
23:29 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)
Like I disagreed with you____lost's statement saying I should feel fortunate for the win earlier. I completely agree with yours.
To many errors from you cost you this win, in most frames you found yourself with the clears before me. I should have had 1 more frame had I not underhit the black in a game of 9 ball. But you had fairly good chances to win 3 or 4 games that you didn't due to either fouling the white or just a miss. But you played well, gl in the rest of your games.
Thanks man, I'm just glad I managed to stay in the game with how many mistakes I made. You pulled some awesome stuff out of the bag to get the win in some frames that seemed out the window for you, but as you said the run of play definitely favoured me tonight so obviously disappointed I couldn't take advantage as anyone would be I guess, but could have been a lot worse lol.
you have your good and your bad days mate. i met you on your good day, id like to think :)
letsgochamp vs silent hill
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3
9-6 him
This result was a blessing and robbery in my favour, had far too many chances tonight to come out with a loss but somehow still did, if he was on target it would have been a thrashing.
I'll take the result but I got work to do, ggs man gl for rest.
Like I disagreed with you____lost's statement saying I should feel fortunate for the win earlier. I completely agree with yours.
To many errors from you cost you this win, in most frames you found yourself with the clears before me. I should have had 1 more frame had I not underhit the black in a game of 9 ball. But you had fairly good chances to win 3 or 4 games that you didn't due to either fouling the white or just a miss. But you played well, gl in the rest of your games.
Thanks man, I'm just glad I managed to stay in the game with how many mistakes I made. You pulled some awesome stuff out of the bag to get the win in some frames that seemed out the window for you, but as you said the run of play definitely favoured me tonight so obviously disappointed I couldn't take advantage as anyone would be I guess, but could have been a lot worse lol.
you have your good and your bad days mate. i met you on your good day, id like to think :)
01:18 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)
Swap: Team G vs Team J
Was: mich vs redhand & _knightmare_vs buckjam
Now: _knightmare_ vs redhand & mich vs buckjam
Was: mich vs redhand & _knightmare_vs buckjam
Now: _knightmare_ vs redhand & mich vs buckjam
01:31 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)
What an impatient thing you are. These fixtures could go on for 6 weeks and you want our game in first few days. Muppet.
I will play mich now as he has come on and asked me like a proper person and at least i wont stink having dealt with him.
Swap: Team G vs Team J
Was: mich vs redhand & _knightmare_vs buckjam
Now: _knightmare_ vs redhand & mich vs buckjam
Was: mich vs redhand & _knightmare_vs buckjam
Now: _knightmare_ vs redhand & mich vs buckjam
What an impatient thing you are. These fixtures could go on for 6 weeks and you want our game in first few days. Muppet.
I will play mich now as he has come on and asked me like a proper person and at least i wont stink having dealt with him.
01:34 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)
What an impatient thing you are. These fixtures could go on for 6 weeks and you want our game in first few days. Muppet.
I will play mich now as he has come on and asked me like a proper person and at least i wont stink having dealt with him.
Buckjam he wanted a what thinks is a easier opponent .. just this early makes me laugh soo hard!
Swap: Team G vs Team J
Was: mich vs redhand & _knightmare_vs buckjam
Now: _knightmare_ vs redhand & mich vs buckjam
Was: mich vs redhand & _knightmare_vs buckjam
Now: _knightmare_ vs redhand & mich vs buckjam
What an impatient thing you are. These fixtures could go on for 6 weeks and you want our game in first few days. Muppet.
I will play mich now as he has come on and asked me like a proper person and at least i wont stink having dealt with him.
Buckjam he wanted a what thinks is a easier opponent .. just this early makes me laugh soo hard!
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Team 7 (G): _knightmare_/mich/snowden/letsgochamp
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