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Posts: 9,926
02:40 Mon 3 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
For current league all teams / players have until the 30th April to get all games completed, any games not played by that point will go to default.

Games that go to default if there is proven to be no effort to get game played it may well mean that you are removed from any future seasons as for the good of the league i only want players who make an effort and want to play.

Players who have messaged and made an effort and if it is clear the fault is with the other player then it would not go against you and also if it is clear that two players cannot meet each others times this would not go against either player as long as that fact is established and both have tried to accommodate as much as possible.

Any questions please feel free to message me
Posts: 38,097
14:33 Mon 3 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Please check here for current fixtures

Noticed some results haven't been posted so would like someone from each team to post missing results here

Thanks guys

Deadline now 30th April @ Midnight for all games, Please remember to check the site for missing results and post them on Results.

If you lost posting rights then mail me on here, Snooker or FB with the Results and i'll input them. I won't be checking the threads for them.

If any Results are missing when deadline ends, it "may" be defaulted like any other game but got nearly a four week warning so can't be fairer than that.

Posts: 103
00:20 Wed 12 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Result in

8us darkknight 3-2 Veyron
9us darkknight 4-1 Veyron
8UK darknknigt 1-4 Veyron

Total DK 8 - 7 Veyron

vggs wp
Posts: 38,097
22:28 Sat 22 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Stu said jberg will play 2andys games in Team I.


Will do change tomorrow
Posts: 72
12:01 Sun 23 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
i don't know where to post this, so gonna chuck it here...

me vs the vixenator vixen__xox
us8 4 - 1 to me
us9 3 - 2 to me
uk8 3 - 2 to me
10 - 5

to be fair, I feel she should be penalised for offering to show me n00ds if I threw the match. so real score should be 15 - 0 imho
Posts: 127
12:02 Sun 23 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
i don't know where to post this, so gonna chuck it here...

me vs the vixenator vixen__xox
us8 4 - 1 to me
us9 3 - 2 to me
uk8 3 - 2 to me
10 - 5

to be fair, I feel she should be penalised for offering to show me n00ds if I threw the match. so real score should be 15 - 0 imho

Pfft it'd be 15-0 to me if I did
Posts: 72
12:04 Sun 23 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
where are the moderators when you need them???
Posts: 38,097
15:22 Sun 23 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
Deadline 30th April @ Midnight

Post Results Here

snowden v jberg
klien 13 v 0 andyw1 (defaulted)
jberg v buckjam
jberg v _gerardddd_
darkknight v ferretlady
horse10000 v jberg
erigert v jberg
thegame26 v faust
slimeball v darkknight
9ballsniper_ v jberg
naaaaaaaaath v faust

their are no words yet if Subs are allowed without removing someone so disallowed for now but may help get games played closer to the deadline horse10000?

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Once this post is posted, i'll check the current page only for missing results and post them, Rest are down to Clan Reps.

Posts: 72
05:28 Mon 24 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I've messaged and added all of my opponents, ALL SIX of them (cheers Stu haha) and will try get the matches done by the 30th

Posts: 103
23:14 Mon 24 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Result in

8US darkknight 4- 1 ferretlady
9US darkknight 4-1 ferretlady
8UK darkknight 4-1 ferretlady

vggs there. Nice person.


Welcome to the madhouse Jberg. Woof
Posts: 10,109
17:53 Tue 25 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Yay, posting rights back!! :D
Posts: 72
09:03 Wed 26 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome to the madhouse Jberg. Woof

Cheers brutha!

And welcome back Stu bubs
Posts: 10,109
14:37 Thu 27 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
faust (9) v (6) thegame26

Richie's not played for ages, or I'm sure he'd have spanked me. Cheers for playing mate.
Posts: 10,109
14:44 Thu 27 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
With naaaaaaaaath offline 11 days and not responding to mails, I reckon that's all my games out the way now. Was tricky with a World record posting ban but thanks to all my opponents for making the effort to play. I don't understand the people that aren't always eager to play, it is an online pool game after all!

Seems a shame I've finally got a reliable crew (cheers darkknight and jberg and we'll all be mixed up again next season. There's no bellends left in the league though so I look forward to next season!
Posts: 72
04:54 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs buckjam

1 - 4 US8 to buck
4 - 1 US9 to me
4 - 1 UK8 to me

9 - 6 to me

came back from being down 5 - 1. buck gave me a right hiding in US8, which is usually my best game by far on here. nice guy, ggs and gl with the rest.
Posts: 72
17:46 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs eri

4 - 1 US8 to me
3 - 2 US9 to me
2 - 3 UK8 to eri

9 - 6 to me

some tight games. quality sportsman, typical of us ex-uprising lads ggs m8
Posts: 38,097
23:49 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, i'm not sure where we're at with subs but with deadline being tomorrow, i'm going to allow Subs to get games done as the most important thing is to avoid defaults so if you have an active sub vs an inactive player then please use them to get games done.

I can't see Keith disagreeing as would have done same last season and millions of changes so can't see a few more hurt
Posts: 72
05:29 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs horse

3 - 2 US8 to me
1 - 4 US9 to keith
3 - 2 UK8 to me

7 - 8 to keith

both gave away some easy games to each other with silly slip ups, both played some tight pool. always a pleasure, wd ggs!
Posts: 38,097
12:34 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
DeadlineTONIGHT @ Midnight

Post Results Here

klien 13 v 0 andyw1 (defaulted)
jberg v snowden
jberg v _gerardddd_
slimeball v darkknight
9ballsniper_ v jberg
naaaaaaaaath v faust

Subs and Swaps are allowed so please use one if the opportunity presents itself.

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Defaults start tomorrow but please be aware that theirs been lots of changes so people in the fixture at this time may not be responsible for the game going to default but info from all those players would be required.

Posts: 10,109
21:44 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done rinsing through those games mate. Did Snowden, Gerard or Sniper reply to your mails? If not, you should bag wins for all of those!

I'm playing my last game tonight, v bucky!
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