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Posts: 1,714
02:36 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

Yeah that happens lol. I have been guilty myself to be fair. But the problem doesnt always rely with the post but if I was beat id reply with dignity and admit defeat as it happens. None of us are undefeatable and I dont get why people feel they are better. Thats why I bring down those that do believe so.
Posts: 607
02:37 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

If it doesn't bother the person that lost to someone else that didn't like them, why are you letting it bother you? Logic
Posts: 1,617
02:45 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

If it doesn't bother the person that lost to someone else that didn't like them, why are you letting it bother you? Logic

its not bothering me , is my opinion is all , i take it it doesnt bother you then so why do the dei in the first place ?
Posts: 570
02:48 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

If it doesn't bother the person that lost to someone else that didn't like them, why are you letting it bother you? Logic

its not bothering me , is my opinion is all , i take it it doesnt bother you then so why do the dei in the first place ?

why are you causing arguments on here this is for dedis my lovely. please try to be nice
Posts: 1,714
02:49 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

If it doesn't bother the person that lost to someone else that didn't like them, why are you letting it bother you? Logic

Unless your Terrybisto
Posts: 607
02:53 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

If it doesn't bother the person that lost to someone else that didn't like them, why are you letting it bother you? Logic

its not bothering me , is my opinion is all , i take it it doesnt bother you then so why do the dei in the first place ?

Go back a few pages and have a look at my last dedication, it wasn't causing trouble?
Posts: 570
02:59 Sat 4 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
these dedis arent really dedis , well the last few havent been anyway , your just doing it to get 1 up on someone you dislike which causes these silly arguements

I get on with lrg and John very well. We just have banter with each other. We are the same in game but they secretly not so secret love me

i didnt mean you lot , i meant the lads posting there results where they won over a lad they dislike , thats not a dedi , thats causing trouble

If it doesn't bother the person that lost to someone else that didn't like them, why are you letting it bother you? Logic

its not bothering me , is my opinion is all , i take it it doesnt bother you then so why do the dei in the first place ?

Go back a few pages and have a look at my last dedication, it wasn't causing trouble?

your asking for a miracle there mate
Posts: 570
12:36 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
sunflowervik would like to know if I have a second account called jim_morrison
would anyone like to answer


Posts: 42
13:20 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
sunflowervik would like to know if I have a second account called jim_morrison
would anyone like to answer



I would ... yer an erse
Posts: 1,714
13:44 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
sunflowervik would like to know if I have a second account called jim_morrison
would anyone like to answer



I would ... yer an erse

What is an erse?
Posts: 42
13:50 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
sunflowervik would like to know if I have a second account called jim_morrison
would anyone like to answer



was wondering when his ersechum appeared
respect, :) an erse is bum dude jeez does no1 explain all this haha only jokin im winding him up better than he thinks me lol take care nothing to do wit you

I would ... yer an erse

What is an erse?
Posts: 42
13:50 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
erse is bum
Posts: 570
13:51 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
The 8 Ball Arcade Grand Prix 2018 - the_hurc (3) loses to lrg (8) (by default, the_hurc left the game)
RANKINGS: lrg 767.7 (+1.9), the_hurc 690.4 (-1.8)
about a minute ago

not sure what I did wrong in this game but man I had to report him 11 times for serious verbal abuse then when I told him him he quit,, very strange chap but was a pleasure playing you and hope to see you again very soon my good buddy
Posts: 1,714
14:31 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  

My bad I thought that was spelt with an A
Posts: 42
14:34 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
spell it with that then... dare ya
Posts: 42
14:35 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
The 8 Ball Arcade Grand Prix 2018 - the_hurc (3) loses to lrg (8) (by default, the_hurc left the game)
RANKINGS: lrg 767.7 (+1.9), the_hurc 690.4 (-1.8)
about a minute ago

not sure what I did wrong in this game but man I had to report him 11 times for serious verbal abuse then when I told him him he quit,, very strange chap but was a pleasure playing you and hope to see you again very soon my good buddy

Posts: 1,714
14:40 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
The 8 Ball Arcade Grand Prix 2018 - the_hurc (3) loses to lrg (8) (by default, the_hurc left the game)
RANKINGS: lrg 767.7 (+1.9), the_hurc 690.4 (-1.8)
about a minute ago

not sure what I did wrong in this game but man I had to report him 11 times for serious verbal abuse then when I told him him he quit,, very strange chap but was a pleasure playing you and hope to see you again very soon my good buddy


We could all call each other boring. It isnt to him
Posts: 42
14:43 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
please stop licking his erse ur not helping with me taking th p1sh man , wheres the banter nowadays ffs
Posts: 1,714
14:54 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Im not. Im on his balls actually. He had curry last night.

Please carry on lol
Posts: 570
15:41 Sun 5 Aug 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Be nice to her m8 shes missing mattywellie
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