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Posts: 607
20:24 Thu 7 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
17:13 Thu 07/06/18
Won the 8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix, winning 84 TournaPoints!

I dedicate this to everyone!

From 3-1 up to getting a random shot whilst on the black to go 4-1 up, an then fouling 2 blacks to go 4-3 down. I fought back to eventually take a 7-5 lead. My finalist then pulled it back to 7-7. And then i hit a sweet 7 balling to go 8-7 ahead, an then my opponent left

ul __craig__

you live on here >>>>> who cares lmao

looks like a big drama >>>>>3 people entered wooosh eh open a can and a window


Edited at 18:07 Thu 07/06/18 (BST)
Posts: 206
23:52 Thu 7 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
17:13 Thu 07/06/18
Won the 8 Ball Billiards Grand Prix, winning 84 TournaPoints!

I dedicate this to everyone!

From 3-1 up to getting a random shot whilst on the black to go 4-1 up, an then fouling 2 blacks to go 4-3 down. I fought back to eventually take a 7-5 lead. My finalist then pulled it back to 7-7. And then i hit a sweet 7 balling to go 8-7 ahead, an then my opponent left

ul __craig__

you live on here >>>>> who cares lmao

looks like a big drama >>>>>3 people entered wooosh eh open a can and a window


Edited at 18:07 Thu 07/06/18 (BST)

remind me were you are .... OOOOOPZZZZZ on here

Surprise Surprise Philllzzzzzzz is Here

ooopz did Cilla say that
Posts: 130
11:51 Sun 10 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
while everyone was asleep id like to say congratulations to silence hill on winning the 1am 2am 3 am 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am trnys.... #wierdlad
Posts: 607
12:08 Sun 10 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
while everyone was asleep id like to say congratulations to silence hill on winning the 1am 2am 3 am 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am trnys.... #wierdlad

Posts: 130
20:09 Sun 10 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I need a mod to read this......... just got this message of a weird fool.. sad old fool.

On all mornin, one game, lost to Phil...YOU SUCK
Deactivated craig_medals And like the old tool you are you've looked

Get a life you faking sad cnut

Oh and your Mrs is an ugly pig Sent about 5 hours ago
Deactivated craig_medals Always the same sucky 60 odd win percentage....Stick to blackjack old man...
Sent about 5 hours ago
Deactivated craig_medals What you still doing here.......Fcuk off tool!
Sent about 5 hours ago
Deactivated craig_medals Like how many times you been banned now for being basically a tool?

Were you like the special needs kid at school that didn't learn how to fully read and write? I don't need to ask to be honest because it's evident as fcuk.

I'm literally going to find out your address and come pay you a visit, ask you to your face wh you like to sit indoors and take digs at people.

Listen for that bell dude.

Sent about 5 hours ago
Deactivated craig_medals Literally one more unsolicited 'fig' at Phil and I guarantee I will have your address all over these forums within 2 days.

Try me. And yes, that's a real world warning.

Everything you've done, which borders on stalking, is here in black and white. The bullying stops now or I'm outting you.

Pay attention.
Sent about 5 hours ago

budweiser ?????????????

Edited at 17:19 Sun 10/06/18 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
00:35 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
lol, budweiser hasn't been on in a year Trats!

I wouldn't worry about this kid though. People that come and pay you a visit never announce it first.
Posts: 130
17:56 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
lol faust id love the lad to visit me... but I doubt they would have the guts..

here is another one from him....... surely a mod can block his i,p address?????

Deactivated craig_medals The poor bully wants a mod to read my message.

Here's another one:

Your wife is a fat pig and you're an old cnut.

Let's get it right.....I don't care who reads my message. You're a pain in the ar5e and that's documented......Complain all you want pr1ck. The simple fact is the more you bully Phil the more I'll bully you. The more posts you make taking digs at others the more digs I'll take at you. You can keep complaining until any sh1t hits the fan and then we'll just look at your multitude of accounts and the comments you make towards others, which have not stopped in years because you're a bully that thinks he's undiscoverd...

So let's sum up....Your wife is a fat pig, your last account was banned for being extremely abusive I.e calling another member a child abuser, you suck at the game and now you want to moan.

Does that sound about right old man? How many accounts you had banned now Mr full grown adult? Seriously, go fcuk yourself and your sad a55 life and keep complaining, see where it gets you lmfao.

It's like Harold Shipman complaining about Peter Sucliff. You my friend are a fcking retard.
Sent about 5 hours ago
Posts: 206
19:00 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
well trats, its funny because I got loads too

but what's really funny is this

call it a coincidence, one sad freak logs out on an account then some one logs in seconds later (fact)

erm sad that really Phil isn't it. but was it a coincidence
that's not for me to say

but while we are on, how can people log in and make a fake account and post on forums straight away, when I've made up accounts I have to play 100 games

vixen once got banned and made up another account and could also post straight away not saying its her of course, but it did happen

now that's very strange if you ask me

now has this person got a back door into the server.. or is it an x admin,,,,

but what I will also say
there is something badly wrong here, when someone has access to peoples data, that is supposed to be confidential and releases it that is against the law. people releasing private data held by this site, onto public forums is in breach so

I have had many messages containing such content,, why has Admin or the owner of the site not disclosed this breach and reported the sad freak to the police for a breach of data protection,,, that is against the law 100%
and this site has a duty to keep peoples data safe

Edited at 16:14 Mon 11/06/18 (BST)
Posts: 206
19:13 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
as for you Phil

you truly crack me up like an Easter Egg eaten
on a Saturday

what was it you called me, most of what is in trats post nd that's weird too another coincidence i guess, well it must be

but you did say you were pleased my mother died and my uncle,, and many people in the chatroom read that
another Fact

stooping low like pond life and then playing the victim truly cracks me up

all the above is true
and many people witnessed how low you can go

are you the person who sent the messages to tratter myself and before that knightmare

and many others
who really cares tbh, the site gives you a platform
of which you and only you make some of the most insensitive remarks, nasty and disgusting
again all fact
but you always seem to get away with it

anyways happy days

Edited at 16:16 Mon 11/06/18 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
20:10 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
One day people might just grow up!
They sent me some messages as well.
Posts: 72
20:11 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  

vixen once got banned and made up another account and could also post straight away not saying its her of course, but it did happen

Edited at 16:14 Mon 11/06/18 (BST)

Yes, that is true. When I came back I messaged Sam and asked for posting rights so that I could play and post for Epics event (as it was at the time).

If you're known to admin and you ask them they don't usually have an issue giving you your posting rights before you've played 100 games.
It is more to do with stopping people making multiple accounts and spamming the forums I'd imagine.
Posts: 206
20:14 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  

vixen once got banned and made up another account and could also post straight away not saying its her of course, but it did happen

Edited at 16:14 Mon 11/06/18 (BST)

Yes, that is true. When I came back I messaged Sam and asked for posting rights so that I could play and post for Epics event (as it was at the time).

If you're known to admin and you ask them they don't usually have an issue giving you your posting rights before you've played 100 games.
It is more to do with stopping people making multiple accounts and spamming the forums I'd imagine.

ty for that
Posts: 14,736
20:21 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
as for you Phil

you truly crack me up like an Easter Egg eaten
on a Saturday

what was it you called me, most of what is in trats post nd that's weird too another coincidence i guess, well it must be

but you did say you were pleased my mother died and my uncle,, and many people in the chatroom read that
another Fact

stooping low like pond life and then playing the victim truly cracks me up

all the above is true
and many people witnessed how low you can go

are you the person who sent the messages to tratter myself and before that knightmare

and many others
who really cares tbh, the site gives you a platform
of which you and only you make some of the most insensitive remarks, nasty and disgusting
again all fact
but you always seem to get away with it

anyways happy days

Edited at 16:16 Mon 11/06/18 (BST)

I hope you're not accusing me of being the sender of all these offensive, pointless & extremely unnecessary messages to folk on this game? It's 100% NOT!
Posts: 206
20:23 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
as for you Phil

you truly crack me up like an Easter Egg eaten
on a Saturday

what was it you called me, most of what is in trats post nd that's weird too another coincidence i guess, well it must be

but you did say you were pleased my mother died and my uncle,, and many people in the chatroom read that
another Fact

stooping low like pond life and then playing the victim truly cracks me up

all the above is true
and many people witnessed how low you can go

are you the person who sent the messages to tratter myself and before that knightmare

and many others
who really cares tbh, the site gives you a platform
of which you and only you make some of the most insensitive remarks, nasty and disgusting
again all fact
but you always seem to get away with it

anyways happy days

Edited at 16:16 Mon 11/06/18 (BST)

I hope you're not accusing me of being the sender of all these offensive, pointless & extremely unnecessary messages to folk on this game? It's 100% NOT!

Posts: 14,736
20:23 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
That's good then, thanks for the reply.
Posts: 75
21:02 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol he still hasn't found anything better to do with his time yet then, what a loser. It is an ex admin Craig, pool_life, he got demoted for accessing another users account and never been able to recover from it. It's destroyed his life haha.
Posts: 206
21:08 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol he still hasn't found anything better to do with his time yet then, what a loser. It is an ex admin Craig, pool_life, he got demoted for accessing another users account and never been able to recover from it. It's destroyed his life haha.


but there are lot of coincidences on words used
I have so many messages to compare with

they love me see
Posts: 607
21:12 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol he still hasn't found anything better to do with his time yet then, what a loser. It is an ex admin Craig, pool_life, he got demoted for accessing another users account and never been able to recover from it. It's destroyed his life haha.

Thanks for clearing that up. I have never been an admin
Posts: 206
21:36 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  

Call the police and tell em you lost your medals lmfao and the bad man said a bad thing about my mummy

wow I post and it comes back so quick lmao
Posts: 206
21:50 Mon 11 Jun 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I see you have no medals :( What happened? The bad man own you?
Online retardhunter

All your long winded posts trying to rally a response against the bad man whom owned you hahaha

I only pick on those where I can point out what nasty people they are themselves, so best of luck buddy

When all is said and done your medals went walkies and you look like a pudding as a result

Poor lil cwraig Sent 3 minutes ago

deary me another response
only one person calls me cwraig
blown again

its cwaigy you sad freak,,,

time to ring a friend BLOWN, BUSTED

now I will leave lmao
how sad you really are
didn't take long to BUST OUR SAD LIFE

lots of love xxxx NOT
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