Dedications Thread
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04:33 Mon 15 Jan 18 (GMT)
03:02 Sat 20 Jan 18 (GMT)
Not much to dedicate. Just got beaten by one of our older members, davitz
Firstly, its great to see him back here and playing, secondarly-the 1st generation of Funky still have the manners, wich is great to see.
Keep practicin buddy, u will be back to norm in no time!!!!
Firstly, its great to see him back here and playing, secondarly-the 1st generation of Funky still have the manners, wich is great to see.
Keep practicin buddy, u will be back to norm in no time!!!!
18:01 Sat 20 Jan 18 (GMT)
So with everyone's input on hating arcade i have a new format. It will be
4 of 8us 5 of 9us and 4 of 8uk and 2 straight games runouts and golden breaks count for a extra point. If you get a event in straight it is a bonus too. The person with the best win/loss record will win. And then the Person with the most points will win Golden Cue.
Then i will have kinda of a FBL league style too... It will be in 8us,9us and 8uk they will all be separate First to 6 wins each match. The person with the highest total in each game type will win that game type. Total wins will win this part.
There will be killer too. I am hoping for 2 games. First one will be at the beginning and the last will be at the end. Also, there will be deadlines. So i will release 1 match at a time but that means if you join all them you could have 1-4 games at a time.
Sign up if you want in ..
Now kinda of a fun part to this. You will play in the honor of a past funkypool player. So for instance i will play in honor of _gerardddd_ Look on clan and league chat I created the "gerardddd" clan lol.
The New season will start next Sunday!
4 of 8us 5 of 9us and 4 of 8uk and 2 straight games runouts and golden breaks count for a extra point. If you get a event in straight it is a bonus too. The person with the best win/loss record will win. And then the Person with the most points will win Golden Cue.
Then i will have kinda of a FBL league style too... It will be in 8us,9us and 8uk they will all be separate First to 6 wins each match. The person with the highest total in each game type will win that game type. Total wins will win this part.
There will be killer too. I am hoping for 2 games. First one will be at the beginning and the last will be at the end. Also, there will be deadlines. So i will release 1 match at a time but that means if you join all them you could have 1-4 games at a time.
Sign up if you want in ..
Now kinda of a fun part to this. You will play in the honor of a past funkypool player. So for instance i will play in honor of _gerardddd_ Look on clan and league chat I created the "gerardddd" clan lol.
The New season will start next Sunday!
04:55 Tue 23 Jan 18 (GMT)
hey my 100th 9ball is dedicated to cabbie...who got me on here to start with...thankyou buddy
00:53 Sat 27 Jan 18 (GMT)
283 tourny win goes to yabet that i beat in the final while he spilled crap in the chat window after spitting his dummy nice to see after what 7-8 years of staying above 700 in this site he likes the new n better sober tom the player lol he cant beat me so i musdt be cheating lol the fool
dedi this win to everyone that likes me (if anyone)
n i hope to catch gaz real quik you know im coming for you gaz keep her lit
dedi this win to everyone that likes me (if anyone)
n i hope to catch gaz real quik you know im coming for you gaz keep her lit
11:29 Sat 27 Jan 18 (GMT)
craig won the 5am trny this morning..... the medal hunter woke early
11:46 Sat 27 Jan 18 (GMT)
Lol sounds about right Tom, well done buddy
14:35 Sat 27 Jan 18 (GMT)
After winning u both this morning, i have to say, that it is very noticable, tht ye both have geared up a bit. Craigs ranks are sky high these days. And as i said to u Tom also, very nice ranks u got there matey. This non-drinkin policy must be working! i should try it myself, lol
This is only nice to see, keep it up fellas!!!
283 tourny win goes to yabet that i beat in the final while he spilled crap in the chat window after spitting his dummy nice to see after what 7-8 years of staying above 700 in this site he likes the new n better sober tom the player lol he cant beat me so i musdt be cheating lol the fool
dedi this win to everyone that likes me (if anyone)
n i hope to catch gaz real quik you know im coming for you gaz keep her lit
dedi this win to everyone that likes me (if anyone)
n i hope to catch gaz real quik you know im coming for you gaz keep her lit
After winning u both this morning, i have to say, that it is very noticable, tht ye both have geared up a bit. Craigs ranks are sky high these days. And as i said to u Tom also, very nice ranks u got there matey. This non-drinkin policy must be working! i should try it myself, lol
This is only nice to see, keep it up fellas!!!
15:51 Sun 28 Jan 18 (GMT)
After winning u both this morning, i have to say, that it is very noticable, tht ye both have geared up a bit. Craigs ranks are sky high these days. And as i said to u Tom also, very nice ranks u got there matey. This non-drinkin policy must be working! i should try it myself, lol
This is only nice to see, keep it up fellas!!!
craigs ranks r high?????????????? he plays drunk tom and poolbuster all day.............. even jimfaebod can get good rankings now........ lmfao
283 tourny win goes to yabet that i beat in the final while he spilled crap in the chat window after spitting his dummy nice to see after what 7-8 years of staying above 700 in this site he likes the new n better sober tom the player lol he cant beat me so i musdt be cheating lol the fool
dedi this win to everyone that likes me (if anyone)
n i hope to catch gaz real quik you know im coming for you gaz keep her lit
dedi this win to everyone that likes me (if anyone)
n i hope to catch gaz real quik you know im coming for you gaz keep her lit
After winning u both this morning, i have to say, that it is very noticable, tht ye both have geared up a bit. Craigs ranks are sky high these days. And as i said to u Tom also, very nice ranks u got there matey. This non-drinkin policy must be working! i should try it myself, lol
This is only nice to see, keep it up fellas!!!
craigs ranks r high?????????????? he plays drunk tom and poolbuster all day.............. even jimfaebod can get good rankings now........ lmfao
16:41 Sun 28 Jan 18 (GMT)
who cares lol. Ranks are almost meaningless these days anyway
00:11 Mon 29 Jan 18 (GMT)
So far this is what i got.. I will message a few people to make sure they are or are not playing. And then tomorrow or Tuesday i will release fixtures.
So far this is what i got.. I will message a few people to make sure they are or are not playing. And then tomorrow or Tuesday i will release fixtures.
18:20 Mon 29 Jan 18 (GMT)
your love for me over flows
the fact you get up at 5 am to wish me luck makes me feel really good
maybe you should keep looking at beached wales all day
i dont give a jot about you or your ranks
the comment i made was youve improved
how and what you decieded that means is up to you
as for beating me youve beaten me twice in a month so as they say
ROCK on T-Bag
you truly crack me up
the one person in the world i laugh at
your love for me over flows
the fact you get up at 5 am to wish me luck makes me feel really good
maybe you should keep looking at beached wales all day
i dont give a jot about you or your ranks
the comment i made was youve improved
how and what you decieded that means is up to you
as for beating me youve beaten me twice in a month so as they say
ROCK on T-Bag
you truly crack me up
the one person in the world i laugh at
19:23 Mon 29 Jan 18 (GMT)
you silly silly silly man... it said ......................... trny winner at 5ammmmmmmmm was yabet lmao.. when I was on at dinner... 5am......... did you wet the bed you silly silly man
your love for me over flows
the fact you get up at 5 am to wish me luck makes me feel really good
maybe you should keep looking at beached wales all day
i dont give a jot about you or your ranks
the comment i made was youve improved
how and what you decieded that means is up to you
as for beating me youve beaten me twice in a month so as they say
ROCK on T-Bag
you truly crack me up
the one person in the world i laugh at
your love for me over flows
the fact you get up at 5 am to wish me luck makes me feel really good
maybe you should keep looking at beached wales all day
i dont give a jot about you or your ranks
the comment i made was youve improved
how and what you decieded that means is up to you
as for beating me youve beaten me twice in a month so as they say
ROCK on T-Bag
you truly crack me up
the one person in the world i laugh at
you silly silly silly man... it said ......................... trny winner at 5ammmmmmmmm was yabet lmao.. when I was on at dinner... 5am......... did you wet the bed you silly silly man
20:06 Mon 29 Jan 18 (GMT)
you silly silly silly man... it said ......................... trny winner at 5ammmmmmmmm was yabet lmao.. when I was on at dinner... 5am......... did you wet the bed you silly silly man
id wet the bed laughing at you and ur bat fella
whats fat and round and bounces off the ground
tell me tratter
sure this is a dedication thread you can bet your house on that one
your love for me over flows
the fact you get up at 5 am to wish me luck makes me feel really good
maybe you should keep looking at beached wales all day
i dont give a jot about you or your ranks
the comment i made was youve improved
how and what you decieded that means is up to you
as for beating me youve beaten me twice in a month so as they say
ROCK on T-Bag
you truly crack me up
the one person in the world i laugh at
your love for me over flows
the fact you get up at 5 am to wish me luck makes me feel really good
maybe you should keep looking at beached wales all day
i dont give a jot about you or your ranks
the comment i made was youve improved
how and what you decieded that means is up to you
as for beating me youve beaten me twice in a month so as they say
ROCK on T-Bag
you truly crack me up
the one person in the world i laugh at
you silly silly silly man... it said ......................... trny winner at 5ammmmmmmmm was yabet lmao.. when I was on at dinner... 5am......... did you wet the bed you silly silly man
id wet the bed laughing at you and ur bat fella
whats fat and round and bounces off the ground
tell me tratter
sure this is a dedication thread you can bet your house on that one
18:58 Tue 30 Jan 18 (GMT)
craig has won the most trny points this month???????????????????? but he doesn't play a lot did you know
19:10 Tue 30 Jan 18 (GMT)
id bet on an orange bird
craig has won the most trny points this month???????????????????? but he doesn't play a lot did you know
id bet on an orange bird
20:04 Tue 30 Jan 18 (GMT)
Tratter credits where its due wp there
however do you really have to insult people from the start to the end.. you have me on ignore which is why i laugh
Davitz pointed out to you about how low you stoop
going on about Sarah again.. which is sad, when your lass is pretty
lmfao,, look in the mirror before hurling abuse out about peoples partners eh
because your mirror isnt covered in roses beefy, is it ??
however do you really have to insult people from the start to the end.. you have me on ignore which is why i laugh
Davitz pointed out to you about how low you stoop
going on about Sarah again.. which is sad, when your lass is pretty
lmfao,, look in the mirror before hurling abuse out about peoples partners eh
because your mirror isnt covered in roses beefy, is it ??
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