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Dgen's Pool Hybrid Tournament

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Posts: 13,570
00:56 Thu 2 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippes 6 - 3 king of the scrapp rattssssss

ggs very chilled
Posts: 1,357
02:19 Thu 2 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippes 6 - 3 king of the scrapp rattssssss

ggs very chilled

wp man! ggs
Posts: 1,142
00:44 Fri 3 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
rapid vs thegame

8US 1-0
9US 0-1
8UK 1-0 (runout)

total 2-1

ggs mate, was harsh you not getting any breaks there, but nice plant in 9US!
Posts: 3,359
00:45 Fri 3 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lost 2-1 to adam i havent played for months and he took advantage

i have one gripe about the format is that he broke in every frame :/
Posts: 13,570
01:57 Fri 3 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lost 2-1 to adam i havent played for months and he took advantage

i have one gripe about the format is that he broke in every frame :/

awk dry yer eyes ya big jessie xxx
Posts: 38,097
14:23 Fri 3 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Knockout Champ (9 Ball) - Quarter Finals
Quarters: Best of 11 (First to 6, if 6-4 or below then optional)

thegame26 vs buckjam
rapid_pot 6 vs 3 _gerardddd_
fasteddie_ vs dgeneratio
hippesville 6 vs 3 _epicshot_

Knockout Cup - Quarter Finals
Quarters: Best of 1 in 8US, 9US, 8UK (First to 2, if 2-0 then optional)

thegame26 1 vs 2 rapid_pot
fasteddie_ vs buckjam
dgeneratio 1 vs 2 _epicshot_
_gerardddd_ 0 vs 3 hippesville

* If someone is inactive for 5+ days by end of deadline then they won't be granted an extension (unless player agrees) and "may" be defaulted out unless effort suggests otherwise.

If you don't want an extension please post before the Original Deadline.

Deadline: Morning (UK) of 4th Feb (11th Possibly then no more extensions)
Posts: 38,097
14:24 Fri 3 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lost 2-1 to adam i havent played for months and he took advantage

i have one gripe about the format is that he broke in every frame :/

Unfortunately happens on Snooker too, One of those things
Posts: 38,097
11:50 Sat 4 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
No one posted so deadline is the 11th which is the final deadline.

Please send Default info by 11th Feb @ 12 PM (UK) so i can do the draw in the same afternoon.

Posts: 3,359
10:09 Tue 7 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lost 2-1 to adam i havent played for months and he took advantage

i have one gripe about the format is that he broke in every frame :/

awk dry yer eyes ya big jessie xxx

Lick my frosty ring Gaz
Posts: 3,359
10:11 Tue 7 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Btw James i have mailed buckie (3 days ago) he's been on since and not replied i think he still holds a grudge on my tapping skills in killer
Posts: 4,046
14:13 Tue 7 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Btw James i have mailed buckie (3 days ago) he's been on since and not replied i think he still holds a grudge on my tapping skills in killer

I am an elephant its true and my memory is clear but your a crap tapper anyway so is all good.

I did get your message but forgot i got it so i forgot to get back to you and for that i apologise. Give me a time and i will see if i can remember
Posts: 38,097
14:04 Thu 9 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Knockout Champ (9 Ball) - Quarter Finals
Quarters: Best of 11 (First to 6, if 6-4 or below then optional)

thegame26 vs buckjam
rapid_pot 6 vs 3 _gerardddd_
fasteddie_ vs dgeneratio
hippesville 6 vs 3 _epicshot_

Knockout Cup - Quarter Finals
Quarters: Best of 1 in 8US, 9US, 8UK (First to 2, if 2-0 then optional)

thegame26 1 vs 2 rapid_pot
fasteddie_ vs buckjam
dgeneratio 1 vs 2 _epicshot_
_gerardddd_ 0 vs 3 hippesville

* If someone is inactive for 5+ days by end of deadline then they won't be granted an extension (unless player agrees) and "may" be defaulted out unless effort suggests otherwise.

If you don't want an extension please post before the Original Deadline.

Deadline: Morning (UK) of 4th Feb (11th Possibly then no more extensions)

Two Days left guys then i'll be doing defaults Saturday Afternoon, If i don't have info then i'll go with what's posted then with gut instincts.

Posts: 38,097
21:23 Fri 10 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Knockout Champ (9 Ball) - Quarter Finals
Quarters: Best of 11 (First to 6, if 6-4 or below then optional)

thegame26 vs buckjam
rapid_pot 6 vs 3 _gerardddd_
fasteddie_ vs dgeneratio
hippesville 6 vs 3 _epicshot_

Knockout Cup - Quarter Finals
Quarters: Best of 1 in 8US, 9US, 8UK (First to 2, if 2-0 then optional)

thegame26 1 vs 2 rapid_pot
fasteddie_ vs buckjam
dgeneratio 1 vs 2 _epicshot_
_gerardddd_ 0 vs 3 hippesville

* If someone is inactive for 5+ days by end of deadline then they won't be granted an extension (unless player agrees) and "may" be defaulted out unless effort suggests otherwise.

If you don't want an extension please post before the Original Deadline.

Deadline: Morning (UK) of 4th Feb (11th Possibly then no more extensions)

Deadline is tomorrow morning when i get on the Laptop then when not busy i'll close and do the defaults.

Eddie's defaults are simple enough but Jamie and Richie's is not and have a feeling someone will be upset but unavoidable, Messaged both so hopefully gets played
Posts: 38,097
16:39 Sat 11 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
thegame26 beats buckjam
buckjam beats eddie
dgen beats eddie

draw soon
Posts: 38,097
16:46 Sat 11 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Knockout Champ (9 Ball) - Semi Finals
Semis: Best of 17 (First to 9, if 9-7 or below then optional)

hippesville vs rapid_pot
thegame26 vs dgeneratio

Knockout Cup - Semi Finals
Semis: Best of 1 in 8US, 9US, 8UK (First to 2, if 2-0 then optional)

hippesville vs buckjam
_epicshot_ vs rapid_pot

* If someone is inactive for 5+ days by end of deadline then they won't be granted an extension (unless player agrees) and "may" be defaulted out unless effort suggests otherwise.

Deadline: Morning (UK) of 25th Feb
Posts: 38,097
22:18 Tue 14 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dgen 9-4 Richie

Enjoyable games but we kept saying sorry and in end we lost interest.

ggs mate
Posts: 3,359
22:20 Tue 14 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dgen 9-4 Richie

Enjoyable games but we kept saying sorry and in end we lost interest.

ggs mate

I lost interest after the first frame

Game is in the toilet
Posts: 1,142
00:41 Wed 15 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
rapido 3 - 0 epic

ggs ul mate! breaks didn't go for you here!
Posts: 38,097
20:34 Sat 18 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Knockout Champ (9 Ball) - Semi Finals
Semis: Best of 17 (First to 9, if 9-7 or below then optional)

hippesville vs rapid_pot
thegame26 4 vs 9 dgeneratio

Knockout Cup - Semi Finals
Semis: Best of 1 in 8US, 9US, 8UK (First to 2, if 2-0 then optional)

hippesville vs buckjam
_epicshot_ 0 vs 3 rapid_pot

* If someone is inactive for 5+ days by end of deadline then they won't be granted an extension (unless player agrees) and "may" be defaulted out unless effort suggests otherwise.

Deadline: Morning (UK) of 25th Feb
Posts: 38,097
20:35 Sat 18 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Final Formats for when Hippes plays his games

Knockout Championship (9 Ball)
Final: Best of 19

Cup (Mixed)
Each round will be 1 frame of 8US, 8UK and 9US except The Final which has three of each.
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Dgen's Pool Hybrid Tournament

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