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Scrap Ratts- Undefeated FCL friendlies champions 2017 GO PLEY LOCKY RATTS"

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Posts: 74
05:59 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
15-0 _epicshot_ enough said 209 Stockton Slapped

Hahahahahaha you keep kidding yourself!

yeah he was in the room when I said make it a friendly and you ran off like a girl haha! Didn't think you would run off when you was 'on fire' as you said...only to lose 4-0 in tourney

I just cant wait for _gerardddd_ to see this lol ill sit back and get my popcorn

Haha you sit back. I told you the deal, notice you had been running for days. Then wait til I haven't played for 2 days whilst you have been on constantly to then challenge me haha rat boy! I'm ready to play now, already invited you once.
Posts: 1,357
06:04 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
15-0 _epicshot_ enough said 209 Stockton Slapped

Hahahahahaha you keep kidding yourself!

yeah he was in the room when I said make it a friendly and you ran off like a girl haha! Didn't think you would run off when you was 'on fire' as you said...only to lose 4-0 in tourney

I just cant wait for _gerardddd_ to see this lol ill sit back and get my popcorn

Haha you sit back. I told you the deal, notice you had been running for days. Then wait til I haven't played for 2 days whilst you have been on constantly to then challenge me haha rat boy! I'm ready to play now, already invited you once.

lies This time i got witness ,, You even said you weren't confident you wanted to be in your bath you had a dead arm blah blah blah excuses man this time your lies are caught we both sat back laughing at how you were ! You went from trying to call me out saying i was scared to saying all that ,, And man we BOTH know you got peas ... Just plain old peas man Now get out of my way im carrying bowling balls over here .. Tomorrow just might be your worst funky day lol
Posts: 74
06:13 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahaha your such a loser! I said I hadn't been on in 2 days and you had been on all day and yeah I was chilling in the bath and had a dead arm from leaning over the bath side but I was still willing to play you as you came on running your scruffy little gums after running away from my invite for 4/5 days haha! Yet you ru off like a girl and put me on ignore. Come play me.
Posts: 338
07:42 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Played FCL friendly with 1st_response

went down 0-4 in US 8 where he didn't really miss and I played like a noob. Then he started noobing and I won the last us8 and then 5-0 in 9 ball to make it 6-4. He won the first uk with a good snooker, but fell apart and I won the last 4 capping it off with a smooth run out.

Total was 10-5 to me but scoreline was harsh. considering I was down 0-4 and it wasn't looking good, I think it's a decent result for me in this very serious business that is FCL friendlies LOL

GG's bud rematch anytime.
Posts: 74
08:04 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Played FCL friendly with 1st_response

went down 0-4 in US 8 where he didn't really miss and I played like a noob. Then he started noobing and I won the last us8 and then 5-0 in 9 ball to make it 6-4. He won the first uk with a good snooker, but fell apart and I won the last 4 capping it off with a smooth run out.

Total was 10-5 to me but scoreline was harsh. considering I was down 0-4 and it wasn't looking good, I think it's a decent result for me in this very serious business that is FCL friendlies LOL

GG's bud rematch anytime.

Haha yeah crazy games mate. Good to see one of your clan members have some manners! Crazy scoreline which could of easily been the other way same as my game with marksmith. That miss on the 8ball to go 5-0 up was a game changer, was potting everything before that. Should of won the first 4 9 ball games too could of easily been 9-0 up myself. Will definitely play again mate when I've got a mouse sorted can't play with this sticky touchpad anymore but enjoyable game bud and a gentleman throughout! Very well played in UK mate, the other games well...Haha you finished your chances that's all I can say! Catch ya soon mate take care.
Posts: 1,357
12:57 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Damn man with all your touchpad issues and everything I'd give Asher back his computer and get a new one...

1St_ response 0-3 Scrap Ratts

Nice win noob!! Almost did better than marksmith

And you also need to take notes see noob take ownership when he went down 4-0 said he played like a noob and didn't make one excuse.... I love my buddies lol
Posts: 74
15:33 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Damn man with all your touchpad issues and everything I'd give Asher back his computer and get a new one...

1St_ response 0-3 Scrap Ratts

Nice win noob!! Almost did better than marksmith

And you also need to take notes see noob take ownership when he went down 4-0 said he played like a noob and didn't make one excuse.... I love my buddies lol

Waheyyy here's gob of the land! Nah he even admitted I should of been 9-0 up. Was good fun games and my touch pad has been playing up for a while, my own fault for not sorting a mouse out but I have a life off here unlike you! Was crazy games just like the marksmith games. Dunno how you make it 3-0 though? I hammered mike_though 10-5 in an fcl friendly but I don't go around posting on your thread gobbling off about it cause it's a bit of fun! Still waiting to play you!
Posts: 1,357
15:38 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Damn man with all your touchpad issues and everything I'd give Asher back his computer and get a new one...

1St_ response 0-3 Scrap Ratts

Nice win noob!! Almost did better than marksmith

And you also need to take notes see noob take ownership when he went down 4-0 said he played like a noob and didn't make one excuse.... I love my buddies lol

Waheyyy here's gob of the land! Nah he even admitted I should of been 9-0 up. Was good fun games and my touch pad has been playing up for a while, my own fault for not sorting a mouse out but I have a life off here unlike you! Was crazy games just like the marksmith games. Dunno how you make it 3-0 though? I hammered mike_though 10-5 in an fcl friendly but I don't go around posting on your thread gobbling off about it cause it's a bit of fun! Still waiting to play you!

You have a life?? Your not even real !
Posts: 117
15:55 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
not sure why this muppet is posting here his clan lost already
i got your message epicshot make it black and green
talked to sam he knows about my missus and we will sort it out this weekend cheers
Posts: 1,357
16:12 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Damn man with all your touchpad issues and everything I'd give Asher back his computer and get a new one...

1St_ response 0-3 Scrap Ratts

Nice win noob!! Almost did better than marksmith

And you also need to take notes see noob take ownership when he went down 4-0 said he played like a noob and didn't make one excuse.... I love my buddies lol

Make that 4-0 Scrap Ratts DeeDee beat him too lol in a fcl.. And yes we know it was just a friendly against her Bahaahhaha...
Posts: 1,357
16:13 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
not sure why this muppet is posting here his clan lost already
i got your message epicshot make it black and green
talked to sam he knows about my missus and we will sort it out this weekend cheers

Will get it done today man.. Busy till tonight. And glad you girl is better .
Posts: 338
16:32 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
I never said you should have been up 9-0. But I'll admit you had some rough spots there in 9 ball. Like you said though I took my chances and that's all we can do eh?
Posts: 1,357
16:45 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
I never said you should have been up 9-0. But I'll admit you had some rough spots there in 9 ball. Like you said though I took my chances and that's all we can do eh?

Waheyyy here's gob of the land! Nah he even admitted I should of been 9-0 up.

You sure you didn't say this noob?? lool He just makes stuff up man ..
Posts: 338
16:53 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
He said it not me. He had some rough luck but judging our play neither of us deserved to be winning when 9 ball was over. I turned it up in UK though and actually played solid. The run out was super slick. Hit a couple 3 ball combos to get going then wiped it clean.
Posts: 1,753
20:25 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol yeah i seen it all, he seemed scared to me lol eric went to the game room he was in and called him out, invited him and he clicked no as soon as he joined, he was then told to man up about 20 times but he refused to play whilst saying he would destroy eric and wipe the floor with him, eric then told him to play then and he said he didnt want to play ranked as he was in the bath with a dead arm LOL (but i dont see why he didnt play ranked when he said he would destroy him as it would be easy points then and he was playing killer which was ranked when eric called him out), but from what i read between them 2 off them it seemed to me he didnt want nothing to do with eric lol play and settle it or leave it and stop constantly posting here saying you want to play him, simple..

Edited at 18:47 Wed 22/02/17 (GMT)
Posts: 1,357
20:32 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st_response post a video to this thread of you saying i suck please and thank you ! Would like to see and hear you MATE
Posts: 1,357
20:32 Wed 22 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st_response post a video to this thread of you saying i suck please and thank you ! Would like to see and hear you MATE

If you do ill play you a friendly just like you want not ranked .. Just humor me
Posts: 1,357
02:04 Thu 23 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol yeah i seen it all, he seemed scared to me lol eric went to the game room he was in and called him out, invited him and he clicked no as soon as he joined, he was then told to man up about 20 times but he refused to play whilst saying he would destroy eric and wipe the floor with him, eric then told him to play then and he said he didnt want to play ranked as he was in the bath with a dead arm LOL (but i dont see why he didnt play ranked when he said he would destroy him as it would be easy points then and he was playing killer which was ranked when eric called him out), but from what i read between them 2 off them it seemed to me he didnt want nothing to do with eric lol play and settle it or leave it and stop constantly posting here saying you want to play him, simple..

Edited at 18:47 Wed 22/02/17 (GMT)

Posts: 1,357
02:04 Thu 23 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st_response post a video to this thread of you saying i suck please and thank you ! Would like to see and hear you MATE

If you do ill play you a friendly just like you want not ranked .. Just humor me

Posts: 338
02:25 Thu 23 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to play you. You are not even good. In fact you're rubbish. Nerd.
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Scrap Ratts- Undefeated FCL friendlies champions 2017 GO PLEY LOCKY RATTS"

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