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CNG: Collars and Gents - Nothing personal, it is just business

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Posts: 38,097
15:06 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe if clans actually come back to life, which is doubtful, you'll make a return.

Maybe mate, i do enjoy being a Captain, seems to be in my blood, sounds strange but it's true but the arguments and manipulation really put me off the last time.
Posts: 1,357
15:14 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe if clans actually come back to life, which is doubtful, you'll make a return.

Maybe mate, i do enjoy being a Captain, seems to be in my blood, sounds strange but it's true but the arguments and manipulation really put me off the last time.

Hey mate check clan waiting thread. You might put your name down for scrap ratts. Maybe we can even toughen you up a bit! James I think I respect you the most on this site.
Posts: 38,097
15:19 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
And kris exploded on funky fools can't wait to see what he does here

Yeah true, it's his choice though and no clan should keep prisoners, If players want to leave, Clans should let them.

Normally it's the other Captain who would be blamed for asking unless they approached him first, however as i said, if clans aren't doing friendlies then no real point having a clan.
Posts: 38,097
15:21 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey mate check clan waiting thread. You might put your name down for scrap ratts. Maybe we can even toughen you up a bit! James I think I respect you the most on this site.

Cheers, i respect you too and "most" guys on the site, but just gonna focus on Keith's Event mate.

My form is a little weak however as using a laptop so have to get used to angles and while my safeties are good, potting is not (except UK).
Posts: 72
15:21 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
And kris exploded on funky fools can't wait to see what he does here

Yeah true, it's his choice though and no clan should keep prisoners, If players want to leave, Clans should let them.

Normally it's the other Captain who would be blamed for asking unless they approached him first, however as i said, if clans aren't doing friendlies then no real point having a clan.

Instead Captains hold grudges over players that decide to play elsewhere

All a tad pathetic in my opinion
Posts: 1,357
15:24 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
And kris exploded on funky fools can't wait to see what he does here

Yeah true, it's his choice though and no clan should keep prisoners, If players want to leave, Clans should let them.

Normally it's the other Captain who would be blamed for asking unless they approached him first, however as i said, if clans aren't doing friendlies then no real point having a clan.

That's true only team I know that's playing friendlies is Scrap Ratts and we just beat some team and now we got the respect of uprising and they decided there was only one team worth coming out of retirement for and that was us no other teams are playing friendlies.
Posts: 38,097
15:28 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Instead Captains hold grudges over players that decide to play elsewhere

All a tad pathetic in my opinion

Not holding a grudge mate, i said he could leave and not blaming anyone in particular.

We're folding as we aren't doing friendlies and people wanted 8v8 all the time which wasn't possible for us anyway. I admit Crucial's departure made it easier to fold but he isn't the reason.

Clans are the past and i'm hoping Keith's Event is the future.

"no worries mate, folded CNG (not down to you) as we're not doing friendlies and that's only way to keep clans going.

Keith's is based on single members being drawn into teams."

^ Sent that to Crucial
Posts: 38,097
15:29 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's true only team I know that's playing friendlies is Scrap Ratts and we just beat some team and now we got the respect of uprising and they decided there was only one team worth coming out of retirement for and that was us no other teams are playing friendlies.

Yeah true, nice work there, hope you do well in it
Posts: 1,357
15:31 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's true only team I know that's playing friendlies is Scrap Ratts and we just beat some team and now we got the respect of uprising and they decided there was only one team worth coming out of retirement for and that was us no other teams are playing friendlies.

Yeah true, nice work there, hope you do well in it
Thanks m8.. We just want to go down fighting and give it the best we can.
Posts: 38,097
15:33 Sun 19 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's true only team I know that's playing friendlies is Scrap Ratts and we just beat some team and now we got the respect of uprising and they decided there was only one team worth coming out of retirement for and that was us no other teams are playing friendlies.

Yeah true, nice work there, hope you do well in it
Thanks m8.. We just want to go down fighting and give it the best we can.

That's all you can do in any match as long as you try.
Posts: 1,986
18:27 Thu 23 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 38,097
18:30 Thu 23 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  

We have around 6-7 active mate but with Keith's new league, any clan who doesn't do friendlies may as well fold and that's their only purpose now.

As we aren't doing friendlies then i saw no reason to continue as the clan has no games and in Keith's new league, it's Player based not Team based like before.
Posts: 38,097
19:33 Sat 25 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Net may go off before Weds, not sure how long, just to let you know

Just an update so i will likely go inactive but through no fault of my own, not sure how long for but likely a week or two.
Posts: 38,097
22:00 Sun 26 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keith's League

Fixtures released and can be found here

* Use the tabs at bottom to scroll or can click Fix1, Fix2 links manually on the website.

All 13 Fixtures are released at once and play each opponent. Keith will post the deadline soon.

As before you can only see half the fixtures (Nothing i can do there i'm afraid) however Forum Formatting makes up for things for an easy Copy and Paste.

Good Luck to everyone.
Posts: 6
12:41 Sat 10 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
is this game is still up
Posts: 38,097
14:47 Sat 10 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
is this game is still up

barely mate, i think clans will die after this season then only thing site will have is tournaments.
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CNG: Collars and Gents - Nothing personal, it is just business

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