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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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Posts: 4,230
06:43 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah there was northman, only one to beat. he is a mystery to me anyway.

used to be in my clan moons ago, dont think anything good came of it. now he is killing it, at killer, yet, he is pretty average at 9us tables when ive played him-but, not to discredit him, i have to say he has made a name for himself at the killler side of things, anyway.

( i hear dvz lauhing in far distance, must be echo... )
Posts: 133
12:52 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good morning

Looks like there is no pressure on my shoulders in the GSC Final

Good luck in final
Posts: 14,736
15:34 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good morning

Looks like there is no pressure on my shoulders in the GSC Final

Good luck in final

Kept you back mate as a versatile substitute, meaning you can play all game types and can be very useful and helpful should a substitute be required further down the line.

It's essential to know...all players selected or not are just as important as each other. I echo the good luck guys too.

C'mon Phoenix
Posts: 1,986
17:23 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 14,736
17:26 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

You're perfectly entitled to your opinion but I beg to differ.
Thanks all the same though.
Posts: 14,736
01:44 Mon 14 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC Final

FCL: im_crap_adam vs dark_chocco
FCL: joeyy vs dv8
SL: legend_pot vs cgibson92
SL: snowden vs r1p0m4n_v2
8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet (10 Frames)
9us: 2pac786 vs ritcho (12 Frames) (14)
8uk: andyw1 vs zantetsukenz (10 Frames)
Str: rapid_pot vs turtle1560 (4 Frames) (14)

Deadline: 04/12/2016

Good Luck guys.

Posts: 14,736
06:54 Mon 14 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ultimate Phoenix (Reapers)
(Next Season)

1. _knightmare_ (Co Captain) - Staying
2. legend_pot (Co Captain) - Staying
3. friendyboy (Vice Captain) - Staying
4. rapid_pot - (Vice Captain) - Staying
5. andyw1 - Staying
6. 2pac786 - Staying
7. letsgochamp - Staying
8. snowden - Staying
9. im_crap_adam - Staying
10. mr_tumble - Staying
11. mich - Staying
12. jedi_master ? (Awaiting Permission) / joeyy (?)
13. davyb0207 - Staying
14. dead_silence - (sub)
15. allypunk (Joining)
16. TBC
Posts: 14,736
06:55 Mon 14 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - _knightmare_ wins! (3 lives, potted 9 of 10, safe 7 of 9)
RANKINGS: _knightmare_ 792.1 (+6.6), _epicshot_ 632.5 (-1.2), northman 787.5 (-3.6), viki_b 618.3 (-1.1), hustler_1987 565.5 (-0.6)

My highest Killer Ranking EVER!, 7/9 safeties...getting there...want 9/9 lol.

Dedicate to Phoenix Reapers - Next Team Killer we start at 10pm...I'll play.

u say what u say, but 7 safetys out of 9 is a class act. not even gonna talk about the rank, as at killer, u cant get there without playing it properly.

credit where credit is due

Thank you kris....appreciated. (Only just seen this)
Posts: 14,736
17:15 Mon 14 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Both ritcho & turtle1560 offline 15 days each, ridiculous them even being selected....send your messages 2pac786 & rapid_pot guys and we'll see what happens.

Posts: 10,109
18:59 Mon 14 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Both ritcho & turtle1560 offline 15 days each, ridiculous them even being selected....send your messages 2pac786 & rapid_pot guys and we'll see what happens.


Ridiculous you being a captain.

Ridiculous you pretending to your unselected players that they're just as important. How stupid do you think people are?

Ridiculous you making comments about Uprising players being offline, when you know full well we're not as sad as Phoenix and are out having lives. As always, ritcho will come on as soon as I ask him, and Sean returns next weekend.

Concentrate on your own failed project, and start throwing around terms like "ridiculous" when you've earned the right through success and adept captaincy. It could be a long wait!!!
Posts: 14,736
19:09 Mon 14 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
As always, ritcho will come on as soon as I ask him, and Sean returns next weekend.

Thanks, that is I asked, which you've answered. Anything else is irrelevant.
Posts: 14,736
15:18 Tue 15 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC Final

FCL: im_crap_adam vs dark_chocco
FCL: joeyy vs dv8
SL: legend_pot vs cgibson92
SL: snowden vs r1p0m4n_v2
8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet (10 Frames)
9us: 2pac786 vs ritcho (12 Frames) (16)
8uk: andyw1 vs zantetsukenz (10 Frames)
Str: rapid_pot vs turtle1560 (4 Frames) (16)

Deadline: 04/12/2016

Any news on these?

Edited at 16:21 Tue 15/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
18:55 Tue 15 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uprising (Inactivity)

dark_chocco (4 days)
cgibson92 (3 days)
ritcho (16 days)
turtle1560 (16 days)

50% of their team selection are Inactive...keep sending messages guys, keep your copies.

Posts: 14,736
20:39 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Might change our name to: 'The PoolFathers' next season: I made some clan pics for CNG but they chose not to use them so I decided to expand on the idea.

Pic Idea:

Posted Image

Anyone like?
Posts: 14,736
21:21 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Just experimenting atm - not the finished design.

Edited at 19:25 Wed 16/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
22:49 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uprising (Inactivity)

dark_chocco (4 days)
cgibson92 (3 days)
ritcho (16 days)
turtle1560 (16 days)

50% of their team selection are Inactive...keep sending messages guys, keep your copies.


You posted this AFTER I told you I can get Chris or Stevie on whenever I ask them. They have both replied to their mails, and legend_pot says he can't play until after the weekend anyway!!! Highlighting how moronic your post is! I also told you Sean isn't back until the weekend. Did you not understand that?

And 50% are inactive??? :O You must've failed maths dramatically, if you went to school that is. I presume you were pulled out due to being bullied, and got home schooled? Just a hunch!

I eagerly await your players being offline 3 whole days so I can jump on this thread!
Posts: 14,736
22:52 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
8 fixtures 4 inactive is 50% Einstein.
Posts: 10,109
22:58 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
8 fixtures 4 inactive is 50% Einstein.

8 fixtures 4 inactive is Einstein? That doesn't make the least bit of sense! How can "8 fixtures 4 inactive" be 50% Einstein? Absolute gibberish! I thought your maths needed work, but your English is appalling!!

3 days off isn't inactive, nor is 4. Only the saddest of the sad play every single day. If you take a look, there's only really Sean that's actually inactive - and I TOLD you about him!

If you reply, try using punctuation. I'm only an amateur codebreaker and I don't have the deciphering skills needed to break your unique use of the English language!
Posts: 14,736
23:09 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whatever Stuey.
Good to see ritcho browsing...your efforts are noted.
Did you have to remind him his login details after over 2 weeks inactivity?
Posts: 13,570
23:10 Wed 16 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Imagine actually having a life and not needing to use an online pool game to lift that wavering self-esteem.

Reckon most are here for the pool and craic. Shame yer devoid of it
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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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