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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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Posts: 38,097
16:11 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It wasn't tactical, Hippes requested to be subbed out as he has connection issues, rather have a partial game or a full one? That is what i thought. Hippes isn't guaranteed to be on so Harry offered to sub in as he could play at same time as Alex then Davy got subbed and he is a Day Player who Harry said he can't meet.

And also while on subject on Tactical Subs, Aren't you the same captain who tried to manipulate me multiple times to sub out players to play your strongest? Yes that's right, you are the Master of Tactical Subs when you want to be so you can't talk.

If a player of Harrys caliber offers to sub in you're not going to refuse are you? its like legend_pot saying he is free and you jumping for joy subbing him wherever you can.

If you want me to stop posting, then stop annoying me with silly stuff and get on with things.
Posts: 10,109
16:14 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It wasn't tactical, Hippes requested to be subbed out as he has connection issues, rather have a partial game or a full one? That is what i thought. Hippes isn't guaranteed to be on so Harry offered to sub in as he could play at same time as Alex then Davy got subbed and he is a Day Player who Harry said he can't meet.

And also while on subject on Tactical Subs, Aren't you the same captain who tried to manipulate me multiple times to sub out players to play your strongest? Yes thats right, you are the Master of Tactical Subs when you want to be so you can't talk.

If a player of Harrys caliber offers to sub in your not going to refuse are you? its like legend_pot saying he is free and you jumping for joy subbing him wherever you can.

If you want me to stop posting, then stop annoying me with silly stuff and get on with things.

It IS tactical. It's tactical stupidity from them, and they've just guaranteed themselves a lost default and a lost match. I wouldn't admit it on the forum, but if this was us - I'd be advising my player to be busy until deadline. Currently with the evidence out there, it's an open and shut case. Just bag up the win!
Posts: 133
16:17 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon team

I'm free again after very much work lately.

I am available now for the rest of the day and tomorrow, but not until sunday midnight. I wish no default scores, so feel free to sub me out if i have unplayed matches on sunday 7 pm UK time. I have also not the slightest problem if other players subs themself in in my matches.

I keep an eye out on these opponents.

Not sure if i have more opponents.
Posts: 10,109
16:23 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon team

I'm free again after very much work lately.

I am available now for the rest of the day and tomorrow, but not until sunday midnight. I wish no default scores, so feel free to sub me out if i have unplayed matches on sunday 7 pm UK time. I have also not the slightest problem if other players subs themself in in my matches.

I keep an eye out on these opponents.

Not sure if i have more opponents.

If you play against us it's not against turtle. It would be against horse, who only plays after 7pm, although he may be available tonight. I'll be at work so can't help out.
Posts: 14,736
16:35 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon team

I'm free again after very much work lately.

I am available now for the rest of the day and tomorrow, but not until sunday midnight. I wish no default scores, so feel free to sub me out if i have unplayed matches on sunday 7 pm UK time. I have also not the slightest problem if other players subs themself in in my matches.

I keep an eye out on these opponents.

Not sure if i have more opponents.

You are welcome to sub yourself back in vs horse10000 matey if you see him..hippesville's been conveniently changed too w_hoolahan (even Stevie Wonder saw that coming lol) so yeah please play both if and when you can.

Thanks mate.
Posts: 133
16:39 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon team

I'm free again after very much work lately.

I am available now for the rest of the day and tomorrow, but not until sunday midnight. I wish no default scores, so feel free to sub me out if i have unplayed matches on sunday 7 pm UK time. I have also not the slightest problem if other players subs themself in in my matches.

I keep an eye out on these opponents.

Not sure if i have more opponents.

If you play against us it's not against turtle. It would be against horse, who only plays after 7pm, although he may be available tonight. I'll be at work so can't help out.

First of all i appreciate your message.

I still have 1 question
Sean messaged me yesterday with the question if i could play tomorrow evening, so that is this evening. No offence, but can i ask for which reason i can't play against turtle?

I don't mind who i may play. horse is also ok.
Posts: 14,736
16:41 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Donatello was swapped yesterday to play 2pac786 mate...He's already played his match.
Posts: 14,736
16:52 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
... stand by my own opinion...

Purely see the finish line and become oblivious to anyone or anything else surrounding it. DFE have been like that pretty much all season tbh...politics before playing (you cross off the days any of our players are unfortunately inactive & use it continuously as some form of leverage to screw us over by default), shame really but very transparent.

Still I've said what I wanted too to I'll leave it at that...good luck davyb mate.

Not an Argument!

Edited at 13:59 Sat 01/10/16 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
16:56 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 2:
Dates: 05/09/2016 >>> 02/10/2016 (Deadline)

Subs Permitted: 25/09/2016

Phoenix Reapers (19) Vs (26) Uprising
rapid_pot vs miss_harriet?
mich (6) vs (9) ritcho (swp)
(s) versatile vs zantetsukenz (s) (TBC: 3-3)
friendyboy vs thegame26 (s)
(s) 2pac786 (3) vs (12) turtle1560 (tactical) (s)
(swp) andyw1 (10) vs (5) dark_chocco (swp)
(s) (swp) davyb0207/joeyy vs horse10000 (swp)
legend_pot vs apples_back/clifton188

Phoenix Reapers (46) Vs (44) DFE
legend_pot vs dvz (Sunday)
mich (5) vs (10) __start__
(s) davyb0207 vs w_hoolahan (tactical) (s)
andyw1 (5) vs (10) matttt
rapid_pot (9) vs (6) dgeneratio
letsgochamp (7) vs (8) lolumadbro
versatile (11) vs (4) i_am_noob
(s) 2pac786 (9) vs (6) _wales_lad_

Phoenix Reapers (66) Vs (54) BS - Completed
mich (10) vs (5) the__priest
andyw1 (7) vs (8) bigcjl2
friendyboy (10) vs (5) mr_pink_eyes
mr_tumble (7) vs (8) kris
rapid_pot (8) vs (7) veyron
_egley_ (5) vs (10) dwaz61 (s)
versatile (9) vs (6) slimeball
(s) davyb0207 (10) vs (5) thepoolgod (s)

Phoenix Reapers (62) Vs (58) FPD's - Completed
rapid_pot (5) vs (10) crazy_greg
mr_tumble (5) vs (10) gawa
(s) mich (8) vs (7) triple_b
2pac786 (10) vs (5) klien
versatile (6) vs (9) whocares8x8
letsgochamp (6) vs (9) scottyjr
davyb0207 (12) vs (3) naaaaaath
legend_pot (10) vs (5) buckjam
Posts: 2,327
17:05 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
... stand by my own opinion...

DFE have been like that pretty much all season tbh...politics before playing (you cross off the days any of our players are unfortunately inactive & use it continuously as some form of leverage to screw us over by default), shame really but very transparent.

DFE have had less defaults all season than anyone. Phoenix have had a fair few, so when inactive players are left in for almost three quarters of a fixture (when default decisions are based on 4 weeks not one) it's common sense to point that out, not political.

I'm not arguing but I did tell mich the longer fresh was left in the more difficult it would be for hippes since he usually has to play his games in two halves, hence why his other two games are unfinished.. Or was that all a ploy to make a tactical sub vs phoenix?

Fresh being left in until 9 days before deadline absolutely is relevant. Hippes requested to be subbed out so he was. And you got an eligible sub in his place. Should the situation have been reversed and you had the opportunity to sub in Ryan for instance, he'd probably have been in it long before now.

You subbed in dead_silence vs mattt when matt and the king had actually arranged to play. That's a tactical sub.. Putting in your best option when an original player requests to be taken out is common sense.
Posts: 38,097
17:06 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And every action, their is a reaction.

Don't blame us, You're the ones to add Fresh in the first place then subbed him after 18 days then subbed for Davy, That could be tactical too? Hippes was on daily but requested to be subbed out. Harry offered as he can play Alex. When Ryan subs in we don't go "Tactical"! even though it usually is, Take BS last fixture. You even De-Tactical Subbed yourself in vs FPD. Harry has rarely played a match as arguments and politics was boring him, and consistently playing on Snooker, Now he offered to play Alex at his times so then we Sub, but because it is Harry it is tactical but when it's Ryan it isn't tactical.

As i said, We have a HUGE advantage and Phoenix has to do their best to play at Harry's times now. We subbed with good intent then Phoenix started on us so now you nearly ran out of your 9 lives. Up to you what you do now but we won't be subbing.

hippesville hippesville
Dunno if I'm gonna get on again m8 to complete matches.
veyron- since matches played I've had connection issue once and he hasn't showed x2
Fresh was never about and couldn't meet Davy's times

Sorry bud, I'll leave it with you n dee
Sent about 4 hours ago
messaged Dee mate, i don't think we can really sub in the veyron game without removing but if needed we maybe could sub in others but if fresh was in the fixture then Phoenix should be the one to sub out as we know how inactive Fresh is.
Sent about 3 hours ago
Posts: 14,736
17:30 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You subbed in dead_silence vs mattt when matt and the king had actually arranged to play. That's a tactical sub.. Putting in your best option when an original player requests to be taken out is common sense.

Correct they did arrange to play but he messaged me stating the family had been 'hit for six due to a totally unexpected bereavement', therefore said he was taking time off and wasn't sure when he'd return or if he would.

I replied: Very sorry to hear, take as much time as you need and I'll sort out the fixtures etc. Already suffering from a depleted selection of players for the B team we had no other alternative than Curtis who at that time, was more active as he is nowadays. That's common sense all stems down to interpretation & circumstance.

I do agree putting in a player who expresses an interest is the right move...I struggle however to see the fairness though in subbing a player who was inactive themself for approximately 1 month to a fixture where the result could prove conclusive and determine the outcome overall. Do you not see how that can be perceived to be 'tactical'?
Posts: 38,097
17:42 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nope because Harry offered to play, If i had asked Harry to sub in i would agree being part 'tactical', Yes he was off One Month but he was still checking forums, purposely not logging in due to arguments on the forum and he preferred Snooker. He now at least to my knowledge he is interested in Pool until end of the season. Yes the timing was off but when you leave an inactive player in for 18 days, games get played and games become more important. Hippes has been on daily since the get go really and had to wait nearly three weeks for an opponent which is relevant, Not fair is it? He requests to sub out and because Harry wants to play, All of a sudden you guys jump on the bandwagon as you know he "could" potentially bring home a result for us but that never crossed my mind. Hippes needed a sub and Harry was first who offered, Simple as that.

Had Hippes not been requested to sub out then you would be stuck if you like it or not but you're lucky as you get a new opponent.

Maybe every time Ryan subs in, Maybe the forum should shout Tactical and sprout crap to you? You know maybe i should... then you will know how we feel and that's no disrespect to Ryan either, Just because you annoyed me.

You're oblivious to the fact that its Fresh that put you in this situation and it is YOUR fault the game isn't completed so it is YOUR job to make it to our times.

But as it is you, we all have to appeal to your demands regardless of who's fault it is.

Edited at 14:47 Sat 01/10/16 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
17:49 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Why are you getting personal? Can't you manage a discussion without doing so?
Posts: 2,327
17:49 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Harry was inactive to my full knowledge which was why he wasn't put into any fixtures.

Upon his return he expressed his desire to be used as a sub and has played /organised the games he's been subbed into.

His previous inactivity is irrelevant when he wasn't subbed in until he became active again and personally asked for some games.

Harry has been in DFE since the start of the season and I was fully aware that he would be taking a hiatus. Had that not been the case I'd have put him in every fixture up until now which could have changed the outcome of many previous fixtures. He's back now and wants to play a couple of games so he's being utilised where he can be. If hippes hadn't personally requested to be subbed out due to having 2 already partially played games because of technical issues, I'd have left him in and it very possibly would have gone to default.
Posts: 38,097
17:51 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well you and Alex annoyed me and just speaking the truth. May as well get it out while i'm in the mood.

When you stop moaning about our sub being 'tactical' then i'll be quiet but until then...
Posts: 14,736
17:55 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You getting all defensive and....angry only encourages my thought process. So relax and just speak with me like I am with you calmly and I'm just trying to express reasons for my statements and opinion maturely.

There's no reason for any personal slanderous remarks...just having a discussion.
Posts: 1,029
18:48 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon team

I'm free again after very much work lately.

I am available now for the rest of the day and tomorrow, but not until sunday midnight. I wish no default scores, so feel free to sub me out if i have unplayed matches on sunday 7 pm UK time. I have also not the slightest problem if other players subs themself in in my matches.

I keep an eye out on these opponents.

Not sure if i have more opponents.

If you play against us it's not against turtle. It would be against horse, who only plays after 7pm, although he may be available tonight. I'll be at work so can't help out.

First of all i appreciate your message.

I still have 1 question
Sean messaged me yesterday with the question if i could play tomorrow evening, so that is this evening. No offence, but can i ask for which reason i can't play against turtle?

I don't mind who i may play. horse is also ok.

So the turtle swap was a load of b.s. lies too then Faust, Davy who plays up to early evening now swapped to face horse a late player.Lol makes sense.....tactical. hypocrite.
Posts: 38,097
18:59 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ironically Harry is an evening player and you said Davy plays up to early evening. Where was the sense to sub then as it would be timezones? Wouldn't it make sense to keep yourself in Alex who plays evenings too?

Posts can be ironic sometimes.

P.S. This is my first "calm" post of the day
Posts: 133
19:55 Sat 1 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Finally a quiet and peaceful place

This is so much better
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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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