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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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Posts: 2,327
23:43 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
because Ash said he would sub for Fresh and Fresh wants to be subbed to avoid being an inconvenience to other teams?

but we have to now wait twelve days of potential inactivity from Fresh and likely to happen as last set he was off at least 10 days and fixture before he was off 14 days.

We will wait but should anything happen in final week, we won't be subbing Hippes out.


But subs can't be done til final week. So you can wait like we've had to on a number of occasions.

And this is why Phoenix so often have default decisions go against them and then sit bewildered wondering why
Posts: 10,109
23:44 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
As someone seems to have to set an example...

FBL Subs

8US: kirk vs cgibson92
is now
ritcho v kirk

8US: _fresh_ vs cgibson92
is now
_fresh_ v ritcho

8UK: mich vs r1p0m4n_v2
is now
mich v ritcho
Posts: 184
23:44 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub for _fresh_ please

And we need subs for R1p0 and cbigson.

I've not done it yet??? :O

To be fair I've been in hospital unconscious. I'll sort it now.

Not sure on league type but some subs can't be made. I personally think it's bull and we should be able to keep fresh on the team sheet and sub now but we can't so.will be a final week thing. Same as with Ripo for yourselves.

Shame that common sense can't prevail because of the past actions of some.
Posts: 184
23:46 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
because Ash said he would sub for Fresh and Fresh wants to be subbed to avoid being an inconvenience to other teams?

but we have to now wait twelve days of potential inactivity from Fresh and likely to happen as last set he was off at least 10 days and fixture before he was off 14 days.

We will wait but should anything happen in final week, we won't be subbing Hippes out.


But subs can't be done til final week. So you can wait like we've had to on a number of occasions.

And this is why Phoenix so often have default decisions go against them and then sit bewildered wondering why

Because we don't wanna remove one of our players who is having his technical difficulties looked at this week?

Posts: 10,109
23:48 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub for _fresh_ please

And we need subs for R1p0 and cbigson.

I've not done it yet??? :O

To be fair I've been in hospital unconscious. I'll sort it now.

Not sure on league type but some subs can't be made. I personally think it's bull and we should be able to keep fresh on the team sheet and sub now but we can't so.will be a final week thing. Same as with Ripo for yourselves.

Shame that common sense can't prevail because of the past actions of some.

IMO common sense is if your own player says he can't play in the fixture, sub him out. I only didn't with Imran as I went away. Chris can't get on either so I'll remove him from the team too. It's no biggie - I can re-add them as soon as they're available. Surely THAT'S common sense no?
Posts: 184
23:48 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
As someone seems to have to set an example...

FBL Subs

8US: kirk vs cgibson92
is now
ritcho v kirk

8US: _fresh_ vs cgibson92
is now
_fresh_ v ritcho

8UK: mich vs r1p0m4n_v2
is now
mich v ritcho

Apparently they can't be made yet due to the deadline mate. This was my point exactly asking us for subs for fresh is pointless because we're not gonna remove him in case he comes back in a few days and is needed.

We've already possibly lost another tonight got 2 with very restricted times at the minute due to family problems and we'll Kirk is Kirk one in a million ain't he.

Releasing another player just isn't feasible at the minute.
Posts: 38,097
23:49 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You can if you remove, sure he can't play in current games but if he could why did he ask to sub out? and then instantly add back for new fixtures whatever it may be
Posts: 184
23:50 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub for _fresh_ please

And we need subs for R1p0 and cbigson.

I've not done it yet??? :O

To be fair I've been in hospital unconscious. I'll sort it now.

Not sure on league type but some subs can't be made. I personally think it's bull and we should be able to keep fresh on the team sheet and sub now but we can't so.will be a final week thing. Same as with Ripo for yourselves.

Shame that common sense can't prevail because of the past actions of some.

IMO common sense is if your own player says he can't play in the fixture, sub him out. I only didn't with Imran as I went away. Chris can't get on either so I'll remove him from the team too. It's no biggie - I can re-add them as soon as they're available. Surely THAT'S common sense no?

For you Yeah as you may have a time schedule they are available.

We've been told fresh is having his issues looked at so could be sooner rather than later so why sub him with some games 3 weeks left when he could be back this week or next?
Posts: 7,297
23:51 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi guys, I'm posting this message from my phone as it is the only way to get online right now, I have tried for 45 mins to get online via my laptop tonight but I cannot do it. I'm having not only Java issues but general screen freezing which has been a problem for me all season.

It's unfair on the team to have to put up with it and it's also not fair on my opponents who I can only apologise to as I said I will try and make it on tonight, but it seems I can't do that.

I have messaged them all individually to say I cannot make it, but I thought it's best I post on here also so they are fully aware.

Due to me being unable to get online at the moment I have requested to Ash that I be subbed out of games to prevent being an inactive player, and to get games moving forward.

Sorry everyone I will try and get the issue resolved asap
Posts: 184
23:52 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You can if you remove, sure he can't play in current games but if he could why did he ask to sub out? and then instantly add back for new fixtures whatever it may be

So you want us to remove someone who is usually active currently having problems looked at before he tells us how long it will be for sure?

For all we know it could be tomorrow could be a month. But until we know we will keep it as it is and sub when possible.

Thanks all anday good night. It's been fun. X
Posts: 10,109
23:53 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  

For you Yeah as you may have a time schedule they are available.

We've been told fresh is having his issues looked at so could be sooner rather than later so why sub him with some games 3 weeks left when he could be back this week or next?

So someone can definitely get the games played rather than maybe get their games played? It's only FBL ffs, it's not like it's FCL or GSC.

I just removed easily 3 of our best players, that would waltz into any team. 2 with technical problems. 2 of them I've already re-registered. What's the issue?
Posts: 184
23:53 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi guys, I'm posting this message from my phone as it is the only way to get online right now, I have tried for 45 mins to get online via my laptop tonight but I cannot do it. I'm having not only Java issues but general screen freezing which has been a problem for me all season.

It's unfair on the team to have to put up with it and it's also not fair on my opponents who I can only apologise to as I said I will try and make it on tonight, but it seems I can't do that.

I have messaged them all individually to say I cannot make it, but I thought it's best I post on here also so they are fully aware.

Due to me being unable to get online at the moment I have requested to Ash that I be subbed out of games to prevent being an inactive player, and to get games moving forward.

Sorry everyone I will try and get the issue resolved asap

Yes Lee. Sub out not removed from team. Which were not doing it reduces our options later in the fixture.

Also read where he says at the minute. He's unsure of when it will be sorted but will know soon. Ciao x
Posts: 10,109
23:54 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  

So you want us to remove someone who is usually active currently having problems looked at before he tells us how long it will be for sure?

No mate, I think they wan't you to remove _fresh_! :P
Posts: 4,230
23:57 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  

So you want us to remove someone who is usually active currently having problems looked at before he tells us how long it will be for sure?

No mate, I think they wan't you to remove _fresh_! :P

fresh and usually active ?
Posts: 38,097
00:00 Wed 14 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Usually active? Last two sets hes been off AT LEAST 24 days out of 56 available, possibly more but only ones i checked.hes off 2 days now (no biggie) but if i'm proven right thats another two weeks, (12+2) so in potentially three fixtures he could be off almost 2 weeks in each set. That isn't active.

Reason i was asking is because Fresh himself wanted to be subbed and Ash was going to grant his request, Gets Muted then find out that Ash won't sub after all.

Normally it would be asking if Fresh will return and wouldn't expect a sub but when paragraph 2 happens, i felt it was my right to ask for a sub early as he requested.

Me and Ash had a mini truce in place where i wouldn't post in his affairs as long as he didn't annoy me by making a silly decision (Last time was potentially subbing Ryan in with more actives free, kept quiet since then until tonight).
Posts: 2,327
00:01 Wed 14 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
because Ash said he would sub for Fresh and Fresh wants to be subbed to avoid being an inconvenience to other teams?

but we have to now wait twelve days of potential inactivity from Fresh and likely to happen as last set he was off at least 10 days and fixture before he was off 14 days.

We will wait but should anything happen in final week, we won't be subbing Hippes out.


But subs can't be done til final week. So you can wait like we've had to on a number of occasions.

And this is why Phoenix so often have default decisions go against them and then sit bewildered wondering why

Because we don't wanna remove one of our players who is having his technical difficulties looked at this week?


Players who it is known will be inactive are left in fixtures on the "hope" that their issues will be resolved which 9/10 times they aren't and it goes to the final week, then deadline weekend, then default. If he hadn't personally requested to be removed from all ongoing fixtures I'd agree with you.

I'm not arguing about it, obviously it's your choice, I'm just putting my point across as the captain of someone who will most probably only have one very difficult week to arrange a game in.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:02 Wed 14 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
tiring this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:04 Wed 14 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
someone post the fixtures so we get a new page
Posts: 38,097
00:04 Wed 14 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
we didn't start it

but i'm done anyway, can't be bothered to argue anymore tonight.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:10 Wed 14 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks i dont wanna read it tbh
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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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