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The Funky Pool Devils - Buckys Legacy

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Posts: 38,097
15:18 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazy greg offline 3 days... and havnt had a reply bk from my message??

Considering allypunk is 14 days offline, don't reckon 3 days is that bad.

I'll let Dee know about Ally and i'll let her do a sub if needs be.
Posts: 859
15:43 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen be more concerned about ure own players.. no message off crazy greg.. most of us cant check online in the day if you know what I mean
Posts: 38,097
16:11 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen be more concerned about ure own players.. no message off crazy greg.. most of us cant check online in the day if you know what I mean

That's not my concern mate, that's down to Klien to mail Greg or whatever as Greg is in FPD not DFE. Ally is down to us as he's a DFE member.

All you can do is keep mailing Greg and keep being active then Klien can take what choices he likes with Greg
Posts: 305
18:03 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
wooooooooooooooooooooooo Traveling the world on the best jets with the best liquor and the best women that money can buy wooooooooooooooooooooooo
Posts: 1,617
19:13 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
werent you muted for a bit of this time frame anyway . no point messaging muted people as you couldnt reply
Posts: 404
19:18 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
werent you muted for a bit of this time frame anyway . no point messaging muted people as you couldnt reply

Couldn't agree more
Posts: 2,327
21:03 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazy greg offline 3 days... and havnt had a reply bk from my message??

Considering allypunk is 14 days offline, don't reckon 3 days is that bad.

I'm just waiting to hear back from Aled to see if he can sub in. Ally did say he'd complete any remaining games but with him leaving I'm not too optimistic he'll return before the new season so as soon as I get a confirmation for a sub I'll remove ally and give you a new player.
Posts: 1,617
21:32 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
werent you muted for a bit of this time frame anyway . no point messaging muted people as you couldnt reply

Couldn't agree more

Posts: 38,097
22:43 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
werent you muted for a bit of this time frame anyway . no point messaging muted people as you couldnt reply

Couldn't agree more

Their is for default purposes, You have to make an advantage while you can in the New FCL, If not then it would be as bad as the muted player as effort counts. Activity doesn't count too much as its players word so Effort is concrete.

In Old FCL you didn't have to worry, however since politics has been in the league, you have to create any advantage you can.

Sad but way it is sadly. Was the same on Snooker too, If we had a way to track activity then it could be included possibly but until then it's players word and players has given false info in the past.
Posts: 38,097
22:43 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

klien vs ally

klien vs _wales_lad_
Posts: 1,617
23:28 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
triple be vs dv8

8us 1-1
9us 0-2
8uk 1-1

overall 4-2 to dv8 , its still very good even tho hes not played in a while , i didnt play to bad either tho , ggs
Posts: 647
23:45 Sat 19 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
triple be vs dv8

8us 1-1
9us 0-2
8uk 1-1

overall 4-2 to dv8 , its still very good even tho hes not played in a while , i didnt play to bad either tho , ggs

you played very well here and deserved a draw at the least.
Posts: 4,046
00:37 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
triple be vs dv8

8us 1-1
9us 0-2
8uk 1-1

overall 4-2 to dv8 , its still very good even tho hes not played in a while , i didnt play to bad either tho , ggs

Good 2 points against him Sarah. Well done luvvy
Posts: 2,588
01:30 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good points B... Unlucky on not getting the draw.
Posts: 1,617
11:35 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks both
Posts: 859
14:54 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazy greg offline 4days..... and no message of him since fixture was posted
Posts: 2,588
15:06 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazy greg offline 4days..... and no message of him since fixture was posted

Really? Is that how it works? A whole day has passed since he was 3 days offline without messaging you... and now its 4 days??

Wow.. thats some serious weird magic kinda thing that. Wouldn't have believed it. AND he still hasn't messaged you?? Some weird stuff going down, i'm abit scared tbh.
Posts: 2,588
15:07 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
_wales_lad_ 14 hours offline... and no message off him since sub was posted.

Bit freaked out tbh.
Posts: 859
15:25 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazy greg offline 4days..... and no message of him since fixture was posted

Really? Is that how it works? A whole day has passed since he was 3 days offline without messaging you... and now its 4 days??

Wow.. thats some serious weird magic kinda thing that. Wouldn't have believed it. AND he still hasn't messaged you?? Some weird stuff going down, i'm abit scared tbh.

r u trying to say when he was online 5 days ago he forgot to message me klien??
Posts: 2,588
15:41 Sun 20 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazy greg offline 4days..... and no message of him since fixture was posted

Really? Is that how it works? A whole day has passed since he was 3 days offline without messaging you... and now its 4 days??

Wow.. thats some serious weird magic kinda thing that. Wouldn't have believed it. AND he still hasn't messaged you?? Some weird stuff going down, i'm abit scared tbh.

r u trying to say when he was online 5 days ago he forgot to message me klien??

I'm just extremely surprised that over the course of 24 hours since your last post greg has gone from being 3 days offline with no messages sent, to 4 days offline with no messages sent...

Some crazy voodoo crap going on.
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